Insulin resistance the main cuase of male pattern baldness?


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my goal was to further your goal to make seancashmere eat raw squid. i don't know that it doesnt contain ala :)


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That's funny you should say that. About a week ago I was in a Japanese restaurant and was offered copious amounts of raw food. One such food item was, of course, raw squid. As well as raw octopus. Anyway, needless to say, I steered clear of it. I did, however, try the COOKED eel. It was hard to swallow only because I knew what I was eating, but to be totally honest, it was delicious. And it's supposed to be good for men (if you know what I mean).


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very interesting article, i've been using cinammon for that purpose for awhile now but hadn't thought about how the method by which you take it could matter. been putting it in porridge so i assume that would work the same way the tea would.. hopefully


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Ouch! I was thinking about supplementing my workout routine with IGF-1 r3 Long! BTW: everyone can get ALA/r-ALA, etc from


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did you actually read the study dude or were you just trying to prove me wrong?

last paragraph

"We conclude that the gene encoding insulin does not
appear to be associated with premature male pattern baldness in the
general population. This does not necessarily indicate
that male pattern baldness and PCOS are not in some way associated.
However, given the link between the androgen and
insulin pathways, and the role of insulin in hair growth
cycle regulation, other genes involved in the insulin
pathway may be worthy of investigation."

i guess it needs to be noted that insulin resistance is not a problem with insulin as such, more the insulin pathway. it occurs when parts of the body which are meant to sense and control insulin levels in the body become insensitive to insulin and therefore levels go all over the place.


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Is there any proof anywhere that combating this using cinnamon and the sort will improve hair/scalp condition or encourage hair regrowth in any way, shape or form... or have the studies done nothing more than merely bring into question whether insulin resistance can possibly be a detriment to the hair growing cycle or contributor to our male pattern baldness?

michael barry

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Diabetics in advanced stages usually go bald. Insulin-resistance, where the body builds up a tolerance for insulin, sees the body make MORE insulin than necessary. The body, for whatever reason, seems to think it needs MORE testosterone to deal with the extra insulin, and the adrenal glands, located above your kidneys, pump out more testosterone and the body also makes less GLOBULIN.

Globulin is often called SBHG, for 'sex-binding-hormone-globulin' because it binds with free testosterone and "carries" it around the body in an unusable form for the alpha five reductase enzymes. There is less "free" testoterone for conversion to DHT. Get it? So, if by eating foods with a low glycemic index, and having a splash of vinegar, or some pickles before a meal with a high glycemic index, you might be able to make a little less testosterone and up globulin at the same time.

Other dietary measures good for hair are soy isoflavons (less androgen receptor production and if you make equol, a sort of natural propecia), green tea extract (inhibits type one to an extent, anti-androgenic effects of a vague nature), eat less saturated animal fat (go for the skim milk, and leaner cuts of red meat because fats from these sources proboably get the liver to synthesize a little more alpha five reductase type two).

Thats about it with diet and baldness.


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i've been following a diet by a dr perricone for 4 days now, is called the facelift diet but it is designed to keep insulin levels and glucose levels in check. apparently high insulin levels age you faster as well. all i can say so far is it has made me a randy f****r, boners popping out all over the place. repeated ones too, you get your freak on with the little lady, an then it just pops back up again. so yeah, horrible side effects so far. if anyones interested i could post the diet, but it'd probably be of more use to people such as myself who have a history of diabetes in the family.


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PowerSam, I get nothing out of proving you worng. So that was not the intent.

Anyways, I dont have a history of Diabetes in my family. But that said I am the first person in my family with male pattern baldness. Althought one of my posting saying that over here got me the worst of the posters :).

I have been peeing a lot and one of my friends dad suggested that this maybe an initail phase of diabetes, I forgot what he said its called.

So I will be surely interested in your diet. OTOH, I dont think its gonna help me much coz I am a pure vegeterian not even eggs and noting that moves.

But Thanks again and please post your diet

michael barry

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Look at these two photos.[url] ... _102.jhtml[/url]

and for a close up ... _103.jhtml

Thats a woman with her twin sister who wanted to be a man. She shot herself up with testosterone. Look at how quickly it aged her face (and neck!). It greyed her hair and hardened her skin. Extra testosterone in your skin would NOT be a good thing. That Perricone diet is no doubt very healthy and your increased sex drive is proboably indicative of how you would have been livin' life all these years if you simply knew about it. The processed, nutritionless gunk we are fed by fast food and the food manufacturing industry affects our quality of lives, length and health of our lives in ways we are proboably just finding out about IMO.


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hairhaircomeagain - yeah peeing a lot is one of the indicators of an insulin problem. interestingly enough in one of hte postscripts to the diet Perricone says vegetarians tend to age faster as their diets usually contain more carbohydrates than people who eat meat etc. i'll post the diet when i get a second. it would be hard to convert to vegetarian as the two main protein sources are eggs and tuna, but i guess you'd know best how to work around that.

michaelbarry - when did testosterone enter this discussion? you love posting those photos don't you :) oh and would you be able to explain this "eat less saturated animal fat (go for the skim milk, and leaner cuts of red meat because fats from these sources proboably get the liver to synthesize a little more alpha five reductase type two)." what happens in the liver when you eat meat that affects dht?


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interesting stuff. i've never really had much time for the animal fat thing, as i've never understood the connection between animal fat and insulin levels. i had a study which showed diet changes could increase sebum levels by 60% but i cant find it right now. this is similar though. ... acne.shtml

when the japanese diet changed, it was westernised right? which means that not only did they get animal fats, but they also got refined sugar and carbohydrate loaded meals etc.


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PowerSam said:
when the japanese diet changed, it was westernised right? which means that not only did they get animal fats, but they also got refined sugar and carbohydrate loaded meals etc.

huh? the traditional japanese diet included eating a bowl of rice at every meal, so they always had carbohydrates. What was different was the type. The japanese shortgrain rice has by far the lowest GI of any rice.


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once again i should have been more specific. and yeah japanese rice is by far the best, followed a long way behind by the indian basmati rice. the point was that it might not be the animal fats that caused the change in sebum levels and incidence of hairloss.


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Is there anyway to absorb MORE globulin? Enough to make much more testosterone less likely to be affected by 5 alpha reductase?