Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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wish you had not mentioned all the minute details of your personal life

I'm glad she did.



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good to see how far you have progressed in the transition and hair growth congratulations.


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On a serious note it makes me so happy when someone uses the right pronouns and stuff (and it's not something I get to experience very often..) so thank you for that

No problem.

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Thanks for negging me DontWant2BeBald and adding the following comment: "youre white kniting a dude, get a grip. Arent you like 40".

I didn't know that once I hit 40 I had to become an
intolerant a**h**. I didn't know it was considered white kniting to show someone respect who actually has the courage to come on here, tell us their story, AND reveal their identity. Where are your pics? What is your story? Yeah that's what I thought. Maybe I should have made her feel unwelcome because of her gender or because of how she chooses to support herself? She chose to share that information, just like I chose to share pics as well as my age. Using that information to try to make your point or to **** on somebody makes you a coward.


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No problem.

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Thanks for negging me DontWant2BeBald and adding the following comment: "youre white kniting a dude, get a grip. Arent you like 40".

I didn't know that once I hit 40 I had to become an
intolerant a**h**. I didn't know it was considered white kniting to show someone respect who actually has the courage to come on here, tell us their story, AND reveal their identity. Where are your pics? What is your story? Yeah that's what I thought. Maybe I should have made her feel unwelcome because of her gender or because of how she chooses to support herself? She chose to share that information, just like I chose to share pics as well as my age. Using that information to try to make your point or to **** on somebody makes you a coward.

I don't understand.. DontWant2BeBald is one of the people who was asking for me to bring my thread back after I had deleted it. Absolutely ridiculous. All I have to say in response to that neg and comment is **** you DontWant2BeBald & I'm not a dude.


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Why can't us men regrow our hair without the boobs or troll dehydrated face? It's a sick joke who ever invented it or designed us!


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Why can't us men regrow our hair without the boobs or troll dehydrated face? It's a sick joke who ever invented it or designed us!

Very true brother. Fear not the future is bright, soon we won't have to change genders or scar our aching hearts with minoxidil just to regain those follicles.

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I don't understand.. DontWant2BeBald is one of the people who was asking for me to bring my thread back after I had deleted it. Absolutely ridiculous. All I have to say in response to that neg and comment is **** you DontWant2BeBald & I'm not a dude.

Admittedly that is pretty ignorant of him and the rep comment he left (if true) is slightly offensive to you, but white knighting is looked down upon across the internet and there is no doubt about it, Notcoolanymore was definitely white knighting you, you should be happy, he should be ashamed.


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Very true brother. Fear not the future is bright, soon we won't have to change genders or scar our aching hearts with minoxidil just to regain those follicles.

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Admittedly that is pretty ignorant of him and the rep comment he left (if true) is slightly offensive to you, but white knighting is looked down upon across the internet and there is no doubt about it, Notcoolanymore was definitely white knighting you, you should be happy, he should be ashamed.

Dude please kindly **** off. What he said in the neg was more than slightly offensive to me (and don't even try to argue it wasn't because I'm literally telling you it was and you don't get to dictate what is offense to me). Please stop posting in my thread unless you actually have something to add to the discussion. If you have something constructive to add then by all means go on but if you keep coming into my thread to troll then I'll start reporting you to the mods. The worst part is it's not even high quality trolling, it's half assed at best.


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Very true brother. Fear not the future is bright, soon we won't have to change genders or scar our aching hearts with minoxidil just to regain those follicles.

- - - Updated - - -

Admittedly that is pretty ignorant of him and the rep comment he left (if true) is slightly offensive to you, but white knighting is looked down upon across the internet and there is no doubt about it, Notcoolanymore was definitely white knighting you, you should be happy, he should be ashamed.

The reason I left it in a neg comment was so OP would not see it I could easily have quoted it, if he truly cared about OP's feeling he would have kept it to himself or between us. What a loser he is smh. And yea I was insulting him and not OP because I am grateful for you bringing this thread back.


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The reason I left it in a neg comment was so OP would not see it I could easily have quoted it, if he truly cared about OP's feeling he would have kept it to himself or between us. What a loser he is smh. And yea I was insulting him and not OP because I am grateful for you bringing this thread back.

No, you were insulting me as well. Don't even try to play it off like that. Calling me a guy is an insult to me and you obviously should know that. Insulting someone behind their back doesn't make it suddenly okay.


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No, you were insulting me as well. Don't even try to play it off like that. Calling me a guy is an insult to me and you obviously should know that. Insulting someone behind their back doesn't make it suddenly okay.

you are a guy get in touch with reality. Just because you choose to call yourslef a woman does not change anything


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Very true brother. Fear not the future is bright, soon we won't have to change genders or scar our aching hearts with minoxidil just to regain those follicles.

Does minoxidil scar our hearts? I'm thinking of jumping on the foam full time.

I've got decent hair but left temple is thinning, I've no problem making it thick but my face ages more and visa verse,glowing skin, thinning hair! Fix the hair then Botox it is :D


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you are a guy get in touch with reality. Just because you choose to call yourslef a woman does not change anything

Leave it to the arrogant manchildren of the world to assume they know better than the thousands of doctors and researchers who have actually researched this stuff... It's as if you think your grade school knowledge of biology somehow defies the mountain of evidence to support the claim that transgender people are the gender they identify as. I was never and will never be a guy. I'm a woman with a hormone problem. It's not as simple as waking up one day and deciding you're a woman. Do some ****ing research into what Gender Dysphoria actually is before spouting off ignorant, bigoted (not to mention completely unfounded) opinions about something you know literally nothing about.


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No, you were insulting me as well. Don't even try to play it off like that. Calling me a guy is an insult to me and you obviously should know that. Insulting someone behind their back doesn't make it suddenly okay.

lmao, in the very first comment on this thread there is a guy calling you a dude, there's also people throughout the thread saying things similar to "nice hair bro". I don't see you claiming they insulted you. I'm sorry but this is the internet people can think what they want and for the most part, say what they want regardless of if it is rude. Your thread, although has impressive regrowth, is useless for any normal guy here. What good does it do to show them "yeah you can get your hair back but only if you decide to switch genders"? And regardless of whether people agree/disagree with DontWant2BeBald's viewpoint, by not airing it in this thread he was not offending you directly. I'll agree his comment was rude but those are his views, he is entitled to them, Notcoolanymore should not have posted that in his comment it was out of order.

And FTR no I don't hate tranny's/trans/whatever, I think people can do what they like with their bodies as long as they respect the fact that others are going to have an opinion. I get judged every day by everyone around me. So do you, so does DontWant2BeBald, it's what people do and always will do.


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lmao, in the very first comment on this thread there is a guy calling you a dude, there's also people throughout the thread saying things similar to "nice hair bro". I don't see you claiming they insulted you. I'm sorry but this is the internet people can think what they want and for the most part, say what they want regardless of if it is rude. Your thread, although has impressive regrowth, is useless for any normal guy here. What good does it do to show them "yeah you can get your hair back but only if you decide to switch genders"? And regardless of whether people agree/disagree with DontWant2BeBald's viewpoint, by not airing it in this thread he was not offending you directly. I'll agree his comment was rude but those are his views, he is entitled to them, Notcoolanymore should not have posted that in his comment it was out of order.

And FTR no I don't hate tranny's/trans/whatever, I think people can do what they like with their bodies as long as they respect the fact that others are going to have an opinion. I get judged every day by everyone around me. So do you, so does DontWant2BeBald, it's what people do and always will do.

"I don't hate trannies" the fact you used a highly offensive slur to make that point seems to contradict that.

Why are you still posting on my thread? Go away. I've asked you like 5 times now to stop posting on my thread unless you actually have something constructive to add and you haven't.


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Yes that's it, don't address any of my points just point out the one part of it where I insulted you personally (going back to an earlier comment where you said the word "offended you" lol)

No I don't dislike trans people I just dislike you because you come across as aggressive, self entititled and judgemental (the last one of which is, on it's own, normal but partnered with being offended when judged yourself is very ignorant).

It's a free forum, I'll post in whatever threads I like and no, you've asked me once not 5 times.


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Yes that's it, don't address any of my points just point out the one part of it where I insulted you personally (going back to an earlier comment where you said the word "offended you" lol)

No I don't dislike trans people I just dislike you because you come across as aggressive, self entititled and judgemental (the last one of which is, on it's own, normal but partnered with being offended when judged yourself is very ignorant).

It's a free forum, I'll post in whatever threads I like and no, you've asked me once not 5 times.

Aggressive? Maybe. I would argue I have a strong personality born of necessity. It's a harsh world if you're a visibly trans person (which is something you could never understand). If you're a pushover and let people talk over you, the world will **** on you. This is true for everybody I think, but more so for oppressed groups such as trans people. Self entitled and judgmental? Examples, now. I have never judged anyone on this forum that did not deserve it. Fred talking about ****ing 12 year old girls and blaming literally everything on feminism? Damn right I'm going to judge, that's messed up. Other than things like that though, I have never looked down upon anyone on this forum for their choices/views even if I happen to disagree with them.

As for being self entitled, I have absolutely no idea what you're getting at. I've never acted like anyone owes me anything and in my real life I'm completely the opposite of entitled. Everything I own, I've bought with my own money. I could have asked my family & friends for help with my surgery/transition but I didn't because I can't take money from people. In fact my dad has offered to help pay for a hair transplant and I told him no because he's struggling as it is and I don't want to make things harder on him. I'd rather do something I really don't want to do (p**rn/sex work) than take money from him or anyone else. Hell, I don't even let guys pay for me when I go out on dates even though I really do not have the money to spend on that sort of stuff.


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Your thread, although has impressive regrowth, is useless for any normal guy here. What good does it do to show them "yeah you can get your hair back but only if you decide to switch genders"?

I don't agree with this. At the very least, this success story shows that it's possible for a NW5 to recover to a much lower level on the norwood scale without a hair transplant. For men this thread perhaps provides a glimpse into the future of male pattern hair loss treatments.


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I don't agree with this. At the very least, this success story shows that it's possible for a NW5 to recover to a much lower level on the norwood scale without a hair transplant. For men this thread perhaps provides a glimpse into the future of male pattern hair loss treatments.

Exactly. That is why I keep trying to update you guys. I could have easily left this thread deleted and moved on now that I have my hair (mostly) back. Idk why so many of you guys insist on trolling me since after all that is the reason I deleted my thread in the first place. I know that my regimen isn't practical. Hell I even caution guys against it in my OP and on every thread I see where guys are talking about taking spironolactone I tell them not to.

All this thread is meant to do is demonstrate what is possible. If I can regain all of that hair it proves the follicles weren't dead despite how advanced my Androgenetic Alopecia was, and future male pattern baldness treatments may be able to do something similar without feminization. Everyone assumes at the higher norwoods your only viable option is to get a hair transplant or give up, and while that may be true for most guys at this moment it might be a different story in 5-10 years.

So honestly with that in mind anyone who thinks all of this information I'm willingly putting out here is "useless" is delusional and probably bitter. I wouldn't bother to keep posting here if I didn't feel for the guys and gals still suffering, so the least you can do is respect what I'm doing here.


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I don't agree with this. At the very least, this success story shows that it's possible for a NW5 to recover to a much lower level on the norwood scale without a hair transplant. For men this thread perhaps provides a glimpse into the future of male pattern hair loss treatments.

Everyone with a morsel of intelligence already knew that It was possible, we don't need an anecdotal thread with a couple of pics to prove it to us. Even if that was considered proof.