I'm only 31, I want to cry every time I look in the mirror!



I've always prided myself in growing long beatiful hair. The Bible says a Woman's hair is her Glory. The women in my family have very thin hair and large foreheads. I want to cry when I see myself in the mirror. My forehead looks so big to me. I can no longer part my hair down the middle. I hate to see my scalp peeking through my hair. I wear bangs just to cover up my big ugly forehead. My bangs are over 4 inches long, that is a lot of forehead to cover-up. I honestly would rather wear a hat to cover up my thin hair. I know it is not healthy though. I've even considered using the 18 inches of healthy hair that I have to make a wig for my great big bald forehead. I've used Rogaine for a year now, I don't see much of a change since it is only affective for women with thinning hair not on women with a history of "large foreheads." I'd love to talk to someone else that faces the same future as I do and learn what they are doing to get through their days. Sure it is just hair but what am I going to do in 5-10 years from now? Buy a Wig?


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I hate to say that I can relate... but BOY can I relate!!!

I hate to say that I can relate... but BOY can I relate!!!

I have a longer face that some full hair on the sides SURE COULD help camouflage!! BUT GUESS WHAT!!! :roll: ain't gonna happen!

The hair at my temples couldn't grow beyond an inch if I bribed it, threatened it, forced it under duress, or held it at gunpoint... just short, vellus hairs... oh and scalp! Plenty of THAT!!!! :roll: Yep! lot's ... of that...

Hats help!!!!

I think of the times I took my hair for granted in my 20's... chopped at it... snipped it... clipped it! I never thought that I'd be balding in my thirties. That was something "older" people did. Plenty of time for that after grabbing my SSI check and heading to Laughlin!! Even then... at that point in my life... I was going to be the Lillian Gish of my genre, with my long flowing white hair, tossed over my shoulders.. giving me a faint reminiscence of my youth! Then again... I was also going to be a brain surgeon! :mrgreen:

It hurts to see 70 year old women with more hair than I have... but it's just then... that I have to stop and think of SOMETHING that I DO have!

I'm not married... yet... but I've got a terrific guy who will look at me and flat out lie... and tell me my hair looks the same as it did a year ago... we work on his vision after we work on my hair!! :lol:
I see people my age who have hair... but look 15 years older than me! I'm 35 and can still pass for 25! . I'm still carded when I purchase alcohol!

What am I getting at??? What I'm getting at is... sometimes you're "blessed" in some ways and blighted in others. I don't know you or what your special talents may be... but I can guarantee YOU'VE GOT SOME!!!! :D It's time to refine and perfect THOSE things. Maybe you've got pretty cheekbones, a terrific smile, an infectious personality... there's SOMETHING about YOU that OTHER people DON'T have !! And like when a person loses their vision and are forced to compensate by their other sences... I would use that gift to compensate for my hair loss. Sometimes you don't always feel like doing that. But you MUST make it a practice!

And as far as where we’re going to be in 5-10 years…. MAN!!!!… The way the world is going now days… I don’t know if I’m going to worry about that! If I happen to be around and I lose my hair loss battle… I was thinking of working on some more tats and piercings, getting a cool buzz cut with some eccentric colours, and living my life out as an artist with my guy!!!!! :yeah:

Good Luck to you... and PLEASE don't be so down on yourself!

P.S. I am NOT an expert... but having done some reading on these forums, it is my understanding that it sometimes takes up to a year for the Rogaine to work! :)


Thanks for the advice.

I've taken another good long look in the mirror and I've taken your advice. Okay, so I have a big forhead and thin hair. My husband says the first thing he notices is my beautiful smile and my eyes. I've decided to re-direct my attention to my eyes. I'm going for laser surgery on my eyes to correct my vision. So long glasses, its time for a change. I'm tired of obsessing about the big forehead issue. I watch beautiful women on television and they seem to get away with big foreheads, why can't I?


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Hey there

I have the same problem .. I have male pattern hair loss and I am therefore receeding like there is no tomorrow ... I have always had a long face this is making it longer and I am terrified of what the next year will do to my heart ... I am a changed person a complete and utter mess and I dont want to go out, see people and I am losign my friends because they just do not understand where I am coming from....

I have also felt very suicidal at times over this .. I dont think I have done ANYTHING bad in my life .. I was bullied at school for being fat so I am now a perfect size ten (english) which I work hard at but I am losing interest in doing that when now I will soon be bullied and stared at because of my head .... life is a complete b**ch.

I would suggest if your not members to go to heralopecia.com .. its more active and full of great woman ...


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Hey YOU!!!!

:D How yah DOIN!?
You DO seem rather familiar from heralopecia.com !!!!
Hope your weekend was good!! I sat around eating chilli and watching Spongebob! :roll: You'd be surprised!!! I feel like a new girl!!!



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Don't cry...

Watch cartoons!!! They honestly make you feel better!

Take me up on that sometime! :lol: