Im From The Guys Forum.... Why With The Seven Words?!?!?


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we get a few girls up there time to time, recently Ive been spending less and less time here and honestly I just always forget there is a female side to the site so forgive me if any guys have come down and asked in the past and this is a repeat but...

how do you guys feel about mens hairloss (HONESTLY)

When we fret over it, do you take it serious? Did you always? Do you think its just what happens to men and its okay? Do you think men who freak over it are being weak?

Im really just curious.

Do you find bald/ing men less attractive on AVERAGE than a man with a good head of hair, and PLEASE dont bring your husbands into it.

This is all curiosity, would be fun to bring input up to the impact section in the mens half.


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I have to admit I think it’s more difficult for a woman to go through hairloss only because it’s so connected to our femininity and less common. Male hairloss is a lot more common but I can understand the struggle and distress it causes men nonetheless. Hair makes both men and women more attractive in my opinion but I think it’s more acceptable for men to lose their hair and like you said it’s what happens to men. I’ve met men who are bald and very attractive only because they had other qualities. Smart, funny, confident etc. I’ve also seen plenty of very attractive women with bald men, it doesn’t stop men from meeting woman per say. I won’t mention my husband cause you said not too but some women find bald men very attractive. So all personal preference.
Take Prince William for example he’s an attractive man but I think most would agree he would be more good looking if he had a full head of hair and likely younger looking too but he’s still seems like a wonderful person, father, husband etc.