I’m Considering Finasteride But Have A Few Questions First


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I’m 21 yrs old and potentially suffering the beginning of Androgenetic Alopecia, I’ve always had thick thick hair which I consider to be an important part of my identity. Recently I’ve noticed some thinning in the right side of my hairline which has got progressively worse over the last few months. My maternal grandfather was bald, and my older brother balding so it seems likely that I’ll go the same way. The idea of going bald has caused me a fair bit of anxiety, I’ve always looked more like my fathers side of the family, and while he has a full head of hair the men on that side who’ve gone bald do not wear it well. I’ve recently been considering going onto finasteride for a few years and then making a decision then based on where I am in my life and whether I’m experiencing the same anxiety over the issue but I have a few questions first.

Firstly is there any long term side effects with regard to general health? I understand there are sides potentially but if I were to experience them I’d come off the drug immediately.
Secondly how safe is generic finasteride? For a student with an overdraft comparable to the Greek levels the cost of propecia is prohibitive. I’ve seen it available for £15 a month but don’t want to risk buying anything dodgy. My father works in pharmaceuticals so it’s something I’m fairly aware of.
Thirdly does it have any consequence in terms of fertility? I’d love to keep my hairs for at least my twenties but not at the cost of my ability to have children.

Any other advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


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finasteride won't cause you to become infertile but it may reduce your sex drive a bit. Sperm may also become more 'watery' but that doesn't affect your ability to have children. A lot of fear mongers love to scream about permanent impotence and gyno but frankly they are full of sh*t. You will be fine.


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Okay what about the use of generic finasteride rather than propecia? Another thought that crossed my mind was it’s influence on/with alcohol consumption. I’m a fairly big boozer, something I’m trying to cut down on but also something I do enjoy from time to time.


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Okay what about the use of generic finasteride rather than propecia? Another thought that crossed my mind was it’s influence on/with alcohol consumption. I’m a fairly big boozer, something I’m trying to cut down on but also something I do enjoy from time to time.
Generic is fine, I wouldn't worry about fake pills as finasteride is dirt cheap to produce there would be no point. I started with propecia and it didn't work so that shows brand isn't always better ( to be fair generic didn't work either! )
Alcohol shouldn't affect the results of taking the pill. I'm big on drinking myself and can't say I've noticed a difference drinking while taking meds.


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How quickly would it normally take for sides to start showing? I've read in places that the younger you are the higher risk of side effects and obviously whilst I'm very concerned about losing my hair I'd rather not lose it at the expense of my health, mental or physical.


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I've been on finasteride for 4 months and am still taking it.
Watery semen started within about 4 days and still remains.
Painful ejaculation started after about 2 weeks and still remains.
No other sides from what I notice in terms of sex drive or whatever


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How quickly would it normally take for sides to start showing? I've read in places that the younger you are the higher risk of side effects and obviously whilst I'm very concerned about losing my hair I'd rather not lose it at the expense of my health, mental or physical.
Today I went 3 rounds with a chick in 1.5 hours, came the first two times. And I take finasteride, the scare mongering on the forums are way too much, it's a very safe drug. If you want to save your hair, better get on that sh*t asap.