IM 20 and i masturbated too much (i think)


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ok im scared as hell... im 20 and recently i have noticed my hair lind receding around the upper corners or my forhead. i 've always had very thick hair but now it seems more thin (fine) all around. I think its b/c of 1 of 2 reasons

1) i whack it way too much. this increases T and DHT, excess DHT=haIRLOSS i've noticed that when i don't do it for a while or do it less that my hair seems fuller (or maybe i'm just imagining that)

2) i was under general anethesia for a surgery 5 weeks ago and i've heard this can cause hairloss.

HERES THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: if i'm still only 20 and i stop whacking it all the time and allow my hormone levels to go back to normal will this hair come back? Is theree anything i can do to make it come back. I look very young for my age and this f'd up hairline doesn't suit my appearance at all.
IF it b/c of the anethesia will it come back eventually or what?


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If wacking off really caused baldness I would be balder than bald. Might have a slight effect, but either way your losing your hair. Go to a derm, get on propecia and welcome to the wonderful world of insecurity and hairloss.


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Masturbation is one hellava drug!


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TheSeeker said:
u guys are so helpful

Well, yes, they're being dicks. But the fact of the matter is this: jerking off frequently doesn't cause hairloss.

You've probably got male pattern baldness. Being 20 is meaningless, that's ancient in the hair loss game.

But if you're convinced that playing tug the snake is making you bald, stop jerking off. It's that simple.


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blue said:
Masturbation is one hellava drug!

I wouldn't wipe my feet on someone's couch....I've got a little more sense than that.

Yeah, I remember wiping my feet on Eddie's couch.


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Yeah, I remember wiping my feet on Eddie's couch.

hahah thats funny $hit.

it raises DHT which causes hairloss right? i truly beleive it does...i've heard ppls stories about that $hit

I just was hit w/ this realization of my hair very recently...i'm wigging out. the f'd up thing is have (had) better hair than probably 95% of guys, its so pretty) is it like cancer...early detection or action can help cure?


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Thank God somebody else watches Chappelle Show besides me.


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Supposedly, masturbation slightly raises DHT for a short period of time.

However, DHT's presence does not cause the hair root to shrink - the follicles susceptibility to DHT does. Every man produces DHT.

As I said, if you're convinced, stop jerking off. It should stop, right?

Furthermore, DHT is not the solo cause of hair loss. In fact, what actually causes hair loss is largely unknown. If DHT were the end all be all, Dutasteride would have ended all of our hair problems.


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TheSeeker Writes:

2) i was under general anethesia for a surgery 5 weeks ago and i've heard this can cause hairloss.

General anesthesia may cause a bout of telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium can be characterized as generalized and diffuse hairloss over the scalp and body. It is not permanent (unless you also have Androgenetic Alopecia aggregating it). It may take several months for it to grow back to its "normal" levels.

My best advice is to talk to a dermatologist about it.

Good luck!


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Masterbation and hairloss are related, I'm convinced. If you masterbate every day or more, your hormone level rises, causing extra dht. Its unnatural, almost mother natures revenge?

Every male is different, some men may be able to produce loads of dht and never be affected, or be affected later in life?

Me personally, I slowed down to 2-3 times a week, and my hair is getting better. My regimen is working, I have more energy, and when I have sex, its better than before.

This is just my thoughts on the subject, every one is different, and will have different opinions.


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Thats like you saying if you have sex once a day youll lose your seems this topic comes up every week here.


Testosterone needs to bind with the emzyne 5-alpha-reductase to form dihydrotestosterone, so if you spend the morning off work playing with madam palm and her five charming daughters, you may raise testosterone but is there a rise in the supply of 5-alpha-reductase to create the additional dihyrotestosterone?

Hpower do you think your excesive masturbation has made you gay?


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Axon said:
Supposedly, masturbation slightly raises DHT for a short period of time.

However, DHT's presence does not cause the hair root to shrink - the follicles susceptibility to DHT does. Every man produces DHT.

As I said, if you're convinced, stop jerking off. It should stop, right?

Furthermore, DHT is not the solo cause of hair loss. In fact, what actually causes hair loss is largely unknown. If DHT were the end all be all, Dutasteride would have ended all of our hair problems.

Word to that! I'm on dutasteride and losing hair! Wooohooo.


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tynanW said:
Testosterone needs to bind with the emzyne 5-alpha-reductase to form dihydrotestosterone, so if you spend the morning off work playing with madam palm and her five charming daughters, you may raise testosterone but is there a rise in the supply of 5-alpha-reductase to create the additional dihyrotestosterone?

Hpower do you think your excesive masturbation has made you gay?

lol, tynan, i think it only affects those who produce to much 5-alpha-reductase for the hormones to bind too, causing dht? Every male is different, some may produce incredible amounts of hormones and never kill a single hair, others will produce less hormones and lose more hair?

Thats where our genes kick in? But for those who are damed with male pattern baldness, over masterbation doesnt help at all? the less hormones to "bind" the better.


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Well I'll tell you what I'm not gonna stop masturbating or having sex because of hairloss. If you can't do those things what is the point of going on. :lol: Ejaculation=real man.


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Althought hat Still doesnt explain why you cant find articles about to much sex causing hairloss.......oh wait wait i get can dominate your girl 4 times a day just as long as you dont jerk off..i see.