I Was Ok With The Prospect Of Balding. But After Reading This Forum I Am Srsly Considering Suicide.


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Stopped reading once I came across suicide and nw2


I would hate to see what happens when you experience real hair loss. When your entire scalp diffuses on top of classical male pattern baldness

uncomfortable man

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Trivial quarrels aside, in regards to the OP... what would you rather hear? The same BS kneejerk PC reactions to elicit likes from all the other people who can't relate to this situation?

"It's what's on the inside that counts"

"People judge you by your personality, not how many follicles are on top of your head."

... or better yet,

" Stop making yourself miserable!"

Make no mistake, in a perfect world all of that tired, cliche rhetoric would be true.... should be true.
But it is not. Being bald puts us in a unique position to witness this hipocracy first hand.


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Trivial quarrels aside, in regards to the OP... what would you rather hear? The same BS kneejerk PC reactions to elicit likes from all the other people who can't relate to this situation?

"It's what's on the inside that counts"

"People judge you by your personality, not how many follicles are on top of your head."

... or better yet,

" Stop making yourself miserable!"

Make no mistake, in a perfect world all of that tired, cliche rhetoric would be true.... should be true.
But it is not. Being bald puts us in a unique position to witness this hipocracy first hand.
I love reading your stuff, UCman.


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Hello guys, thank you for your responses.

WhitePolarBear Good job pulling through such a testing thing as being completely bald at 20, you're a strong person, well at least you became one. Thank you for sharing your story, it gives hope.

And as some of you have pointed out it seems I really have not much to lose, and to be frank I think I'd be fooling myself if I said I really had that much soul/personality left to lose. I seem to have stuck on to the delusion that it will all resolve itself and I'll be better somehow.

So I'm gonna keep considering propecia. I can't do that forever though, I'll have to make a decision soon.

I actually have experience with medicine induced sexual side effects, it was when I took SSRI's ,big surprise. Now after quitting it I realize that it had somewhat decreased libido and such, but it was completely manageable, in fact i didn't notice at all while being on it. I quit it very suddenly aswell, you're supposed to taper off, and I had this one side effect that didn't disappear until 3 months after quitting, sometimes i would shot blanks. I don't know why i'm telling you this really.

But yeah this entire balding thing sucks. I've always considered myself decent looking and I have gotten a bit chubby in the last year and a chubby face isn't that great. I was planning to get fit again this year, look good again, feel good again about how I look, already lost 10kgs, only 10 more to go, then I f*****g realize I'm balding.

I've always felt no matter what, I'll at least have my looks.

Sorry if this is a rambly mess, I sleept very poorly last night, and I thought I'd give you guys a response after so many responses from you guys.



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Stopped reading once I came across suicide and nw2


I would hate to see what happens when you experience real hair loss. When your entire scalp diffuses on top of classical male pattern baldness

Yeah maybe then he'll be talking about MEGA SUICIDE.

So many likes for this comment reminds me this place is full of retards, if I have to actually explain how everyone's pain is relative to themselves then I give up.

What you've done here shooks is downplayed someone's intense feelings of inadequacy because of their current situation not being as bad as yours, and of course you don't acknowledge he's only 20, for your desired effect.

Telling someone to quit whining because you have it worse is the exact same thing as a society telling you "it's just hair".

f*****g pissed me off, if that's not obvious.
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I just read the OP, this is actually what jd_uk was talking about regarding young balding guys finding Impact, taking it as reality and despairing.

@ReadingWithAnxiety id advise you to leave this subforum, i don't think it would be good for your state of mind. It's good that you're considering propecia, realistically it will be the only way to keep your hair. The risk of long term side effects is incredibly small


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I just read the OP, this is actually what jd_uk was talking about regarding young balding guys finding Impact, taking it as reality and despairing.

@ReadingWithAnxiety id advise you to leave this subforum, i don't think it would be good for your state of mind. It's good that you're considering propecia, realistically it will be the only way to keep your hair. The risk of long term side effects is incredibly small

Isn't this place just the honest brutal truth about actually living in the REAL world?


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Isn't this place just the honest brutal truth about actually living in the REAL world?

To a certain extent. It's generally pretty accurate about the unspoken struggle of balding, the importance of hair to your looks and the importance of looks to your quality of life. This is of course refreshingly at odds with how downplayed and belittled baldness is by society. However some of the cynicism and negativity can be hyperbolic.

For someone already mentally fragile and with a history of depression like the OP, who is young and impressionable, this place might actually be detrimental. In some situations ignorance is bliss. At least until he's in a better place. If he's able to take this subforum with a tablespoon of salt then fine. Otherwise my advice would be to take finasteride and stay away for a while.
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Hello guys!

So i'm your typical balding 20 year old, I just noticed the balding recently, it's in a early stage, NW2 I think.

I have researched alot into possible treatments like Finestaride, minoxidil, hairtransplants RU etc. And I have come to the conclusion that basically only finasteride and RU are the only efficient treatments. But the possibility of side effects and personality changes, especially permanent ones, are really scaring me, I want to keep the little I have left of my soul.

So I thought, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can be ok with balding. Surely I can still have a future, job, wife/partner and children, surely it hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of a happy life? So that was my attitude towards it.

Now the thing is, I've never had a girlfriend before, come close once or twice, but I've always managed to screw it up.

Now after reading this subforum of how hairloss has impacted you guys, I feels like i've lost all sense of hope, It's so depressing to read how this has affected you guys, it literally hurts, it hurts because I fear this is my future aswell.

Another thing is, im not a very strong person, mentally, i've always been very sensitive. I'm also not very motivated in life, no strong will or drive. If hairloss can put down a strong person and ruin their life and sense of self, I can't imagine what it would do to someone like me.

Only reason I'm alive today is the hope of someday having a future and a family, I know it will be a very hard to thing to achieve for someone like me, but with hairloss, I believe it would be impossible for a person like me.

Now I'm considering two alley ways, commit suicide and just be done it, a person like me is much like a sick dog, i have not much soul left and my ability to live is impaired, and you know what you do to sick dogs, you put them out of their misery.

Alley way two, take propecia, if it works keep going with life. If it doesn't work or i get PFS or something, suicide.

I do not want to live a life without a future and a family, I just cannot go trough that pain, my entire life.
Some people just aren't equipped to handle life, I strongly believe I'm on of those people.

Sorry for this mess, I'm not sure what the point of this post is, to vent i guess.

You're NW2, this forum is not for you. Take finasteride and move on with your life.

There is no cure for baldness so NW5's like me are fucked hence the negativity and despair on this forum. There is a cure for going bald so you'll be absolutely fine.


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To a certain extent. It's generally pretty accurate about the unspoken struggle of balding, the importance of hair to your looks and the importance of looks to your quality of life. This is of course refreshingly at odds with how downplayed and belittled baldness is by society. However some of the cynicism and negativity can be hyperbolic.

This is a very good post, this is spot on the impression I've gotten of the sub-forum. You guys are being mostly realistic and not bullshitting yourselves or others, albeit you're somewhat too cynical and not to offend anyone here but a bit stuck in the mud with your mindset.

For someone already mentally fragile and with a history of depression like the OP, who is young and impressionable, this place might actually be detrimental. In some situations ignorance is bliss. At least until he's in a better place. If he's able to take this subforum with a tablespoon of salt then fine. Otherwise my advice would be to take finasteride and stay away for a while.

This part is also very true.

When I first realized I was balding, I had a month of depression and really bad anxiety, but eventually I got the mindset, "It can't be that bad, I'll just go with it, and if it get real bad I'll take the pills". Then there was a month of feeling pretty okay. Then I went to party and I realized how much I was lagging behind my friends in life, they had girlfriends, they we're happy etc. And I realized i have none of that, and that I'm balding, which i guess triggered my current depressive episode, I also realized I kind of feel soul-less, which is why i bring it up so much on my posts.

Well eventually I ended up on this subforum, and as Dench says, it made everything way way way worse, and now I feel absolutely horrible, it feels like there's poison running through my vains. I guess reality hits hard, this ain't gonna be a walk in the f*****g park.

And he is right, I don't think this subforum is good for me, at all. So I just might keep away from it from now on, maybe I'll come back to answer this thread, I'm not even sure of that though. But since i'm still gathering information on Propecia I will be on the other subforums and maybe even start conversations with people that are on propecia or have gone through the treatment.
