I Was Ok With The Prospect Of Balding. But After Reading This Forum I Am Srsly Considering Suicide.


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Hello guys!

So i'm your typical balding 20 year old, I just noticed the balding recently, it's in a early stage, NW2 I think.

I have researched alot into possible treatments like Finestaride, minoxidil, hairtransplants RU etc. And I have come to the conclusion that basically only finasteride and RU are the only efficient treatments. But the possibility of side effects and personality changes, especially permanent ones, are really scaring me, I want to keep the little I have left of my soul.

So I thought, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can be ok with balding. Surely I can still have a future, job, wife/partner and children, surely it hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of a happy life? So that was my attitude towards it.

Now the thing is, I've never had a girlfriend before, come close once or twice, but I've always managed to screw it up.

Now after reading this subforum of how hairloss has impacted you guys, I feels like i've lost all sense of hope, It's so depressing to read how this has affected you guys, it literally hurts, it hurts because I fear this is my future aswell.

Another thing is, im not a very strong person, mentally, i've always been very sensitive. I'm also not very motivated in life, no strong will or drive. If hairloss can put down a strong person and ruin their life and sense of self, I can't imagine what it would do to someone like me.

Only reason I'm alive today is the hope of someday having a future and a family, I know it will be a very hard to thing to achieve for someone like me, but with hairloss, I believe it would be impossible for a person like me.

Now I'm considering two alley ways, commit suicide and just be done it, a person like me is much like a sick dog, i have not much soul left and my ability to live is impaired, and you know what you do to sick dogs, you put them out of their misery.

Alley way two, take propecia, if it works keep going with life. If it doesn't work or i get PFS or something, suicide.

I do not want to live a life without a future and a family, I just cannot go trough that pain, my entire life.
Some people just aren't equipped to handle life, I strongly believe I'm on of those people.

Sorry for this mess, I'm not sure what the point of this post is, to vent i guess.


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1. NW2 is NOT BALD. The most people in the world would never say to a NW2 guy you are bald!
I'm NW3 Vertex with full thinning hair on my head.
2.Finasterid is not as bad as all claim. Just try it out for 1 year. I take it now since2 months. 0 Side effects and the f*****g hair loss has stopped.I'm much older then you and my libido is still strong!

Only few have side effects!
Do not believe everything people say!

And now here a video for you : Never give up your hope mister!


Goldee Lox

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You're probably not even terribly off... Most likely a basically average dude. The problem in the realm of men is, being average just doesn't cut it. Not if you want real joy and the things you desire.. you'll even struggle finding women who are on the same level as you in reality. The average woman has it MUCH easier than the average man. I see it all the time, basic girls that have no real talent or qualities, still attracting men on a regular basis. There's a reason men commit suicide at an incredibly higher clip than women...
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Hello guys!

So i'm your typical balding 20 year old, I just noticed the balding recently, it's in a early stage, NW2 I think.

I have researched alot into possible treatments like Finestaride, minoxidil, hairtransplants RU etc. And I have come to the conclusion that basically only finasteride and RU are the only efficient treatments. But the possibility of side effects and personality changes, especially permanent ones, are really scaring me, I want to keep the little I have left of my soul.

So I thought, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can be ok with balding. Surely I can still have a future, job, wife/partner and children, surely it hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of a happy life? So that was my attitude towards it.

Now the thing is, I've never had a girlfriend before, come close once or twice, but I've always managed to screw it up.

Now after reading this subforum of how hairloss has impacted you guys, I feels like i've lost all sense of hope, It's so depressing to read how this has affected you guys, it literally hurts, it hurts because I fear this is my future aswell.

Another thing is, im not a very strong person, mentally, i've always been very sensitive. I'm also not very motivated in life, no strong will or drive. If hairloss can put down a strong person and ruin their life and sense of self, I can't imagine what it would do to someone like me.

Only reason I'm alive today is the hope of someday having a future and a family, I know it will be a very hard to thing to achieve for someone like me, but with hairloss, I believe it would be impossible for a person like me.

Now I'm considering two alley ways, commit suicide and just be done it, a person like me is much like a sick dog, i have not much soul left and my ability to live is impaired, and you know what you do to sick dogs, you put them out of their misery.

Alley way two, take propecia, if it works keep going with life. If it doesn't work or i get PFS or something, suicide.

I do not want to live a life without a future and a family, I just cannot go trough that pain, my entire life.
Some people just aren't equipped to handle life, I strongly believe I'm on of those people.

Sorry for this mess, I'm not sure what the point of this post is, to vent i guess.
Similar situation I get depressed about it aswell. But I have faith in future treatments and the fact that we have evidence that they will deliver. If you want to get stronger mentally I suggest taking up martial arts training or meditation thats how I deal with my depression anyway.


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You've nothing to lose by trying, and everything to gain.

If you decide not to use finasteride or any other 5ar inhibitor it still makes sense to use minoxidil and maybe some other things in the hopes that future treatments come out early enough. Risky game though.

Also I'd seriously recommend working on your mental strength and sensitivity. People think these things can't be worked on or improved, they can.

Good luck friend!


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Hello guys!

So i'm your typical balding 20 year old, I just noticed the balding recently, it's in a early stage, NW2 I think.

I have researched alot into possible treatments like Finestaride, minoxidil, hairtransplants RU etc. And I have come to the conclusion that basically only finasteride and RU are the only efficient treatments. But the possibility of side effects and personality changes, especially permanent ones, are really scaring me, I want to keep the little I have left of my soul.

So I thought, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can be ok with balding. Surely I can still have a future, job, wife/partner and children, surely it hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of a happy life? So that was my attitude towards it.

Now the thing is, I've never had a girlfriend before, come close once or twice, but I've always managed to screw it up.

Now after reading this subforum of how hairloss has impacted you guys, I feels like i've lost all sense of hope, It's so depressing to read how this has affected you guys, it literally hurts, it hurts because I fear this is my future aswell.

Another thing is, im not a very strong person, mentally, i've always been very sensitive. I'm also not very motivated in life, no strong will or drive. If hairloss can put down a strong person and ruin their life and sense of self, I can't imagine what it would do to someone like me.

Only reason I'm alive today is the hope of someday having a future and a family, I know it will be a very hard to thing to achieve for someone like me, but with hairloss, I believe it would be impossible for a person like me.

Now I'm considering two alley ways, commit suicide and just be done it, a person like me is much like a sick dog, i have not much soul left and my ability to live is impaired, and you know what you do to sick dogs, you put them out of their misery.

Alley way two, take propecia, if it works keep going with life. If it doesn't work or i get PFS or something, suicide.

I do not want to live a life without a future and a family, I just cannot go trough that pain, my entire life.
Some people just aren't equipped to handle life, I strongly believe I'm on of those people.

Sorry for this mess, I'm not sure what the point of this post is, to vent i guess.

I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. The key thing is you pretty much have to act NOW if you want to save your hair. You're at NW2 which is a perfect time to get on Finasteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral to maintain what you've got. There's also alternatives like dutasteride if finasteride's not working for you. Unfortunately the side-effects are a gamble but you have weigh up that versus going bald young.

There are also some pretty good treatments in the pipeline which will (hopefully) come out in coming years so don't lose hope yet (such as Brotzu, Replicel, Histogen and the Holy Grail: Tsuji). FUE hair transplants are also pretty darn good nowadays with the right surgeon. Plus there's hair systems depending on how desperate you are.

I was completely bald at 21 and I am mentally weak like you. However, even now at 28, even though I don't have hair or a wife or kids, I still live everyday hoping for a cure to hair loss, which I believe we are closer to than we have ever been.

Don't let this POS disease beat you - fight it with everything you have with the solutions open to you.


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Get on finasteride unless you are hypochondriac.
Norwood 2 is 100% fine and the perfect time to get on finasteride.
Move on.

Or lose your hair... and your mind!

And don't kill yourself over being incel, women are a curse too, the happiest times of my life were when I wasn't dealing with them and living carefree.


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it's in a early stage, NW2


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And don't kill yourself over being incel, women are a curse too, the happiest times of my life were when I wasn't dealing with them and living carefree.

Can be so true, I wouldn't agree the "happiest" times of my life as sex, affection and attention to some degree gives a certain degree of peace and comfort that inceldom won't ever attain, but for short periods of time you are right, carefree indeed.


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I was even worse off than you at the age of 20.

Half-bald with aggressive diffuse hair loss, practically NW4 under bright lights.

I thought my life was over. I was still a virgin and my performance was starting to suffer in my third year of university.

I thought I would remain alone forever, that I would drop out and become this huge bald loser with nothing going for him.

Fast forward seven years, I'm 27 years old, I've slept with 30 different women and I've had several long-term relationships, I have a master's degree and a great stable job, I have travelled a lot and have had many amazing experiences.

If someone told me how my life was going to turn out when I was 20, I would have told that person to f*** off.

And I was a big mess: in psychiatry for several months suffering from debilitating depression and panic attacks over my hair loss.

My point is, there is hope for you, don't ever give up no matter how hopeless your situation may seem.
Impressive, how did you turn things around so spectacularly?


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Your case sounded desperate did you document your hair transplant? Where did you get it done, for how many grafts?


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It was. I removed my hair transplant thread for privacy reasons.

I had 2000 grafts with Dr. De Reys in Belgium.

It was just to create some kind of SMP effect on my NW5 area to frame my face and give me some coverage.

I'll probably have a second one to cover my crown in one or two years.
Are you a Fred alt account?


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- Forcing myself to go out in the world and to go on dates, which allowed me to discover my real value. I was surprised that cute girls would even want to go on a date with me.

- Having a hair transplant and as a matter of fact, just the thought that I could be "saved" with a hair transplant was enough. I wanted a frame for my face and some coverage and that's exactly what I got. Good enough for me.

- Determination: when I have an objective (that's realistic) in mind, I will do everything in my power to attain it.

I guess that's it. It saddens me when I see some members here who won't even try, they've decided that they were too ugly or too socially awkward and that's it, in their heads, they're doomed.

Stop judging yourself so harshly, put yourself out there and let others decide of your value. I guarantee you that you'll often be your own worst critic.
Wow, I have known you for a long time and many of your perspectives on life have really changed for the better. You always impress me all the time. You really are a true success in my eyes. I am sure your parents have seen the change in you and are very proud of you.

ahmed wolf

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nw2 is not that bad here's what u can do to help ur self.
get to the gym build a great body it will boost ur convinced u can start taking meds against hair loss like finasteride minoxidil but if ur afraid of sides dont take them.
i don't know about starting a family or real love lol cuz it doesn't exist really i am a f*****g 25 years old virgen dude with fitness model body but girls find my ugly af before even start thinning it used to bother me but f*** them i love myself my family loves me what more do i want mybe a full head of hair lol cuz i am narcissistic f*** and love to look at my best even if girls don't find me attractive so ur in better place than me u said u almost had gf but u screwed it ?
dude my last gf left me for a below average looking loser guy imagine what it felt for a narcissistic f*** like me I immediately blamed hair loss until i saw that f****r he is nw4 with patchy beard and gyno lol
so trust me nothing deserve to end ur life for it


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Wow, I have known you for a long time and many of your perspectives on life have really changed for the better. You always impress me all the time. You really are a true success in my eyes. I am sure your parents have seen the change in you and are very proud of you.

He's a true hero in my eyes. I can only hope to find a guy someday with half the backbone that he has :) I hope your dad can see how far you've come @WhitePolarBear


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Hello guys!

So i'm your typical balding 20 year old, I just noticed the balding recently, it's in a early stage, NW2 I think.

I have researched alot into possible treatments like Finestaride, minoxidil, hairtransplants RU etc. And I have come to the conclusion that basically only finasteride and RU are the only efficient treatments. But the possibility of side effects and personality changes, especially permanent ones, are really scaring me, I want to keep the little I have left of my soul.

So I thought, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can be ok with balding. Surely I can still have a future, job, wife/partner and children, surely it hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of a happy life? So that was my attitude towards it.

Now the thing is, I've never had a girlfriend before, come close once or twice, but I've always managed to screw it up.

Now after reading this subforum of how hairloss has impacted you guys, I feels like i've lost all sense of hope, It's so depressing to read how this has affected you guys, it literally hurts, it hurts because I fear this is my future aswell.

Another thing is, im not a very strong person, mentally, i've always been very sensitive. I'm also not very motivated in life, no strong will or drive. If hairloss can put down a strong person and ruin their life and sense of self, I can't imagine what it would do to someone like me.

Only reason I'm alive today is the hope of someday having a future and a family, I know it will be a very hard to thing to achieve for someone like me, but with hairloss, I believe it would be impossible for a person like me.

Now I'm considering two alley ways, commit suicide and just be done it, a person like me is much like a sick dog, i have not much soul left and my ability to live is impaired, and you know what you do to sick dogs, you put them out of their misery.

Alley way two, take propecia, if it works keep going with life. If it doesn't work or i get PFS or something, suicide.

I do not want to live a life without a future and a family, I just cannot go trough that pain, my entire life.
Some people just aren't equipped to handle life, I strongly believe I'm on of those people.

Sorry for this mess, I'm not sure what the point of this post is, to vent i guess.

You said you are:

not very strong
very sensitive
not very motivated
not strong willed
not strong driven

you sound risk averse and prone to anxiety.

And you fear change in personality by taking hard drugs to fight hair loss? What's worth keeping of your personality?
Let go of your situation and start the treatment. Embrace the fight, or you'll start the descent into old age in your early twenties (unless you're a paranoid f*** with a fullhead father, uncle, both grandfathers).

You're the perfect candidate for extreme BDD and self harm episodes once hair loss reaches NW3 + thinning.

You witness everyday (here and irl) what happens to young balding men.

Your choice. Be wise and choose what's better for you.


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Hello guys!

So i'm your typical balding 20 year old, I just noticed the balding recently, it's in a early stage, NW2 I think.

I have researched alot into possible treatments like Finestaride, minoxidil, hairtransplants RU etc. And I have come to the conclusion that basically only finasteride and RU are the only efficient treatments. But the possibility of side effects and personality changes, especially permanent ones, are really scaring me, I want to keep the little I have left of my soul.

So I thought, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can be ok with balding. Surely I can still have a future, job, wife/partner and children, surely it hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of a happy life? So that was my attitude towards it.

Now the thing is, I've never had a girlfriend before, come close once or twice, but I've always managed to screw it up.

Now after reading this subforum of how hairloss has impacted you guys, I feels like i've lost all sense of hope, It's so depressing to read how this has affected you guys, it literally hurts, it hurts because I fear this is my future aswell.

Another thing is, im not a very strong person, mentally, i've always been very sensitive. I'm also not very motivated in life, no strong will or drive. If hairloss can put down a strong person and ruin their life and sense of self, I can't imagine what it would do to someone like me.

Only reason I'm alive today is the hope of someday having a future and a family, I know it will be a very hard to thing to achieve for someone like me, but with hairloss, I believe it would be impossible for a person like me.

Now I'm considering two alley ways, commit suicide and just be done it, a person like me is much like a sick dog, i have not much soul left and my ability to live is impaired, and you know what you do to sick dogs, you put them out of their misery.

Alley way two, take propecia, if it works keep going with life. If it doesn't work or i get PFS or something, suicide.

I do not want to live a life without a future and a family, I just cannot go trough that pain, my entire life.
Some people just aren't equipped to handle life, I strongly believe I'm on of those people.

Sorry for this mess, I'm not sure what the point of this post is, to vent i guess.

Do yourself a favour and stay off this forum. Sometimes when you change the way that you see things then the things that you see will change. This forum is pure negativity and doesn't come close to reflecting reality. Live life first hand and not through the internet. If you have an active social life and throw yourself into doing new things regularly then you will meet many guys who are balding and bald doing just great in life and with the opposite sex.


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dude my last gf left me for a below average looking loser guy imagine what it felt for a narcissistic f*** like me I immediately blamed hair loss until i saw that f****r he is nw4 with patchy beard and gyno lol

Seen it all before. Guys on this forum eill have people believing this scenario isn't possible and in their words 'hair is all that matters'. Needless to say that there are guys here who lost the plot a long time ago.