i want to stop hair loss now


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Kube8 said:
I hate to say it, but it kinda makes me feel better. Is that bad? lol.

Heh, not at all, I bet you feel kinda relieved that you're a) quite normal and b) coping quite well. I do feel sorry for antonio, not because he's losing his hair, but because he doesn't realise that it's not that big a deal. Life goes on. If you want it to!


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flimflam said:
Kube8 said:
I hate to say it, but it kinda makes me feel better. Is that bad? lol.

Heh, not at all, I bet you feel kinda relieved that you're a) quite normal and b) coping quite well. I do feel sorry for antonio, not because he's losing his hair, but because he doesn't realise that it's not that big a deal. Life goes on. If you want it to!

Lol, well thanks for the reassurance. I don't know the extent of your hair loss, but you too sound reasonable. Of course I am "freaking out" to whatever extent about my hair loss...... though it's more about what's to come as opposed to how I look now. It all seemingly happens so fast.

I've been on propecia for 10 years, maintaining my hair until recently.... and my libido has certainly been compromised, my balls ache sometimes and quite frankly, that's enough of a sexual side effect for moi. Though, i do wonder how much that has to do with the pills VS. how much has to do with just age or varying times of year (i'm certainly hornier in the spring/summer lol). The notion of taking medication that would eliminate my libido, I just don't understand.

As I see it at this point.... with all the snake oils and nonsense out there, other than the FDA approved meds, I'll just wait for HM to come out (sooner rather than later we all hope) and even if I lose more hair..... I'll save my money, in the hopes that one day, in the future, I'll come back from a vacation with newly growing friends on my head :) HM seems to be our only legit hope without compromising our health in other ways.... hopefully they'll prove that it does not cause cancer..... as initial results claim. This guy just needs to think on that and deal with fate. It's frightening I know, but life goes on.

One thing I have noticed since I began losing some of my hair recently.... I've been looking at other guys heads more. People I work with, friends, etc...... I only NOW have noticed that they have thinning hair lines. It just proves to me that we all often tend to focus so much on ourselves when things like this happen and make it seem worse. I can safely say that I NEVER noticed that certain guys at work have thinning hair lines NOR have I thought that they were less attractive because of it. Alas..... again..... I'll just wait for the legit answer to our issue like HM instead of taking some bizarre & drastic measure to stop my hair loss now like this lewd idea of chemical castration.


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Kube8 said:
One thing I have noticed since I began losing some of my hair recently.... I've been looking at other guys heads more. People I work with, friends, etc...... I only NOW have noticed that they have thinning hair lines.

Haha yes, me too ... Like when I've watched reruns of some tv show, I've suddently noticed one of the characters is balding. It's crazy, but reassuring that most people don't notice.

My loss isn't too bad, I've got it in perspective. It looks pretty good buzzed to 3mm, and not a single person has concurred when I've told them I'm losing my hair. Frankly it's just not worth stressing over, though it took me a good few months to reach this point.

can't wait for HM ... :)