i want to stop hair loss now


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is there anything that will 1000% stop hairloss in it's tracks other than physical castration,please i don't care if the treatment makes me ill,just stops hairloss


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antonio666 said:
is there anything that will 1000% stop hairloss in it's tracks other than physical castration,please i don't care if the treatment makes me ill,just stops hairloss

Chemical castration can stop your hairloss. Some went through that route.


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If it bothers you that much just go the CCS route and get a wig. :hairy: Better than killing yourself. :roll:


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antonio666 said:
how do i do this?ibm

You can research on... and dont forget to read the side effects of chemical castration that some people posted on some forums. By reading that you'll drop this route.... unless you lost reasoning totally.


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just fucn get swoll gain 40 lbs of muscle on steroids get a dark tan wear a bandana as headband and woman will flock to you and you wont give two shits about your hair because youl look better wit buzzed cut. and emotionally feel 10000000000 times better not worryin about your hair. why put up with being sad your whole 20s just get massive muscles and cut. girls will love you and muscle heads look dumb with hair anyway. i know because im 230 of muscle and dark tan and when i had longer hair hot girls always told me to buzz it. because they loved big muscle guys with dark skin and shaved head.


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IBM said:

Some prefer hair than women.

haha i guess thats true but ill tell u right now if every single woman disapeared off this planet today, id never lift weights again or care about my what I eat like i do or worry bout hairloss. woman are the sole driving factor in me shaving keeping me tan and looking musculer. I guess everyone is different cuz I do see men that are married worrying about hairloss, so it cant just be for the girls. I think most would agree with me that if their was no need to impress the woman a lot would stop going to the gym or takin drugs for our hair. Thats y you see guys once they get married get fat as fuc and not care about balding.


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phish said:
just fucn get swoll gain 40 lbs of muscle on steroids get a dark tan wear a bandana as headband and woman will flock to you and you wont give two shits about your hair because youl look better wit buzzed cut. and emotionally feel 10000000000 times better not worryin about your hair. why put up with being sad your whole 20s just get massive muscles and cut. girls will love you and muscle heads look dumb with hair anyway. i know because im 230 of muscle and dark tan and when i had longer hair hot girls always told me to buzz it. because they loved big muscle guys with dark skin and shaved head.

Yeah ok, :roll: and what about the (Majority of) girls who dont want a Hulk Hogan lookalike. :mrgreen:


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IBM said:
antonio666 said:
is there anything that will 1000% stop hairloss in it's tracks other than physical castration,please i don't care if the treatment makes me ill,just stops hairloss

Chemical castration can stop your hairloss. Some went through that route.

Not even chemical castration can guarantee cessation of hair loss. Your adrenal glands still produce androgens that can be converted into potent androgens in the skin. For that same reason, castration doesn't reverse hair loss.


docj077 said:
IBM said:
antonio666 said:
is there anything that will 1000% stop hairloss in it's tracks other than physical castration,please i don't care if the treatment makes me ill,just stops hairloss

Chemical castration can stop your hairloss. Some went through that route.

Not even chemical castration can guarantee cessation of hair loss. Your adrenal glands still produce androgens that can be converted into potent androgens in the skin. For that same reason, castration doesn't reverse hair loss.

How about physical castration?

And isn't castration in general kinda defeating teh purpose of having hair? I want to have hair to attract women. If I don't have a sex drive anymore, it's kinda counterproductive.

P.S.- you mentioned the adrenal glans. I found this quote. What do you think?

"Chemical castration is actually even more effective than the surgical castration, because anti-androgen medications suppress not only the testosterone from the testicles, but they also suppress the small amounts of testosterone produced by the adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands are located above each kidney, and they produce about five to ten percent of the total testosterone in the uncastrated male."



if dutasteride really didn't work for you then nothing will. looks like your only solution is to wait for HM because you're clearly not a good candidate for a transplant while your hair is still thinning.


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If I have no libido, I won't care about my apperance that much... maybe I won't give a damn about my hair loss.


RaginDemon said:
If I have no libido, I won't care about my apperance that much... maybe I won't give a damn about my hair loss.

all true, but you'd still have the desire for female companionship if you're straight, even excluding sexual companionship. that's what i've read about guys who are castrated for either elective or medically reasons. and it will be tough to find that lifelong companion if you have no libido and never will again. loneliness is a terrible thing. i hope you aren't seriously considering it


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s.a.f said:
phish said:
just fucn get swoll gain 40 lbs of muscle on steroids get a dark tan wear a bandana as headband and woman will flock to you and you wont give two shits about your hair because youl look better wit buzzed cut. and emotionally feel 10000000000 times better not worryin about your hair. why put up with being sad your whole 20s just get massive muscles and cut. girls will love you and muscle heads look dumb with hair anyway. i know because im 230 of muscle and dark tan and when i had longer hair hot girls always told me to buzz it. because they loved big muscle guys with dark skin and shaved head.

Yeah ok, :roll: and what about the (Majority of) girls who dont want a Hulk Hogan lookalike. :mrgreen:

Did Hulk Hogan shave his head? Wow, pics please.


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phish said:
just fucn get swoll gain 40 lbs of muscle on steroids get a dark tan wear a bandana as headband and woman will flock to you and you wont give two shits about your hair because youl look better wit buzzed cut. and emotionally feel 10000000000 times better not worryin about your hair. why put up with being sad your whole 20s just get massive muscles and cut. girls will love you and muscle heads look dumb with hair anyway. i know because im 230 of muscle and dark tan and when i had longer hair hot girls always told me to buzz it. because they loved big muscle guys with dark skin and shaved head.

lol. i couldnt help but laugh when reading this. Only SOME girls like this look. And in my experience its the ones that just let it all hang out and are usually pretty slutty and loose. Majority of women, id say 90% prefer just like normal looking guys. I even met one girl who was very hot and she prefered really skinny pale white guys with the "rocker look." In my experience its VERY hard to pick a girls taste in men (from a physical perspective).

I do however agree with you about the muscle thing. Its certainly not going to do your chances any harm.


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I think Phish has got a good point, obviously every woman has their own preference on men, but i think most will agree that given the choice of 2 guys, one with a nice head of hair, skinny as hell, slightly ropey phisique, pale as snow and who spends more time doing their hair than exercising/gaining a little muscle. Then the guy who obviously works out a bit, nice tan, nice body, well fitted t-shirt and a shaved/low buzz cut head with a good confident attitude, the 2nd guy will probably catch their eye.

Lets face it, it wont do you any harm, and will more than likely improve your confidence... which is a massive part of dealing with losing your hair i think!

I would definately recommend reading "The Game" by Neil Strauss, It will maybe change your outlook on women and what goes on in their heads, what they find attractive, what their subconcious self is really is after, and pulling techniques... at the very least its an entertaining read.

Early 2007 I realised i had male pattern baldness, started finasteride and nizoral shortly after, thats my regime sorted, 2008 is about continuing with the meds, fingers crossed they are having some effect, but more importantly this year will be about accepting I have hairloss in my early 20's and accepting that the meds might not work, and even if they do, not forever. So the optimistic/adaptive side of me is accepting its only hair and to start looking after my body, gaining sum muscle and gaining confidence from improving my phisique.

I dont know about anyone else but it personaly gives me confidence when i see a guy who has male pattern baldness, buzz cut head, looks great and healthy and confident and doesnt give a f***, thats the way forward.


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andycap said:
I think Phish has got a good point, obviously every woman has their own preference on men, but i think most will agree that given the choice of 2 guys, one with a nice head of hair, skinny as hell, slightly ropey phisique, pale as snow and who spends more time doing their hair than exercising/gaining a little muscle. Then the guy who obviously works out a bit, nice tan, nice body, well fitted t-shirt and a shaved/low buzz cut head with a good confident attitude, the 2nd guy will probably catch their eye.

Whereas given the choice between a normal guy with an unimpressive body, and a normal average head of hair and a musclebound steroid freak who wears banadana's like a dick and spends all day at the gym pumping his guns in the mirror. In the real world most would go for the normal guy.