I Love Beanies :p


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Best head cover evah!

All my friends wear em when it gets cold and so do I. A lot of my friends have very long hair, but with a beanie on--no one can notice.

Most importantly when you're wearin one-- no one cares if you have hair or not. Hair becomes a moot point. Random comments about your hairline to "how old you look" change into how pretty your eyes are or how nice your smile is.

You can wear em with almost anything and look nice, and if you are cleaver enough-- you can wear one with a business suit and still look very professional and neat.

The only downside is that they suck to wear in the summer, but the summer is only 1/4th of the year so no big deal.

Anyways, anyone who feels self conscious about their hair should really consider wearin one if you dont already. They have definately helped me not think and not care about my hair as much as i used to.


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Yeah, I love 'em too, specially now I ain't got none upstairs - I just bought three more at ebay, might try and get a rasta variant. Yo Blair.


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IBM... your hair is falling out anyway. It's just shedding into a hat when you wear one. The hat has nothing to do with it.

Yes, beanies are FANTASTIC. I grow my hair out a little longer and when i wear the beanie.. my hair comes out the sides and back and it just looks like i have a full head of hair underneath. I love it.


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I love to wear beanies, it makes me look a bit more hip.