I know I'm on borrowed time but how much longer do I got?

Don Flamenco

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How much longer until it's so severe I'm forced to shave it off.I turn 31 in December and no I'm not taking finasteride, dutasteride or minoxidil

Cut at a 2 guard


With hair grown out a bit


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Ignore that nonsense post above . It’s your prerogative what you choose and let’s be honest , bald isn’t that bad a fate to have. You will end up owning / rocking it once you decide to shave completely.

I could be wrong as I’m no derm but I’d say at 31 it wouldn’t be super fast balding but you’ll gradually lose now as the years go on. If you’re asking when you’ll be bald to the point where you may decide there’s no point continuing to shave you may be looking at 35? Like I say , I am basing this on what I’ve read and also on posts I’ve read .

Finally , I know we’d all love to have no hair loss in an ideal world but going bald isn’t the end of the world . This forum represents a very small percentage of the male pop who are facing baldness or are bald . Majority of men rock it , own it and live their best life .

Don Flamenco

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You obviously care about your hair if you're posting here yet you don't want to try any treatments that can actually save it.
I'm open to suggestions just not any of the three I've mentioned as I feel I've already done enough research on the matter and still maintain that it's not worth the risk. I'm currently taking Ketoconazole shampoo, and am also interested in trying microneedling and onion juice. Maybe coconut oil but I've read that it can make danruff worse and I have seborrheic dermatitis.


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I'm open to suggestions just not any of the three I've mentioned as I feel I've already done enough research on the matter and still maintain that it's not worth the risk. I'm currently taking Ketoconazole shampoo, and am also interested in trying microneedling and onion juice. Maybe coconut oil but I've read that it can make danruff worse and I have seborrheic dermatitis.

Look for Zix (zinc + B6). There is a long thread on alternatives treatments-section.


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You seen a dermatologist?

Don Flamenco

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You seen a dermatologist?
Yes but surprisingly she did not believe I had male pattern baldness, and said it was likely stress induced. She did prescribe me some 2% Keto shampoo though for my dandruff which I have been using for about 1 month. I don't think I have regrown any hair, although it's not so easy to tell as my hair has grown since then, but I do feel like I am shedding less since starting


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Wow .

Let the guy choose whether he wants to hop on pills or not . If he chooses not to , it’s not the end of the world if he does . People need to stop acting as though it’s life and death . It’s a choice.

Also some of the posts on here are extremely exaggerated. Saying the guy only has two haircuts left ? 2 haircuts left til what ? His head blows off his shoulders ?! Calm down people .

To me, considering you’re 31,it looks like the early stages of balding . At 31 it will prob follow a slower pattern of balding than if you were early 20s.

What people are trying to say on here , and some not so eloquently, is that to save or regrow hair the only proven methods are finasteride along with min.

Remember , whilst coming to terms with balding may be a shock and not nice once you decide to let it go it’ll be a distant memory and not a big factor in your life .

Like I said before , people who write on forums, myself included , are normally worried , concerned , angry or not comfortable with something . The millions that are happy , content and living life don’t come to forums to post this happiness . Unfortunately that’s why these forums can be quite scary places to be and make a bit of a crap situation feel one hundred times worse .

Don Flamenco

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It's already over. You can't grow it out like that or it will look ridiculous. In two years you'll be popping dutasteride pills like they are sweet tarts. Everyone resists at first, then when they are NW4 they want to take spironolactione, bicalutamide and estrogen. Easier if you just take finasteride now
It actually looks better the more I grow it out, for now anyways. I didn't realize how bad my diffuse thinning on top was until I got that short haircut a month ago. And no I'm not hopping on dutasteride or finasteride or min. Honestly I'm not a bad looking guy, it's not hard for me to stay in shape and I can grow a pretty good beard. I'm not that desperate to not go bald like some other people. I already shaved my head with a zero no guard when I was in the military so I have an idea of how I will look.


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Wow .

Let the guy choose whether he wants to hop on pills or not . If he chooses not to , it’s not the end of the world if he does . People need to stop acting as though it’s life and death . It’s a choice.

Also some of the posts on here are extremely exaggerated. Saying the guy only has two haircuts left ? 2 haircuts left til what ? His head blows off his shoulders ?! Calm down people .

To me, considering you’re 31,it looks like the early stages of balding . At 31 it will prob follow a slower pattern of balding than if you were early 20s.

What people are trying to say on here , and some not so eloquently, is that to save or regrow hair the only proven methods are finasteride along with min.

Remember , whilst coming to terms with balding may be a shock and not nice once you decide to let it go it’ll be a distant memory and not a big factor in your life .

Like I said before , people who write on forums, myself included , are normally worried , concerned , angry or not comfortable with something . The millions that are happy , content and living life don’t come to forums to post this happiness . Unfortunately that’s why these forums can be quite scary places to be and make a bit of a crap situation feel one hundred times worse .
I've seen your posts your a nw1 with a tiny bit of crown thinning, you'll change your tune if you reach nw3 - 4 territory.

Don Flamenco

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Wow .

Let the guy choose whether he wants to hop on pills or not . If he chooses not to , it’s not the end of the world if he does . People need to stop acting as though it’s life and death . It’s a choice.

Also some of the posts on here are extremely exaggerated. Saying the guy only has two haircuts left ? 2 haircuts left til what ? His head blows off his shoulders ?! Calm down people .

To me, considering you’re 31,it looks like the early stages of balding . At 31 it will prob follow a slower pattern of balding than if you were early 20s.

What people are trying to say on here , and some not so eloquently, is that to save or regrow hair the only proven methods are finasteride along with min.

Remember , whilst coming to terms with balding may be a shock and not nice once you decide to let it go it’ll be a distant memory and not a big factor in your life .

Like I said before , people who write on forums, myself included , are normally worried , concerned , angry or not comfortable with something . The millions that are happy , content and living life don’t come to forums to post this happiness . Unfortunately that’s why these forums can be quite scary places to be and make a bit of a crap situation feel one hundred times worse .
Thanks and yea I've pretty much accepted that I'm not going to be an old or middle aged man with a full head of hair unless some big scientific breakthrough occurs. My goal for right now is to try and maintain what I have for as long as I can. If I can make it deep into my 30s without really severe balding then I will be happy


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I've seen your posts your a nw1 with a tiny bit of crown thinning, you'll change your tune if you reach nw3 - 4 territory.
I don’t think I’m anywhere near an nw1 and I’ve been honest and said since I hit 30 I went on 0.5mg of finasteride . Recently experienced an increase in hair loss so have now gone to 1mg. But that’s my choice , this guy has chosen not to go down this route .

And when I do reach nw3 territory I’ll be the first to say that I won’t be thrilled about it and, maybe foolishly, I would take meds etc to try and slow or regrow . However when my times up , my times up . It will be crap initially but then a long lost memory and I’ll move forward with life .

Don Flamenco

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Why not try minoxidil. Topical has very little side effects
From what I've read, minoxidil even topical actually has arguably worse side effects than finasteride, just less sexual side effects so people don't talk about it as much. Decreased collagen production, aging, under eye circles, increased blood pressure, chest problems etc. And yes some people do report sexual side effects on min too but to a much lower degree

lord cardigan

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From what I've read, minoxidil even topical actually has arguably worse side effects than finasteride, just less sexual side effects so people don't talk about it as much. Decreased collagen production, aging, under eye circles, increased blood pressure, chest problems etc. And yes some people do report sexual side effects on min too but to a much lower degree
Dont believe what you read try it and see. The all those things will stop once you quit taking it. Topical minoxidil is probably the most widely used treatment for hairloss by men and women. Most hair loss doctors will reccomend it before finasteride due to low incidence of sides. Use it every other day if you want it will still be effective.

lord cardigan

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I use it about four times a week and it is still effective. I would have had a bald crown seven years ago if I hadn't started using it.

lord cardigan

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The worse thing about it is it's a pain in the *** to apply. It can cause itching but I get round this by applying about an hour before bed and then washing out before I go to sleep. Every other day. Side effects are sometimes headache if o leave it in all night. Most of the time no side effects at all.