I kissed a tranny

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When my mom was pregnant with me, I felt like I was a man trapped inside a woman's body.


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GeminiX said:
uncomfortable man said:
I felt like I am incapable of attracting even a normal woman, just fatties and freaks instead.
You started to convince me you felt bad about your actions

GeminiX said:
You're disgusting!

I think he is feeling bad about his actions. But, he's still overwhelmed with mixture of emotions. Give him some time to take it in and process his thoughts.


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Sounds like your beer goggles are defective. You should send them back for repair. :)

uncomfortable man

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GeminiX said:
uncomfortable man said:
I felt like I am incapable of attracting even a normal woman, just fatties and freaks instead.

You started to convince me you felt bad about your actions, then you close with that line; "freaks" Were you born in a cave or something?

You are the worst kind of hypocrite, you complain and look for support for your own condition, pretend to be compassionate and considerate, while considering anyone different of beyond your understanding as a "freak".

If Arial is a transvestite (as you say), then Arial is not a man trapped in a woman's body and is a man that likes to dress in womens clothes; however from your description of her, she is a transsexual, and that is a medical condition.

Do you also consider cancer sufferers as "freaks", or dare I say it, people with male pattern baldness as "freaks"?

You're disgusting!

Admittedly, I know as much about the transgendered as people with hair know about male pattern baldness. I don't understand the difference between a transexual and a transitive or any of the other variations thereof, like women who think they are women, until their doctor tells them that they are actually a guy because their balls haven't dropped for some reason and that really large clit of theirs is actually their version of a penis. Or guys with ovaries and balls, does that make them asexual? I don't know. It's confusing. Case in point- Lee Mingwei. The first male pregnancy. How in the hell do you explain that? I know "freak" is a strong word, but even you have to admit GeminiX that this guy is a freak of nature and that there is nothing normal about a male becoming pregnant.


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So the actions of a single person who I've never met and lives the others side of the world to me means that I (and presumably every other transsesexal) are a freak?

Take a few moments to read back through your posts in this thread; all the answers you're looking for about why you have difficulty in making friends and finding a meaningful relationship are right here.

*hint* - It's nothing to do with your hairloss.


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GeminiX said:
Take a few moments to read back through your posts in this thread; all the answers you're looking for about why you have difficulty in making friends and finding a meaningful relationship are right here.

*hint* - It's nothing to do with your hairloss.

That is so NOT true in the least bit. I am willing to bet that the vast majority of men would say the same things that the OP did if they were in the same situation. sh*t, I'd have kicked my friends *** for not telling me and would have bitched the shemale out and kicked her *** out in the cold while insulting him/her to my fullest ability.

Looks play a roll in initial attraction, and sadly, God did not create us all equal in that dept. Can you really tell me that the guy in the OP's avitar (I know it's the guy from the movie Face) would have any luck with the ladies? There are certain things that confidence and "game" - or whatever you want to call it - just can not overcome. $$, however, can overcome all. :)


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Ok, enough with the ego-talk, back to the sobject in hand - so.. how was it UM? is he/she knows how to kiss? ;).. i mean did you even enjoy it at the time? :mrgreen:


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Smooth said:
Ok, enough with the ego-talk, back to the sobject in hand - so.. how was it UM? is he/she knows how to kiss? ;).. i mean did you even enjoy it at the time? :mrgreen:

I wanted to ask the same question, but UM was still freaked. Now that he had time to collect his thoughts a bit, maybe he can make an effort to answer this question...

uncomfortable man

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It was a normal kiss. I didn't feel any stubble if thats what you mean. Sorry but I still feel humiliated by all of this.


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any tongue action?

Hans Gruber

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uncomfortable man said:
It was a normal kiss. I didn't feel any stubble if thats what you mean. Sorry but I still feel humiliated by all of this.

just forget it man,its no big deal,surely you can laugh about it now?

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, I'm laughing about it now. It really isn't as big of a deal as I initially made it out to be (once I got over the shock). Yeah, there was a little tongue in there.


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uncomfortable man said:
It's funny, now that I think about it I should have realized something was up when she was standing next to me at the urinal right after she won the arm wrestling contest.

You live you learn.


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uncomfortable man said:
Yeah, I'm laughing about it now. It really isn't as big of a deal as I initially made it out to be (once I got over the shock). Yeah, there was a little tongue in there.

Did you enjoy it while it was happening?

uncomfortable man

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Personguy, how did you create a quote with my name on it? Don't get me wrong, I thought it was funny but I didn't say that. I've always enjoyed your humor but your putting words in my mouth like that is kinda fucked up. I knew I would be taking a risk by posting this thread but I didn't expect this kind of abuse of trust, especially from you. I would hate to see you get banned over something like this because I think you're a funny guy and I look forward to your offbeat responses. :nono:

optimus prime

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uncomfortable man said:
Personguy, how did you create a quote with my name on it? Don't get me wrong, I thought it was funny but I didn't say that. I've always enjoyed your humor but your putting words in my mouth like that is kinda f***** up. I knew I would be taking a risk by posting this thread but I didn't expect this kind of abuse of trust, especially from you. I would hate to see you get banned over something like this because I think you're a funny guy and I look forward to your offbeat responses. :nono:

Oh come on, that’s hilarious. He's just teasing you.


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uncomfortable man said:
Personguy, how did you create a quote with my name on it? Don't get me wrong, I thought it was funny but I didn't say that. I've always enjoyed your humor but your putting words in my mouth like that is kinda f***** up. I knew I would be taking a risk by posting this thread but I didn't expect this kind of abuse of trust, especially from you. I would hate to see you get banned over something like this because I think you're a funny guy and I look forward to your offbeat responses. :nono:

He did it so blatantly obvious nobody would think it was you. You need to relax brother.

1. And changing the quoting is easy...Just quote someone and edit their text...

2. [quote"uncomfortable man"] And changing the quoting is easy...Just quote someone and edit their text... [/quote]

uncomfortable man said:
And changing the quoting its easy...Just quote someone and edit their text...


uncomfortable man

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