I can't tell which type of hair loss I have!


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I'm not sure if i have Androgenetic Alopecia or Telogen Effluvium, b/c i have symptons of both. I'm under a lot of stress but on da other hand I both my parents had thinning/hair loss so it could be AA and genetic. I have loss soooo much hair dat i'm afarid of going bald. I'm only 19 yrs old and i'm hoping my hair loss is related to Telogen Effluvium b/c then i have a chance of regrowing it.


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me too

I'm much older than you..... 36. But I'm confused about the same thing. I also seem to have symptoms that fit both when I read them, and yet it can't be both, can it? Life couldn't be that cruel, could it?

I am hoping to clear this up by seeing who I hope will be 2 really good doctors that care if and why I'm losing my hair. I also hope it's not Androgenetic Alopecia, as I've not heard anything much hopeful (inspite of Rogaine, spironolactone, etc....) about really regrowing hair to the way it used to be in this case.



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hi, the best way to tell which one you are dealing with would be to remove the stress. Genetic hairloss is fairly slow, while Telogen Effluvium is quick. I had it and lost half my hair in a month. I was having anxiety attacks every day for weeks, not eating or sleeping. So I think the stress has to be quite severe for it to be stress-related Telogen Effluvium, but stress will no doubt make anything worse. The best thing you can do (besides read the site and see a qualified Dr to rule out anemia, thyroid problems etc) is to relax. Read, meditate, eat well, exercise, remove yourself from situations that cause you to be upset. If you are 19, that might be difficult, but there are always places you can go, friends to talk to that will help. A stylist I really like also recomended seeing a qualified nutritionist to see what vitamins would be right for you. She said she's seen great improvement in women who have done this. Best of luck to ya, hang in there!


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I keep hearing that genetic hairloss is slow.... I have so many of the symptoms of this pattern wise, but only lost it after giving birth a year ago. Had a break of a few months where shedding stopped and it grew back somewhat. Then, with no emotional stress ( I was feeling so good because it was improving!) it began again. I have lost at least 50% density in this past year. I didn't think Androgenetic Alopecia would happen so quickly. But that's the type of visible pattern it seems to be.



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i've done A LOT of research, talked to docs, and talked to alot of women with hairloss problems, and most have said that there hair started falling in their late teens or even in their twenties, but the hair grew back even after it had really thinned out, althought it wasn't the hair they had at 16. So I came to the conclusion that women are more sensitive to environmental factors including stress and hormones being out of wack. my family Doctor said that the body can straighten itself out after a couple of months or even years, or u can take suppliments/anti-androgens to speed things up. I think in most cases especially for those under 30, it is Telogen Effluvium and the hair will most likely grow back. I was really surprised at how common hair loss was...but a lot of women tend to ignore it or cover it up. A lot of women in my family and my friends had/have this problem. hopefully, what they said about it regrowing is true and ppl aren't just saying this to make me feel better, all i want is my hair to stop falling and get some regrowth.