I almost want girls to reject me.


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I've been in the midst of a "depressive spiral" since i've started balding and especially after i've started reading this forum (well, to be accurate it's not exactly depression since i almost never feel sad, anger is ephemeral and usually vanishes out after some moments of meditation. Precisely, it's a kind of neutral hopeless state), it's like i just wanna get an immediate confirmation that i've lost all my chances with girls. The problem is that, miraculously only a few girls notices i'm balding, fewer care. So now i'm stuck within the boundaries of the spiral, always coming in and out and tasting the two kinds of suffering, worst IMO than the slow ineluctable yielding to the negative stream.


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Leave this part of the forum whilst you can, gravesen, in your state of mind, you'll regret it if you don't.


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Who cares if you have lost chances with girls? The only one hurt is your ego, accept the fact that you are losing your hair, we cannot do much about it other than using the dreadful big 3. You do realize that constantly worrying about your hair, can add more stress and suffering and as a result more hairloss?. I must admit that the majority women dont like bald men but who cares? They also have their imperfections.


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Who cares if you have lost chances with girls? The only one hurt is your ego, accept the fact that you are losing your hair, we cannot do much about it other than using the dreadful big 3. You do realize that constantly worrying about your hair, can add more stress and suffering and as a result more hairloss?. I must admit that the majority women dont like bald men but who cares? They also have their imperfections.

I do care. No, the ego is not only one hurt, that is rubbish, we aren't talking about having a Ferrari here or attracting hot girls. I already do admit it and if you've carefully read my first message you would've understood that already.

uncomfortable man

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Who cares if you have lost chances with girls? I must admit that the majority women dont like bald men but who cares?

Pshh yeah, girls who needs em right? -_-

- - - Updated - - -

Who cares if you have lost chances with girls? I must admit that the majority women dont like bald men but who cares?

Pshh yeah, girls who needs em right? -_-

But yeah, OP's hair loss situation must not be that bad if he isn't feeling the scorn yet. Wait for it ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................NW5BAMYURFUCT!!!


If you are balding and not depressed, then there is something wrong with you and you are living a delusional life.


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If you are balding and not depressed, then there is something wrong with you and you are living a delusional life.

... says the most delusional poster on this forum. Hmmmmm... lol


Take advantage of your youth as once its gone, you can never get it back.
I like your sig. Because it's the truth. Youth is the best. Even now I can still wear a combover and am not fully bald. This is why I will always be young. You know how? By never getting old? You know how? By committing suicide one day before the 30st birthday. This is the biggest lifehack many people overlook. You can't be depressed, old, weak and ugly if you don't exist.


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I like your sig. Because it's the truth. Youth is the best. Even now I can still wear a combover and am not fully bald. This is why I will always be young. You know how? By never getting old? You know how? By committing suicide one day before the 30st birthday. This is the biggest lifehack many people overlook. You can't be depressed, old, weak and ugly if you don't exist.
Hairplz, focus on what I told you before and you can extend that timeline to almost mid 40's. Money can buy you an extension on your youth timeline. However in the mid 40's it gets much harder but it is possible.