Hypoxia And Collagen Cause Hair Loss?

Chronic Tronic

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I found this article to be very confusing. It starts off by illustrating how balding scalps have an excess of scar tissue resulting from excess collagen, causing hair loss by constricting blood flow and depriving oxygen .

First of all, anyone who knows about microneedling would have heard that the whole theory behind it is to produce these microfractures to induce more collagen production. But if this causes hairloss, why the hell would people in the hair loss community be doing microneedling?

Second of all, the product stemoxydine is touted to work by creating hypoxia, aka depriving oxygen in the scalp. So why the hell would people in the hair loss community promote something that deprives the scalp of oxygen? This article states that hypoxia causes hair loss, but other sources state it PREVENTS it..

It is very frustrating to hear from one source that one thing may help with hair loss, and from another source that very same thing may actually cause hair loss?

Can anyone shed some light on this and maybe clarify the article a bit if they can , maybe there is something i am not getting here...
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Could be wrong, but looks like he's talking about disorganized collagen. Maybe microneedling promotes regular collagen production, or reduces disorganized?

Tretinoin is another product that produces collagen and is proven to help with hair loss.

If thick skin was the cause of hairloss, all one would have to do is to use Scalipcin (hydrocortisone) for several weeks as cortizones thin the skin with long term use.


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Could be wrong, but looks like he's talking about disorganized collagen. Maybe microneedling promotes regular collagen production, or reduces disorganized?

Tretinoin is another product that produces collagen and is proven to help with hair loss.

If thick skin was the cause of hairloss, all one would have to do is to use Scalipcin (hydrocortisone) for several weeks as cortizones thin the skin with long term use.

Using Hydrocortisone was once mentioned by a doctor I've been to, although he didn't give me any further details (I wasn't there for any hairloss issues, although I mentioned it was a concern of mine).


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I found this article to be very confusing. It starts off by illustrating how balding scalps have an excess of scar tissue resulting from excess collagen, causing hair loss by constricting blood flow and depriving oxygen .

First of all, anyone who knows about microneedling would have heard that the whole theory behind it is to produce these microfractures to induce more collagen production. But if this causes hairloss, why the hell would people in the hair loss community be doing microneedling?

Second of all, the product stemoxydine is touted to work by creating hypoxia, aka depriving oxygen in the scalp. So why the hell would people in the hair loss community promote something that deprives the scalp of oxygen? This article states that hypoxia causes hair loss, but other sources state it PREVENTS it..

It is very frustrating to hear from one source that one thing may help with hair loss, and from another source that very same thing may actually cause hair loss?

Can anyone shed some light on this and maybe clarify the article a bit if they can , maybe there is something i am not getting here...
Confusing because it's a hypothesis. In other words, an unproven theory


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It has been reported that stemoxydine was tested for its ability to induce hypoxia-like signaling. So an hypoxic ambient seems to be somehow beneficial for hair since its a commercial product used by many

Chronic Tronic

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Oh so stemoxydine doesnt actually cause hypoxia, it just mimics it which causes the body to respond to increase oxygen flow to the scalp where its applied?

That makes a bit more sense. But what about the dermarolling/scarring bit? Thick skin and excess collagen seems to inhibit hair growth, but thats what dermarolling does


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Oh so stemoxydine doesnt actually cause hypoxia, it just mimics it which causes the body to respond to increase oxygen flow to the scalp where its applied?

That makes a bit more sense. But what about the dermarolling/scarring bit? Thick skin and excess collagen seems to inhibit hair growth, but thats what dermarolling does
About the first question,, yes thats my guess as well
About the second: would be nice to read follica protocol about that


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Well, you should start by asking yourself: does microneedling even work?

Most people doing microneedling are doing a bunch of other things too. Specially those that do daily micronedling with very small mm of penetration, this could just be increased absorption of the topicals for all I know.

I still dont like the idea of the constant state of inflamation of running nails on your f*****g scalp. Those that do it daily, even if with small mm, make me nervous.

I would be OK to do it bi weekly max, a bit more deeper, rather than daily, so there's actual rest.

I plan on getting dutasteride mesotherapy so that should count as a monthly needling sesion I guess?