How to explain your first date girl that you are bald but you deserve love?


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Picture for attention


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You evaluate the opposite sex from below position, your problem is not baldness.


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Get an arranged marriage in Saudi Arabia. Make your wife wear burka and don't let her talk to men she isn't related to.


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To be honest so many females suffer Hairloss now just like men, female pattern baldness is on the rise……


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To be honest so many females suffer Hairloss now just like men, female pattern baldness is on the rise……

nah, baldies notice hairloss in women. Normal people don’t even notice it. Women hairs have been like they always have been and their hairloss with slight thinning and baby hairs actually make them look super attractive, it’s feminine. Of course to a baldie obsessed with hairloss, that looks balding and ugly

To an average person not afflicted with hairloss and unaware of finasteride/minoxidil he can’t even differentiate between a nw1 or nw2. Someone obsessed with hairloss notices hairloss in women, idk if even women notice it.

I was that guy for many years, nw3 is what I noticed as hairloss but I thought it looked cool with how some celebrities styled it


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You have a 2nd thread on this that is a lot clearer. You wore a hat on the first date. OK no big deal it's not like you wore it on EVERY date. Just go without the hat and see how it goes. She probably thought you were wearing it for "style" the first time and now either it will be fine or you move on. The way you are putting it is more like someone who wears a system who has been on a lot of dates with the same girl and it's getting more serious and has to now "come clean" and see how it goes. It's nothing unless you keep wearing the hat. Good luck bro!


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To be honest so many females suffer Hairloss now just like men, female pattern baldness is on the rise……
And so many bald or not are wearing hair extensions, etc. compared to even 20 years ago. While some (especially younger women) will make a thing about it, what I've learned from some female friends who know about my system (and that I'm a guy in his mid 50s who looks around 40 or so and not just due to the system) that many (especially older and by that I mean 30s and up, not simply upper middle age to senior citizen) now see it as "I like that my man works as hard to look hot for me and excite me as I do for him".