how much is your hair worth?


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last night, whilst i was sleeping peacefully with my wooly skull cap keeping my bald spot warm, i was visited and abducted by aliens.

nothing unusual in that, i hear you say.

well alright, but after they had conducted their strange experiments on me, they very kindly offered me a life changing choice in return for agreeing to their tests.

the head alien, so called because that's all there was of him said to me "ginald i give you a can leave here and go back to your life with either a million dollars in your bank account or you can have a full luxuriant head of hair just like you had when you were 16."

i asked this very friendly chap if i could seek the help of my fellow sufferers to which he agreed as the decision seemed to be quite difficult.

can anyone help me decide?

ginald (in transit 30 miles above hangar 18 and undecided)


Well, that´s tricky. What if you get your hair back as it was but start losing it soon after?


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So that's where my hair went - it's alien currency units. I've been robbed.


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i would definitely choose 1 million in my bank account. i dont really mind shaving my head i prefer having hair alot. if i get 1 million i'll get myself nice things to make me look better (like clothes etc..) everyone wants hair to look good anyway right? females appretiate being rich more than looking good.. yeah i know some of you will ask me if those gold diggers are worth anything, but im young and i wanna have alot of sex with many different hotties, im horny as hell what can i say...
i would give up my hair anything over 100000 dollars. i can still look decent without hair i think, but not good


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but if aliens take me to thier test and ask me if i wanna give up my hair for 100000 dollars when i have full head of hair? HELL f*****g NO!
i'll think about it if its over 1 million.. haha


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Taugenichts said:
Well, that´s tricky. What if you get your hair back as it was but start losing it soon after?

good point....but i suppose it would only be fair if the hair started disappearing again since you wouldn't expect to keep the million dollars intact either....after all it's there to spend and just think of the begging letters.

do you know i think i'll have to take the million dollars.....i couldnt bear to go thro losing my hair a second time....first time was bad enough and reading from all you guys i now know i'm far from being alone in that.

that's the great thing about this makes you realise you're not alone in your misery and hatred of the receding hairline.

show me the money, E.T.!!!!!!


ginald said:
Taugenichts said:
Well, that´s tricky. What if you get your hair back as it was but start losing it soon after?

good point....but i suppose it would only be fair if the hair started disappearing again since you wouldn't expect to keep the million dollars intact either....after all it's there to spend and just think of the begging letters.

do you know i think i'll have to take the million dollars.....i couldnt bear to go thro losing my hair a second time....first time was bad enough and reading from all you guys i now know i'm far from being alone in that.

that's the great thing about this makes you realise you're not alone in your misery and hatred of the receding hairline.

show me the money, E.T.!!!!!!

Yes, it is somehow sick. I don´t wish anyone on this side to suffer from hair loss. But in another way it makes me glad that i am not the only one suffering from this plague.


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id rather have the hair back then 1 mill

but hairline from when i was like 13

cuz by 16 it already looked like sh*t


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1 million would buy you all the hair transplants and propecia you'd ever need.


I would take the million bucks in a flash.

Then shave my horse shoe.


I would take the million bucks in a flash.

Then the first thing I'd buy with that money is a hair electric shaver.

Then shave my horse shoe.


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i'd take the hair.

a million dollars could give me a dating advantage in the short run over being broke, but with hair i could still get women for one nighters, and as soon as i graduate from college, or am close enough to it that women know i'll have money soon, even $20,000 per year and hair would be far more attractive to women than the million dollars.

yeah, with the million in the bank, you would not have to work again, and you could go to the gym and read what you want etc. maybe the easy life would be worth it. But how much more muscle could you build and how much more of anything that attracts women could you do with that time that a normal 40 hour per week guy could not catch up to in a year? He still will be learning skills on the job and sociallizing on the job, so it is not like he is stagnating those 40 hours. he can also play a guitar when he gets home for 1 hour a day, and maybe catch up to you. yeah, in 8 hours you could do a lot if you are disciplined, or you could spend all your time on the net and hate life.

I guess if you buy a honda civic and drive the hills and go site seeing a lot during the day, you could be very happy with the million. I still think women would much rather have the hair, though. So unless the hairy guy can't afford health food or sun block, he will probably stay as youthful as you too. you have a time advantage, but discipline can still determine who wins.


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and when i had the hair, i'd get on dutasteride and put GTE on my head. end of hair loss.


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i'd pick the full head of hair "IF" it lasted the rest of my life (with normal thinning upon reaching 70 or 80). reason being, i believe i have the capacity to earn a million easily. only if i had the confidence and determination though. not to brag, i believe i am a smart person, if i finished university, got my degree, i'd be able to earn millions, eventually. however, with male pattern baldness, i feel lethargic, lazy, upset, depressed, and this in turn, affects my studied, my mood, my ambition.

i would pay EVERYTHING i had right now, for a cure to male pattern baldness. then after i was cured, i'd jump right on these forums and tell you all how to do it. it just hurts too much to lose hair. especially at a young age.


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I think it is messed up some people have huge flaws that are out of their control. i think in an ideal world, we should just have to build muscle, stay trim, and make money, to get ahead, instead of being born with genes for good hair or a big penis or a good face. Yeah, we can compensate, but every other guy out their is trying to compensate for not being a 10, so we still get the short end.


need to stop obsessing about the control vs out of control thing.


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College, as much as I admire you for your provocative thoughts, I find that your perspective on life, especially women, to be rather shallow.

My friend, **some** women want these things: money, better sex, hair, etc...

But these superfluities amount to nothing...

You really should value yourself more, and realize that hair and good looks are nothing when compared to how you appreciate yourself.

If a woman sees that you respect and value yourself so much that materialstic things don't weigh you down, then she'll no doubt respect you, too.

Anyway, that's enough ranting.


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Just think about it boys.....One million dollars....Put that in the bank, earn interest.....And you don't need to work anymore.

Gawd that would be awesome.