How many of you guys count the number of hairs lost during showering?


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I basically count them every time after I wash my hair. Just wondering if it is necessary or the number does not indicate much?


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Stress contributes to hair loss, and what you do contributes to stress. Useless, and often negative procedure.
True. My mood is manipulated as I am so obsessed with counting the numbers frequently. But seeing there are less than 20 strands in the tub does make my whole day lol


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I wash my head in the sink so I can count every hair lmao. This way is brutal because cant miss any though, you have to accept one day 60+ hairs every single day is "normal" according to science.


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Doing this will drive you insane, but it's very tempting. I don't even think it's that useful of a metric though. I'm sure people with male pattern baldness shed more than your average person but simply looking at the amount of hair you lose in the shower seems like an oversimplification, especially when you don't have a baseline to compare it to


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Simple math of the hair growth cycles proves that you should shed 50-100 hairs a day. Yet some people get paranoid if they lose 15 hairs in one day because they are artificially prolonging cycles with drugs.

People focus waaaaay too much on hair shed count instead of tracking minituarization of follicles. You could shed hundreds of hairs every day but if they grow again strong without any minituarization who cares lol


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Simple math of the hair growth cycles proves that you should shed 50-100 hairs a day. Yet some people get paranoid if they lose 15 hairs in one day because they are artificially prolonging cycles with drugs.

People focus waaaaay too much on hair shed count instead of tracking minituarization of follicles. You could shed hundreds of hairs every day but if they grow again strong without any minituarization who cares lol
True baby.


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When I do take a bath, I drain the water very slowly that what shed hairs settle to the bottom of the tub. Had been under massive stress this past winter losing heaps of hair, at one time I estimate must have been 1,200 hairs in the tub, I was thinning very quickly in comparison to my normal slow advancing hair loss. My stress has somewhat been reduced and been doing deep massages twice daily and using concentrated rosemary water, those two things really helped and now maybe about 40 hairs seen in the tub. Within the hairline, a good deal of regrowth has sprouted, though oddly enough many hairs are coming in as white rather than my normal dark brown, but it's hair and I'll take it, lol. I recently added minoxidil and started micro needling at 0.5. I have moderately high widow's peaks I intend to get transplanted if they don't end up filling in decently well, but will give it time before ever doing that. Off now to get the mean b**ch Derminator 2 fired up, lol.


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Well now that I'm long past that I count if any shed off my system so I know if the latest order was a "bad" one or not..... :)