How Many Actually Have Hair Loss Or Are Just Here To Get Attention


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I see most posts on here are by young men. A lot of them you wouldn't even know they have hair loss if you met them. Also I see so many who come here think that they are impressing others or trying to look grownup because they can use the word f***. Sit back sometime and listen to someone who uses the word f*** all the time. They sound like uneducated idiots who have a small vocabulary and are trying to impress people because they can use the word f***. Have a little respect for yourself and others.


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legit thread

A lot of BDD attention w****s here


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Someone could lose 25 percent of their hair, and you couldnt tell if you met them. So basically just because in your opinion someone has no hair loss doesnt make it so. If you show up here Norwood 6 so everyone can easily agree you have male pattern baldness your just SOL anyway at that point. Catching it early is your ONLY option right now. Norwood 1 is better then Norwood 2 or 3. There is no too early honestly as long as your sure you have it.


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inb4 posting a pic of a strong NW1.5, look at my pre-NW4 !
That's a joke, don't even bother respond

I had a thread here with pics and I sent pics of my hairline to a lot of people here. I am confirmed NW3+.


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I had a thread here with pics and I sent pics of my hairline to a lot of people here. I am confirmed NW3+.

Lol dude, told ya it was a joke


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At least its not NW6, Planning on a hair transplant at any point in future?

No, I am not until my hairloss stabilize. I have NW3.5 uneven hairline and diffused forelock area.


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No, I am not until my hairloss stabilize. I have NW3.5 uneven hairline and diffused forelock area.
Ah i see, why not get on a hardcore anti androgen to nuke your T levels that should stop your loss. v**** should fix the sexual side effects if you get any.


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Ah i see, why not get on a hardcore anti androgen to nuke your T levels that should stop your loss. v**** should fix the sexual side effects if you get any.

I am man not tranny


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People here are too quick to write people off. Sure someone with a NW5 has it a lot worse than someone with a NW2, but male pattern baldness is still male pattern baldness. I doubt anyone has the time or desire to seek anonymous attention on a hair loss forum.


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I made a thread some days ago as a new member didn't recieve any useful answer other than from some 17 year old, not all of us are here because we crave attention, i hoped i could find an answer if i was in the very early beginning stages of MPL. From others who might have been at the same stage as i once.

But it seems you litterally have to get to an advanced stage before there is any help to get on this forum, else your just an attention wh*** or a young stupid person trying to make everyone jealous.


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I made a thread some days ago as a new member didn't recieve any useful answer other than from some 17 year old, not all of us are here because we crave attention, i hoped i could find an answer if i was in the very early beginning stages of MPL. From others who might have been at the same stage as i once.

But it seems you litterally have to get to an advanced stage before there is any help to get on this forum, else your just an attention wh*** or a young stupid person trying to make everyone jealous.

Dude the one guy who responded to your thread gave you good advice about what to do and you just insulted and ignored him. You ARE acting like a young stupid person and an attention wh***.


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To be honest, I have BDD symptoms, but that doesn't change the fact that I suspect I got some thinning going on on my left front corner.


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I'd say a lot of people here overreact, get on finasteride, and then get sides when probably they didn't really have aggressive male pattern baldness to begin with.

If you have good density and strong hair overall but not a completely straight hairline, why get on drugs and risk your health?

If is only for diffuse thinners like me that are clearly headed to the high norwood cemetery at a young age, that I would recommend treatment for.

Even a norwood 3 with great density can look fine. The obsession with having a straight hairline here that some people have makes it seem like some dudes here are highly effeminate.

But if you are headed for norwood 6 like me though, then I think panic and action is more justifiable.