How Is Your Libido On finasteride? And Also What Are Your Thoughts On 0.25mg A Day?


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- how is your libido on finasteride?

For me, i'm still horny and fap a lot but i fee la bit different like i don't look at every girl and want to plow the sh*t out of them like i did before, probbaly a good thing, but maybe it's because i'm older now? is that normal? before i'd see any tits and arse and get horny now i don't . So i'm not sure if my libido is bad or not. I guess it is as i have no interest in p**rn?


I take 0.25mg finasteride a day , feel fine maybe a little more anxious in general? lower libido as above but i swear when i took finasteride a few years ago (1mg a day) i got really bad sides watery semen nipple burning etc
now this time i take 0.25mg a day and my semen isn't that watery , my nipples are fine etc so do you think its ok?


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feeling the exact same way as you, I'm still horny and can fap (and achieve an erection with ease) but I haven't been turned on in ages... basically I have zero libido


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- how is your libido on finasteride?

For me, i'm still horny and fap a lot but i fee la bit different like i don't look at every girl and want to plow the sh*t out of them like i did before, probbaly a good thing, but maybe it's because i'm older now? is that normal? before i'd see any tits and arse and get horny now i don't . So i'm not sure if my libido is bad or not. I guess it is as i have no interest in p**rn?


I take 0.25mg finasteride a day , feel fine maybe a little more anxious in general? lower libido as above but i swear when i took finasteride a few years ago (1mg a day) i got really bad sides watery semen nipple burning etc
now this time i take 0.25mg a day and my semen isn't that watery , my nipples are fine etc so do you think its ok?
haha dude, at first after 2 pills i felt the same way. lower libido, not that interested etc. after a few more pills however, my libido is back to normal and I'm horny af, maybe even hornier. 18m and 3 x1mg pills / week btw
tbh i didn't mind the loss of libido because I'M SO f*****g HORNY.


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I've been on finasteride for over 4 years and have had no sides of any kind. I don't mean to invalidate your experiences, but you seem like an anxious person, and while I can't say with 100% certainty, I would say that you are likely freaking yourself out over nothing- I doubt you have any side effects to be honest. Try to take your mind off it.


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I've been on finasteride for over 4 years and have had no sides of any kind. I don't mean to invalidate your experiences, but you seem like an anxious person, and while I can't say with 100% certainty, I would say that you are likely freaking yourself out over nothing- I doubt you have any side effects to be honest. Try to take your mind off it.
I agree.