How has male pattern baldness effected your life? The "best" story wins a priz


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Oh it sucks, but funny now that I think about it when I was 14 to 18 my hair was perfect but my attitude/lifestyle was not. If I saw the kid today on the street I would break his nose for the way he treated some of the people around him. I started changing around 19 and made the biggest improvements in my personal/social life this year at the same I think my hairloss got the most agressive this year. Sadly I am still blowing it out of proportions while most people wouldn't even look at me as a person who has hairloss I somehow have already made myself feel like a 2nd class citizen. I still tell myself though when people will remember me yeah they might remember how I had a beautiful head of hair in my teens but I think Norwood they will now think how I am careless when it comes to others feelings.

uncomfortable man

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DoctorHouse said:
uncomfortable man said:
The emotional/psychological toll is devastating and it never gets better. The looks I get from people feels like I am getting stabbed. I can't heal. I want to hurt them back, to see the realization of fear and regret in their eyes for being such judgemental assholes before I wash away my suffering with their blood.
I have no idea what kind of people you seem to be around but I have never been around any people who give negative looks to someone who is bald. People who are fat or obese tend to get those looks but I have never seen it with bald people. :dunno:
Look harder, or give yourself a horseshoe with some clippers and go grocery shopping. I'm not saying everyone reacts negatively, but enough for it to hurt and feel like a problem.


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slowburn said:
DoctorHouse said:
uncomfortable man said:
The emotional/psychological toll is devastating and it never gets better. The looks I get from people feels like I am getting stabbed. I can't heal. I want to hurt them back, to see the realization of fear and regret in their eyes for being such judgemental assholes before I wash away my suffering with their blood.
I have no idea what kind of people you seem to be around but I have never been around any people who give negative looks to someone who is bald. People who are fat or obese tend to get those looks but I have never seen it with bald people. :dunno:
I can second that, I don't know why they do that. People just can't accept people that are different. They make me feel like I don't belong in society. Funny thing is they look at you like you killed one of their family members yet I'm one of the nicest dudes anyone could ever meet.

It's because they're insecure.

uncomfortable man

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Why do you think beauty and cruelty often go hand in hand?


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I find that the absolute physically beautiful people tend to feel a sense of entitlement. They seem to think that because they are so beautiful they are owed a life of ease and plentiful bounty. That's why a large number of them try to become successes in Hollyweird, actors, musicians, models, pop stars, reality stars...etc. It's kind of pathetic, people worship them far to much and they are all just regular people like you or I with an avenue to get noticed by millions. Then people become fans just because of how they look and some people get obsessed. I don't look up to these all...Did I think it was sad that Heath Ledger died? Yes, because he left a beautiful partner and daughter behind and I kind of like his on screen presence, but I don't think OMG Heath I wanna be just like him, hair, women, physique everything, If I can't be just like him I'm nothing. Sadly to many people out there are so obsessed with celebs and beautiful people's lives it's just ridiculous. Just look at how society is changing. Go on yahoo Answers and read how some of these kids think these days, how did they get like this. They seek perfection out of everyone otherwise they want nothing to do with them, imagine them at 30 and 40 years of age how they are going to be. Bloody disgusting if you ask me. One girl posted a pic asking what everyone thought of the person in it and no word of a lie I read 3 responses by teen girls that suggested the person in the pic get some proactive for their zits, get an updated hairstyle and photoshop the picture. They stated that this normal looking kid/teen boy was disgusting because he wasn't flashy or looking like he was ready to step on the set of what ever stupid teen show is popular these days.


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I started going seriously bald back in college. Thousands of drunk hot girls, and all i would think about was my hairloss. At parties I would frequently go to the bathroom to make sure my hair was puffed up, then drink myself stupid to forget my hair troubles, I was ridiculous...a complete pussy. But then I realized that hair wasn't the only thing girls go for. So I got my *** into the gym, put on about 30 pounds, shaved my head a #1. Yea I still get surprised looks from girls sometimes that look at my head in bed, but I just think to myself... yea i'm balding, but I just f'd you! :jump:

So anyway all in all, I'd say male pattern baldness was one of the worst things to happen to me in the beginning. But it also put things in perspective for me, so now I am completely grateful for it.


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I'm still dealing with me going bald. One thing that helps is my friend (female, good looking girl). She isn't so sweet to me about my hairloss. She always tells me to get a grip and she is right. Recently she told me that she spent a week in other city with 3 guys way balder than I am and they weren't so obsessed by it. Two of them are in their 20's and couldn't care less. They have tons of gf's. This friend even had hots for one of them. It's all in your attitude. There is more to life than just your look. First of all, you need to like yourself. You need to like what you are doing. You should be happy about your achievements, hobby's and so on. Serious women don't care about hair (and I am only interested in serious women). Recently I worked in a bank a little. I met tons of bald guys and none of them was miserable like me.

I just need to get a grip, accept how I look and move on :)

uncomfortable man

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My goal is to harness all of this negative energy into working out again. First cardio, then core training. I want to have a six pack, strong back, menacing traps and of course cut veiny arms and I'm going to do it all to the Terminator soundtrack.


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I dont even know where to begin answering this, I think I could write a book about it.
Obviously going bald is'nt like getting cancer or going blind or losing a limb. But this relativley small thing can have a wider impact than people imagine.
Of course it all depends on the individual and his psyche.
I was not the most confident type of guy when hairloss began and as my hairloss progressed I became more socially withdrawn.
For me it has been a handicap. This one thing has had a ripple effect that spread through my life to negativly effect just about everthing I do.
I am 100% sure that if I'd never had to endure this I would be a different person for the better.


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I don't know what it is, but I can't get the Norwood scale off of my mind.

From the time that I go to bed, to the time that I wake up, I always think about the Norwood scale.

I would love a Norwood scale.

But I can't have one.

I want a Norwood scale so I can pin it on my wall instead of my Pamela Anderson poster.

The Norwood scale makes me feel complete.

You can do a lot of things with a Norwood scale.

You can look at it.

you can walk up to it, look at it closely or you can look at it from afar.

When your parents visit, you can show them your Norwood scale.

You can look at it. Show them it.

If you have a girlfriend, you can take her to your room and give her a full run down of the Norwood scale.

You can both gaze it open mouthed in astonishment.

You can do lots of things with a Norwood scale.

Sometimes I look at my room, and think to myself ”If I didn’t have these 16 Norwood scales on my wall” my life wouldn’t be complete.

I'm a really keen about the Norwood scale.

I get so excited and I just can’t hide it.

I sometimes cream my pants when I view the Norwood scale.

The other day I was watching a programme with my parents when someone on the tele mentioned the word "Norwood".

I got the wrong idea.

I thought they were talking about the Norwood scale.

So I started jumping up and down pulling a retarded face enthusiastically shouting "Norwood, Norwood, norwood"

I'm really keen to what the Norwood scale has to offer.

Sometimes I like to dress up as the Norwood scale.

I cut up an old cereal box, pull out my crayons and scribble "Norwood scale" on it.

Then I stick it on my head.

I then think to myself - my life’s complete, because I'm the Norwood scale.

I'm not going to let anyone tell me otherwise!

Sometimes I feel really daring, because I open my front door, stand on my door-step, and whilst pulling a dumb face, I proudly shout "I'm the Norwood scale" then run back in doors and laugh to myself like a complete retard.

I'm the coolest person in my street.

I feel really hip.

I'm really the Norwood scale.


Look at me, I'm the Norwood scale.

Without the Norwood scale, I wouldn’t be here today.

No! I'm not a loser at all, I'm the Norwood scale. Look at me.

Sometimes I pull a hunchback, gaze in the mirror and think "Who needs money babes and hair" Why?

because I’m the Norwood scale, wow.

Then I roll around on the floor doing the Norwood groove.

When I go to the nightclubs. I don't dance like everyone else.

I pull out my Ken mask, place it firmly on my head and do the Norwood groove.

I feel really hip, wearing my ken mask. It adds to the way the Norwood groove works.

The Norwood groove has really made me open up.

I now feel I can discuss anything with anyone.

I’m not losing the plot at all.

The Norwood scale keeps me going.

I’ve only creamed my pants twice in the last 3 days over the Norwood scale.

Norwood scale

Norwood scale.

Wow, it’s the Norwood scale

-- Gunner


I think this must be the prize winning story.
Going through old posts out of boredom and stumbled across this.
IDK why but it made me laugh so hard my stomach hurts 5 minutes after I stopped laughing.
I don't even know why I found it so funny,
but I guess it's the whole irony of the post which describes the Norwood obsession so well.
You f*cking hate that scale so much yet it becomes an obsession you can't stop OBSESSING over!

uncomfortable man

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Hairloss looks are more, more subtle than fatass looks. You are not sensitive enough to capture them.

And you would know this how? Surely because you are the offender, smirking and giving 5hitty looks to bald guys such as myself. Right, Fuhk you then.


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I haven't posted for a long time. I used to be known as 'Hope4hairRedux' and similar aliases. To be honest, I don't aim to win the prize, but I would just like to vent.

To tell the truth, it will be impossible to say exactly how hairloss has effected my life. You can't quantify things like this. You know it changes you as a person, your perspective, your self esteem. But you don't know how much of you is just 'you' and how much of you is the you that has been shaped by hairloss. I used to be known as a very good looking guy from around 17-22. I am 24 now, 25 next year. I guess I am still fairly good looking, but hell, I don't feel good looking. I feel hideous, like a monster. Its strange. And everytime i see my reflection, I realise that its not so bad, and that i am still looking ok. But the pyschologyical damage is far and deep reaching. It massively changes your self esteem in a deep way that will stay with you, as long as your hair doesnt. If hairloss happened to girls all of a sudden, it would probably cause irrerversable damage in some respects. Its just that as men, its a culturally normal thing to happen, but deep down, it still effects you just the same.

I was never someone with a lot of confidence but now its much lower and it translates into everyday life i think. in my interactions with people. I come across as someone that feels lower then most people somehow, as if I am almost not worthy of the same amount of respect and love as other people. I mean its not like i am outwardly a nervous wreck, but I dont think I am anywhere near living my potential as the confident free spirit that I could have been. And of course, it would be easy to blame hairloss completely and its obviously a number of factors, but lets be honest, most of the time, the guys with hairloss are the modest, humble guys that don't have that unbeatable confidence. We are not the guys that feel they can go up to any girls and try it on anymore. There is that glaring problem that is noticeable to everyone, and I think it massively changes the way you come across.

I dont see a handsome man in the mirror anymore. I see a guy who is one point away from ugly, just about managing to be somehow average looking. The stupid thing is, I am seeing a girl right now, she is lovely. but i always worry about a slick NW1 approaching her. Its like sub-concously I feel like they have something we don't and never will again. The ability to look as good as you could if you are in good shape and wearing nice clothes. No matter how hard we try, we won't be as attractive as them to women. And that scars me. It stops me from approaching pretty women. It stops me from approaching women that look like they might be a b**ch. Because I am already at a massive disadvantage before i even speak with them.

Its made me find girls who are down to earth, loving and not the hottest women out there. Maybe that will be a good thing in time to come. I don't know. Perhaps because we over-estimate how bad we look, we under-estimate how good we actually look to women. And that translates into going for girls who aren't the hottest in the room. Just your girls that are pretty maybe but not the knock out gorgeous types.

I know there is more to us then our hair. I know we can still get girls, I know we way over play our hairloss issues. But ultimately it still depresses me even though I 'accept' it and it has become a part of me now. what depresses me even more is looking at bald older white guys and thinking hell, this doesnt get any better. Ultimately, it becomes harder and harder to stay in the upper echolons of attractiveness and we will always be fighting a losing battle. Receeding/bald guys that work out, live in hot countries, have alpha lifestyles and are naturally very confident will still be ok. The hardest thing was to be told how good looking you were, and for everyone to say this all the time, only for hairloss to eat at your apparently most important asset. Its cruel when you have known both sides of the coin. Not saying that I am ugly by any stretch. But its like at this point I dont think I will ever turn heads again. I am just an average guy living an average life. And as arrogant and ungrateful as that may sound, I only say this because I know what things were before my hairloss had progressed. Thats the hardest thing. Knowing how much better life can be in some respects when you have a full head of hair.


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High school: banged 6 girls. One of them was a 7/10

College: banged 3 girls. All of them were fat and all of them dumped me. I actually had to try harder to get those 3 girls than I did to get the 6 girls I got in high school, who were much hotter.

Post college: One middle aged woman who was very fat and had a kid. She was using me for money and I had to nearly beg her for sex.

I think this speaks for itself.


My Regimen
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I haven't posted for a long time. I used to be known as 'Hope4hairRedux' and similar aliases. To be honest, I don't aim to win the prize, but I would just like to vent.

To tell the truth, it will be impossible to say exactly how hairloss has effected my life. You can't quantify things like this. You know it changes you as a person, your perspective, your self esteem. But you don't know how much of you is just 'you' and how much of you is the you that has been shaped by hairloss. I used to be known as a very good looking guy from around 17-22. I am 24 now, 25 next year. I guess I am still fairly good looking, but hell, I don't feel good looking. I feel hideous, like a monster. Its strange. And everytime i see my reflection, I realise that its not so bad, and that i am still looking ok. But the pyschologyical damage is far and deep reaching. It massively changes your self esteem in a deep way that will stay with you, as long as your hair doesnt. If hairloss happened to girls all of a sudden, it would probably cause irrerversable damage in some respects. Its just that as men, its a culturally normal thing to happen, but deep down, it still effects you just the same.

I was never someone with a lot of confidence but now its much lower and it translates into everyday life i think. in my interactions with people. I come across as someone that feels lower then most people somehow, as if I am almost not worthy of the same amount of respect and love as other people. I mean its not like i am outwardly a nervous wreck, but I dont think I am anywhere near living my potential as the confident free spirit that I could have been. And of course, it would be easy to blame hairloss completely and its obviously a number of factors, but lets be honest, most of the time, the guys with hairloss are the modest, humble guys that don't have that unbeatable confidence. We are not the guys that feel they can go up to any girls and try it on anymore. There is that glaring problem that is noticeable to everyone, and I think it massively changes the way you come across.

I dont see a handsome man in the mirror anymore. I see a guy who is one point away from ugly, just about managing to be somehow average looking. The stupid thing is, I am seeing a girl right now, she is lovely. but i always worry about a slick NW1 approaching her. Its like sub-concously I feel like they have something we don't and never will again. The ability to look as good as you could if you are in good shape and wearing nice clothes. No matter how hard we try, we won't be as attractive as them to women. And that scars me. It stops me from approaching pretty women. It stops me from approaching women that look like they might be a b**ch. Because I am already at a massive disadvantage before i even speak with them.

Its made me find girls who are down to earth, loving and not the hottest women out there. Maybe that will be a good thing in time to come. I don't know. Perhaps because we over-estimate how bad we look, we under-estimate how good we actually look to women. And that translates into going for girls who aren't the hottest in the room. Just your girls that are pretty maybe but not the knock out gorgeous types.

I know there is more to us then our hair. I know we can still get girls, I know we way over play our hairloss issues. But ultimately it still depresses me even though I 'accept' it and it has become a part of me now. what depresses me even more is looking at bald older white guys and thinking hell, this doesnt get any better. Ultimately, it becomes harder and harder to stay in the upper echolons of attractiveness and we will always be fighting a losing battle. Receeding/bald guys that work out, live in hot countries, have alpha lifestyles and are naturally very confident will still be ok. The hardest thing was to be told how good looking you were, and for everyone to say this all the time, only for hairloss to eat at your apparently most important asset. Its cruel when you have known both sides of the coin. Not saying that I am ugly by any stretch. But its like at this point I dont think I will ever turn heads again. I am just an average guy living an average life. And as arrogant and ungrateful as that may sound, I only say this because I know what things were before my hairloss had progressed. Thats the hardest thing. Knowing how much better life can be in some respects when you have a full head of hair.
one of the most epic and true posts in all history
