How do you see yourself in your dreams?


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A slick bald ugly loser?

I saw myself with full head of beautiful hair for the first few years when I first started going super bald, still do but I just don’t see dreams with me in it anymore. f***, like the juvenile hair touching the eyes Chris in resident evil game style

I hope I don’t see myself bald in dreams, the bald nightmare I live daily but my dreams are safe.


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Usually don't see myself in dreams (I tend to have weird "movie"-like dreams), but I remember one time I dreamt that I had a thick NW2-3 and I was finally content with my hair... then I woke up to my thinning NW3. I also had a dream where I shaved my head completely and immediately regretted it. I actually did slick shave my head 2 weeks back and am really wishing for it to grow back quicker so I am sort of living that dream irl now.


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Arround 6 years younger. More hair and no beard. Similiar state of mind as well. Weird thing that is, my old self seems to be conserved in some part of the brain.


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More or less the same baldie in my my dreams, but I finally get my gun licence an get the chance to shoot someone. Its usually a bank robbery or a CIT-heist(cash in transit) an I take out like 2 criminals atleast before going down.

Yeag crime is a problem here


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Norway, Finnland and Denmark are much more the land of the Vikings. Swedes are just larping cucks.