"hot" Chicks With One Major Flaw ?


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Ok so us baldies dont marry 8's and above.

Maybe the deal is this: accepting that she has one major flaw, just like you.

*weird boobs
*thin frizzy hair
*big nose
*huge ***

The bonus thing is, she wont think she is "ALL THAT" being self conscious.




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i get with 8's.

Bad breath - AUTOMATIC DEAL BREAKER. Don't care how hot you are, nothing repulses me worse then a women's mouth that smells like a sewer. The very same mouth I am supposed to be intimate with. Teeth are a runner up! ugly teeth, and yellow = I have no interest in being around your mouth.

Body - Boyish body (straight no curves) or women shaped like fridges = Dont care how hot, I am not interested

Semi turn offs - Chicks with no ***, and weird shapes tits. tit shape, and size is so important especially for chicks on the smaller side. Body is very important! I need to be with a women who has the definition of a feminine body - curves, tight waist and full breast. if they want to be with a man who has a zyzz level physique then I damn well expect the best in return.


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i get with 8's.

Bad breath - AUTOMATIC DEAL BREAKER. Don't care how hot you are, nothing repulses me worse then a women's mouth that smells like a sewer. The very same mouth I am supposed to be intimate with. Teeth are a runner up! ugly teeth, and yellow = I have no interest in being around your mouth.

Agree with you Shook. Bad odor in general are a big turn off.

g.i joey

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What if two men at the same level of looks approach a women in the club. She finds both of them equally good looking. Do you think game(i.e social skills) will still be a non-factor?

I think personal preference comes into play in a situation like that imo


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The situation I described above is not unrealistic and happens in real life quite often. Social skills often do turn a No into Yes.

g.i joey

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Personal preference in what? According the situation I described, the women finds both of them equally good looking.

Oh in that case I agree with you, social skills or whoever of the 2 really gets in there and puts in some work will definitely win her over, I know it's a banned word over here, but the more alpha one will win


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Game is a myth. Game is your looks. All you have to do is not be an autistic fuckwit. That's your "game".

Define breakups,divorces .by your theory.

Incompatibility because of any reason can lead to that..no matter how handsome or beautiful the person is.

Also..Love and marriages do not happen between good looking people only.


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huge *** is not a flaw, it's a positive thing, given it's at least somewhat proportional and not big just because she's fat

huge *** is not a flaw, it's a positive thing, given it's at least somewhat proportional and not big just because she's fat

as a fellow Minaj jacker..... I applaud you. The only thing that would make me happier is that you were also white so we would be two white guys who love big asses!!!!!

Anyone who claims they wouldnt motorboat this is a god damned liar..... GOD DAMN LIAR!





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What if two men at the same level of looks approach a women in the club. She finds both of them equally good looking. Do you think game(i.e social skills) will still be a non-factor?
I think in that scenario it's about how comfortable the men are, just don't make eye contact and go with the flow, rack up the nikki lauda and you've got one hell of a party and who knows once you've got the devil inside you maybe you fancy experimenting with an equally good looking man. Everybody is a winner


My Regimen
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What if two men at the same level of looks approach a women in the club. She finds both of them equally good looking. Do you think game(i.e social skills) will still be a non-factor?
How I see game is where people use it the sense in that is how they pulled a woman. Social skills are developed early in life and I'm fortunate to be able to function with people, even if my confidence is zero. To me, game is trying too hard. Being able to socialize is a given to most normal people, so that's where looks come in; along with status, etc. Experience goes a long way too as in being able to pick up on IOI's.

So, yes "game" is a factor. I just see it as being a normal, functioning human being. Don't be creepy. Know social cues. Blah blah. I must be privileged to where I don't even need to think about this.