Hey Guys, This Is My Story After 1.5 Years Of Finasteride


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Hey guys,
So my hairloss began at age 24 with a slowly receding hairline, which I chalked up (or hoped) it was just a mature hairline. I was in the denial phase for years combing forward on the recession. Until one day I noticed I couldn't even hide it anymore which happened around age 27. A friend told me about finasteride, which I always thought was snake oil and that no product actually worked. Once I did my research I was amazed at how and who it worked for. No less than a week later I was on the medication. Attached are two pictures right before medication and two recent pictures.


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g.i joey

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FUCKKK dude, that is some solid regrowth. It gave your hairline perfect shape and everything. Definitely brought you down a norwood, solid norwood 2 now man, congrats! must feel amazing making a come back like that.

Also, how many months in were you when you realized propecia was actually giving you thickening/regrowth?


My Regimen
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FUCKKK dude, that is some solid regrowth. It gave your hairline perfect shape and everything. Definitely brought you down a norwood, solid norwood 2 now man, congrats! must feel amazing making a come back like that.

Also, how many months in were you when you realized propecia was actually giving you thickening/regrowth?

Thanks man, yea it was a great feeling, especially since all of the guys at work used to pick on me for my hairline haha.

I started to really notice it around month 6-8, I won't lie tho in the last two pics it's still a bit of a comb forward on the sides but drastic improvement. The biggest thing I noticed was running my hand through my hair, ever since high school I would get like 8 strands in my hand. Now (knock on wood) i rarely get any.

michel sapin

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damn you are so lucky! So you notice some regrowth at the hairline at month 6 ? You had miniaturized hair previusly on those area ? Did you get a shedding ?


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Yea, if you look closely at the first pic, most of that area was very fine hair, I can only assume that's what thickened with the finasteride. Had I not got on medication, thats the hair that was on it's way out I would guess. Any hair that was completely gone tho, hasn't returned as my hairline isn't exactly 100%. I haven't experienced or noticed any shed. As a matter of fact before getting on this forum I only thought shredding occurred with minoxidil.


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Nice results. Have you experienced any sides?

Thanks, nice user name btw haha

My gf has told me my sex drive has went down since being on it but personally I don't notice it. The best analogy I've heard is if you're not hungry you're not gonna think about food haha. As far as erections go, I have no issues there.

That being said, the potential sides never scared me as I valued hair more than the potential risks involved.


Established Member
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Hair looks great

Did/do you have any itching orvinflammation?

Do you take brand or generic fun and where do u purchase from?


My Regimen
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Hair looks great

Did/do you have any itching orvinflammation?

Do you take brand or generic fun and where do u purchase from?

No itching or inflammation, I get generic finasteride from CVS. 1mg tablets prescribed from my dermotologist

michel sapin

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you didn't get gynecomastia ? damn you are lucky with those result at the hairline ! it helped your crown too ?
and you didn't get itching on the miniaturized are befoire propecia ?


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you didn't get gynecomastia ? damn you are lucky with those result at the hairline ! it helped your crown too ?
and you didn't get itching on the miniaturized are befoire propecia ?

luckily the crown wasn't thinning even before I started treatment, and I've never had any itching before it after treatment.

No gynecomastia either, I know a handful of finasteride users personally too and none of them have suffered gyno.


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for those you know who use propecia it has worked too?

One guy has been on it from an early age, I had no idea he was even on it, that's how good his results have been. I just thought he was a luck guy haha. The other few I know haven't had much regrowth but everyone I know who is on it has had no further loss as far as I know.

michel sapin

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ok great . How lo,g the early age dude have been taking it ? how old are your friends ? thx

michel sapin

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thanks man, may i ask you what are their norwood level ? and what was their baseline level . Especially for the 21 yo one ( i started propecia at 21 ) .


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thanks man, may i ask you what are their norwood level ? and what was their baseline level . Especially for the 21 yo one ( i started propecia at 21 ) .

The guy who started at 21 must be a Norwood 2, I had no idea he was even suffering male pattern baldness until i told him I took finasteride myself. The other two Friends I know seem to be about a Norwood 2.5 with diffuse on top. One of them thickened up slightly, the other stayed the same but hasn't lost any further hair.

How have your results been?

michel sapin

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unfortunately i have got no result . it will be 3 years in few month that i am tking it and i am worst than baseline .


Established Member
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Nice stuff dude. I'm on finasteride too, 9 months now, and I think it's working but i've had some nasty sheddings. I'm a little below baseline now but this gives me hope.


Experienced Member
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Great stuff indeed. Hoping for next update after year :)