Help! Need Advice Before Starting Propecia. Should I Shave My Head Before Starting Or Leave It Be?


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Hello there I don’t post too often but,I’m sort of reaching my own crossroads here. I was finally prescribed Propecia and am anxious to try it , but am stuck on how to handle the shedding. I have long hair, but am debating getting a buzzcut before starting because I think a shed with long hair would stress me out too much. I have OCD and I know myself too well. I’d probably be in the mirror counting all the hairs like a lunatic lol

I feel like shaving would prevent a lot of stress, but I’m uncertain about one thing. How would I monitor it ? As it stands my crown doesn’t seem to be thinning yet as I have long thick hair on top. My only problem is slow , but noticeable frontal recession in my hairline and temples. I don’t know what Norwood I am, but if I was to guess I’d say I’m somewhere in between 2 and 3.

As I understand I might experience a little regrowth and the fine hairs at the front should thicken, but other than that I should not expect too much in terms of regrowing hair. I’m just hoping to maintain what I have and maybe someday get a mirror frontal transplant to regain the hair I lost at the front. So in short how will I know if the pills are working and do I need to have my hair grown out to properly access things?

Any advice or help would be much appreciated. I am quite tired of thinking about my hair and my own looks so I am trying to simplify things for myself as much as I can. In an ideal world I hope the Propecia can maintain the hair I have while I save up for a transplant to fix up my temples and hairline a little bit.
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Shedding with Propecia isn't particularly common, it didn't happen to me. It's more minoxidil that causes shedding, which I did shed on. I personally wouldn't buzz your hair off as that could distort your perception of how the drug is working for you, if it works. No hair loss medicine works for everyone unfortunately.


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Shedding with Propecia isn't particularly common, it didn't happen to me. It's more minoxidil that causes shedding, which I did shed on. I personally wouldn't buzz your hair off as that could distort your perception of how the drug is working for you, if it works. No hair loss medicine works for everyone unfortunately.
Hey , thanks for replying. I have heard varying reports from people on the internet some claiming shedding on Propecia is very common and others not. If someone could verify this it would be helpful. Also is it ok that I posted this in the main discussion board or was I supposed to post in another section? Does it really matter? I don’t post here often so I’m not too familiar with this site.


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Hey , thanks for replying. I have heard varying reports from people on the internet some claiming shedding on Propecia is very common and others not. If someone could verify this it would be helpful. Also is it ok that I posted this in the main discussion board or was I supposed to post in another section? Does it really matter? I don’t post here often so I’m not too familiar with this site.
This section is just fine. Shedding isn't even a listed side effect of the medicine ( unlike minoxidil) so it doesn't happen too often. What I recommend doing is take it as prescribed, and if you do notice some shedding then you could buzz off your hair if you so desired. It's important not to overly obsess, sometimes it needs to get worse before it gets better.