Help! Am I Losing My Hair At The Age Of 14??


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so the last post 2 people were arguing about how one was telling me to kill myself :). well this has been going on for months now. hasn't gotten any better. some people say it looks normal others say it isn't. i posted a couple times still not getting a straight answer on what i should do. i also need to note that on the right side of my hairline sometimes it feels like someone is lightly pulling it and it's super irritating. this actually makes me depressed. please help.


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Its super hard to tell. Looks like it could be early signs of male pattern baldness, with the little hairs on your hairline. I would schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to be sure. Pretty hard to diagnose early signs online through pictures.

Nikki Lauda

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the one who was telling you to kill yourself must be a colossal a**h** but the bitter truth is baldness is not worth something living with.


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You might be balding son. You should ask your parents to make a doctors appt to make sure. Not sure if there is much you can do at 14 though.


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You'll be completely bald by 20, which is the first safe age for starting propecia for most males. At least get on a good non PG minoxidil like Lipogaine sensitive once per day and use a ketoconazole shampoo like Regenepure DR which will help slow things down for now.


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What's your family history of hair loss

Why did you dislike my comment? He's a norwood 2 at 14. Get real. Family history has nothing to do with the rate at which balding occurs either. My entire family including my mothers father have their hair, and yet I am a norwood 3 at 22. Stupid question and doesn't make sense to dislike my comment. He's got male pattern baldness, if you can't see that then you need glasses.

Alpha 5 Reductase increases with age too and so will his DHT to T ratio, so it's only going to get worse. Again, you're only kidding yourself and him with such a stupid comment and disliking mine,


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Why did you dislike my comment? He's a norwood 2 at 14. Get real. Family history has nothing to do with the rate at which balding occurs either. My entire family including my mothers father have their hair, and yet I am a norwood 3 at 22. Stupid question and doesn't make sense to dislike my comment. He's got male pattern baldness, if you can't see that then you need glasses.

Alpha 5 Reductase increases with age too and so will his DHT to T ratio, so it's only going to get worse. Again, you're only kidding yourself and him with such a stupid comment and disliking mine,
He is most definitely not a NW2. He may have male pattern baldness kicking in, but it is too hard to tell at this point from pictures. Also having hair loss at a young age, doesn't mean it will be aggressive, just increases the odds. Many people recede to a NW2 very young and never go further even without treatment. My dad had a NW2 hairline from his late 20s, with no further loss til his mid 40s.


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He is most definitely not a NW2. He may have male pattern baldness kicking in, but it is too hard to tell at this point from pictures. Also having hair loss at a young age, doesn't mean it will be aggressive, just increases the odds. Many people recede to a NW2 very young and never go further even without treatment. My dad had a NW2 hairline from his late 20s, with no further loss til his mid 40s.

Is this bizzarro world? LOOK at the photos. Even the remaining parts of his hairline are decimated. Look at the fourth pic the whole hairline is getting eaten away, he has a very high hairline too.


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Its super hard to tell. Looks like it could be early signs of male pattern baldness, with the little hairs on your hairline. I would schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to be sure. Pretty hard to diagnose early signs online through pictures.

Go to a derm so they can sell him a laser comb and nioxin? Great idea.


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Go to a derm so they can sell him a laser comb and nioxin? Great idea.
Idk what dermatologist your going to, but mine just diagnosed it as male pattern baldness, told me I was at a NW2 at the time, and gave me a prescription for finasteride.


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Idk what dermatologist your going to, but mine just diagnosed it as male pattern baldness, told me I was at a NW2 at the time, and gave me a prescription for finasteride.

Are you really telling me you couldn't figure out you were a NW2? You needed a derm to tell you that for you? Come on man, this kid is blatantly a norwood 2 with a decimated and high hairline. Look at pic 4 and tell me that ain't baldness. If it was an issue unrelated to male pattern baldness he would be diffusing, it wouldn't be a receeding hairline.


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Are you really telling me you couldn't figure out you were a NW2? You needed a derm to tell you that for you? Come on man, this kid is blatantly a norwood 2 with a decimated and high hairline. Look at pic 4 and tell me that ain't baldness. If it was an issue unrelated to male pattern baldness he would be diffusing, it wouldn't be a receeding hairline.
He is not a NW2 lmao. Also high hairline means nothing. I had a high hairline since I was a little kid. And I didn't need the derm to tell me I was balding at that point, but my hair loss was much more than this kids (if he is losing at all).


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He is not a NW2 lmao. Also high hairline means nothing. I had a high hairline since I was a little kid. And I didn't need the derm to tell me I was balding at that point, but my hair loss was much more than this kids (if he is losing at all).

Ok, well when he comes back in two years and is a norwood 6 asking for baldness options don't be surprised. Also maybe you should look into glasses in the meantime.
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He appears to have male pattern baldness; since his hairloss is visible, by the book he is a nw2.
The least he can do is use ketoconazole; a better option is crth2 antagonist, or both.


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Ok, well when he comes back in two years and is a norwood 6 asking for baldness options don't be surprised. Also maybe you should look into glasses in the meantime.
Idk see your point here. There is literally no treatments that are safe for a 14 year old, so all you are doing is instilling unnecessary fear in this kid, when he may be fine. Rediculous to claim he will be a NW6 in 2 years. You have no idea what his hair is going to do, and what you're saying couldn't possibly help his situation, but will just get him freaking out.

Nikki Lauda

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how tall do you think you will be? also u can try roids at an early age to ensure massive bone development. If you end up with a tall face and robust bones, baldness wont matter.


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Idk see your point here. There is literally no treatments that are safe for a 14 year old, so all you are doing is instilling unnecessary fear in this kid, when he may be fine. Rediculous to claim he will be a NW6 in 2 years. You have no idea what his hair is going to do, and what you're saying couldn't possibly help his situation, but will just get him freaking out.

He can get transplants in the meantime, I've seen surgeons offer pro bono surgery to 16 year old norwood 4s. Also he can use a sensitive non PG minoxidil 2% safely and a keto shampoo. You're lying to him and yourself, I'm not trying to freak him out I'm being honest, you're being a bullshit artist. He could get a transplant for the frontol third and use minoxidil in the crown and vertex and start getting used to concealers like toppik.

There is a lot he can do and think about, telling a 14 year old Norwood 2 that he's not balding and that its all going to be ok is blatantly moronic. No one ends up a norwood 2 at 14 and magically doesn't lose hair any further. You can see that his hairline is getting higher and diffusing in all areas too.

You're the one not doing any help. Disgusting.


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well it is very early considering your age however hard to tell looking at your pics.....genes play a big part..anyone from mother side went bald early?


My Regimen
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well it is very early considering your age however hard to tell looking at your pics.....genes play a big part..anyone from mother side went bald early?
my grandfather was bald but don't know what age it happened