Hats as a toupee


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Yeah I love the 20's to early 60's style of fashion. Proper and good looking. Big fan of 3 piece suits. Every girl is crazy about sharp dressed man.

Too bad most people would consider it :gay: to dress nice like that


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Brick said:
I don't get all the talk about hats not being trendy or popular. And only ball caps?! This isn't 1998. Hats are very trendy and popular right now.
Fedoras have made a huge comeback. The old style golf hats are huge right now (forget the actual name).
My personal favorite to wear is the military style hat. It makes you look stylish without wearing a tacky baseball cap, looking like you're trying to hide the thinning hair underneath.
Wool caps are popular to wear (as long as it's cold, of course!)

Ditch the ball cap, guys.




It may look ok on celebrities but they can get away with being overly stylish and outlandish. But if I wore those kind of clothes in my everyday life people would think WTF??? Also theres a difference between wearing them occasionaly as the celebrities do and wearing one all the time. That would just be weird.

For me I never owned or wore a hat until I started suffering from hairloss. It was ok in my 20's as many people that age wear baseball caps but now in my 30's I dont see anyone wearing a hat unless its a wool one when its snowing.


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Yeah me too, Cassin. I hope they bring it back early as rumored.

The Justin timberlake one is not my style, but the first and third ones look fine. Look stylish. My problem with second one is a leather jacket does not work with a tie and fedora, unless you're Indiana jones.

I still consider it rude to wear a hat during dinner or inside. I think if you wear a beanie and it is not winter or a warm climate, it might as well broadcast you are hiding something.


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So a lot of you guys are insecure about dressing stylish?
It's become super popular to dress more stylish. I do all of the time and so do most of the people I'm surrounded by. I'm never mistaken for being :gay: and I get compliments on my style all of the time.
Maybe try not to worry so much about what people think of you and wear what you want?
This is definitely not only what celebrities wear

Those who are too insecure and don't feel masculine, I guess you're out of luck. Stick with the baseball cap then.


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Just to add: The first and third pics are very close to how I dress normally (hat and all). The second pic is more if I have a nice night out with some friends where we're getting a little more dressed up. I've personally never wore a fedora though.


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Cassin said:
Dudemon...how old are you?

I used to wear a hat day & night. Never outside without one. Gave that up like 6 years ago...(I'm 34 now) either I matured or just got sick of it. Probably both. I've worn a hat maybe once in the past two years and that was three weeks ago when I had fallen asleep the night before with wet hair and I had some serious bed head but needed to run errands. I thought I looked rediculous in a hat. It's amazing how times change. It got to the point where I would get anxious worrying about people asking me about it.

And therein lies the difference. You wore it to cover up "bed head" or wet hair. It's very much different when you don't have anything up there.


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Well HR talked to him yesterday and told him he needs to wear professional attire when in the office. He was angry claiming it was not fair since he goes out in the field but the response was he is not in the field and hasn't been since December, also managers go out in the field but when they come back they dress in the same business casual/formal attire. He'll the people who come in from the field who work primarily out there dress nice too.

Anyway he came in this morning dressed at least business casually but still wearing that smelly, sweat stained LSU cap. Got told to take it off, he did and put it on once he his and my boss leaves. It seriously looks ridiculous. He should be glad he doesn't work where my dad does where 3-piece suits are required and eod Friday is business casual.


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Was he balding?

He would hide much better if he just got a new hat once in a while, instead of sticking to the sweaty on.

Here is an idea though:
Wear a hat that does not have a brim, like a Jewish cap. Maybe not that small, but similar. I think the brim is what is culturally offensive inside. If there is no brim, I bet many people would not find it as disrespectful. It can be higher on the forehead, but it needs to be low near the front of the ear or women will know you don't have temples. Stick to something plan colored, maybe dark brown like the color of hair, and it will be less noticeable and less offensive.

Isn't it amazing how powerful culture is? How people can get so offended that you don't take a hat off at an event or inside? I see no logic to it, yet people get so emotional. Regardless of the rules, I bet if you are artistic enough you can have something that people don't notice as a hat.


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Hats are certainly back in fashion in some places, I took this picture in my very own office yesterday when I read this thread.
[attachment=0:1ncm28jc]Funky Fedora[/attachment:1ncm28jc]
The guy who owns and wears it is actually loosing his hair badly but he wears it because of how cool he thinks it makes him look, which it does :)
(and to be fair, he's an extremely nice and confident guy; he would look cool if he wore a tutu and Doctor Martins).

edit: I don't think fedoras are baseball cap "vanilla", but if you visit the store in Meadow Hall, the shop window is now full of classic hat styles where it was basball caps and beanies last year. Maybe it's a bubble trend, I'm seeing a lot of 50's slicked hair and razor sharp trouser creases around at the moment too.


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Yeah I used to have a collection of very cool alternative baseball caps, but one by one they were stolen/went missing and funnily enough that's when I began treatments when I realised I could no longer disguise a "bad hair day"

I've looked at other baseball caps but the only ones in fashion thesedays seem to be made by new era & personally I think those things look ridiculous on anybody over 21! At 24 I think I'm too old to be wearing that sh*t.

So yeah I bought a black trilbee recently, very much in the Justin Timberlake mould and it looks good, but you really need the right attire to go with it, if you just fling anything on from your wardrobe, again you will end up looking ridiculous! I'm going to have to change my look again :woot:


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CCS said:
Was he balding?

He would hide much better if he just got a new hat once in a while, instead of sticking to the sweaty on.

Here is an idea though:
Wear a hat that does not have a brim, like a Jewish cap. Maybe not that small, but similar. I think the brim is what is culturally offensive inside. If there is no brim, I bet many people would not find it as disrespectful. It can be higher on the forehead, but it needs to be low near the front of the ear or women will know you don't have temples. Stick to something plan colored, maybe dark brown like the color of hair, and it will be less noticeable and less offensive.

Isn't it amazing how powerful culture is? How people can get so offended that you don't take a hat off at an event or inside? I see no logic to it, yet people get so emotional. Regardless of the rules, I bet if you are artistic enough you can have something that people don't notice as a hat.

As said, he is a slick NW7. He doesn't seem like the type to dress nice. His idea of fashion for a workplace is a clean flannel with dirty jeans and smelly sneakers.

It's always been considered rude to wear a hat at dinner or inside unless you are outside. It's only been recently till people have abandoned those motions and act like, in some cases, the hat or whatever headpiece is their hair


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@ GeminiX.....I guess this is kinda on topic since we're discussing reaction to appearance.

But how did you deal with people who say you during your transition? I am talking about everything from friends to co-workers.


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Cassin said:
@ GeminiX.....I guess this is kinda on topic since we're discussing reaction to appearance.

But how did you deal with people who say you during your transition? I am talking about everything from friends to co-workers.

It has changed over the years. I'm far more relaxed about things now, but I used to be terrified that people would stand in groups and point at me screaming "MAN" (a bit like a scene off of "Invasion of the Body-snatchers")

In the past I think I've said things like, "the opinions of strangers don't affect me"; but that is not quite true. A more accurate way to describe it is that I never used to let it show that I was scared, and I "sucked it down" and didn't allow it to impact my work and career or get in the way of me achieving my goals. But there were certainly times where I wanted to run away and hide and at times it took considerable effort and willpower to socialise and go to the shops etc.

I still come across the occasional Neanderthal bigot and bully who will deliberately use masculine terms regarding me or will try to use my condition to single me out, but, well it's easy for all to see on this very forum the kinds of people they are.

My friends have been amazing, it's been a big change for them too and I'll be forever grateful to them for accepting it all and sticking by me. When I took the decision to be completely open about it all, it immediately made everything much easier; no more secrets or worrying that anyone will find out. Sure, it gives some idiots an easy target, but the vast majority of people just accept it and carry on. I would hate to be forced to live my life trying to hide a secret like that (and that was my original plan).


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finfighter said:
in high school I would wear hats quite often, and a lot of my friends would as well. We would never take our hats off when we went inside or ate dinner and nobody thought twice about it.

But you're not in high school anymore. As an adult you wear clothes for practcality.

Why would anyone wear a hat indoors?? :dunno:
Is your head cold indoors? is it raining on you indoors? Is the sun getting in your eyes indoors?

What other reason is there for putting a hat on your head those are the things hats were invented for.


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You're not allowed to wear a hat indoors unless you happen to be Neyo! :woot:

Seriously though I don't think it would be acceptable in the work place unless it's a Jewish style skull-cap or a muslim style taqiyah. Even then your employers will still be pissed off, they just won't be able to say anything for fear of being un-PC.

I don't really like wearing hats anymore though, it's unhealthy how dependent you become on them... I definitely looked better with my baseball cap on... so much so that my girlfriend would sometimes say "leave the hat on" when we were having sex :woot:

When my last good baseball cap got stolen I was really angry at the time, but now I'm happy because without it I'm no longer living in denial, even if my NW3 and large forehead does look ugly, I just don't really care anymore. I used to desperately try to hide it anyway possible, but I've accepted it now.


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Cassin said:
Absolutely outstanding GeminiX...there is so much everyone can learn from you.

Thanks matey.

I know I can come over as a bit preachy sometimes, but I get frustrated at how easily some guys seem to throw in the towel because of hair-loss when we're surrounded by people who deal with massive life-changing (and life threatening) issues, disabilities, illnesses etc. which have an unimaginable impact on their lives and yet carry on and be incredibly successful.

Sure, I'm probably over-simplifying this, and if success were that easy we would all be climbing Everest and be millionaires; my point is, it *is* possible to function well in society, despite that same society being populated with a large number of arses.

I also know I tend to equate success with material things a lot, but that's jut because it's shiny new toys, cars and money which motivate me personally.

Of course, I'm still fat and that's the one thing I have yet to really beat. I'm not too proud to say I failed and dieting and my weakness is food when I'm down. Hopefully the upcoming surgery will give me the edge I need to fix that once and for all though :)

uncomfortable man

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Then again, there aren't too many "looks" or styles that compliment an NW5 without looking retarded. Sure, a business suit looks acceptable with a bald head but I'm not going wear one everyday just for that reason. Alot of bald men I see wear semi-casual dress shirts tucked into a pair of dockers like they live in a cubicle. I hate the idea of conforming to some bland middle aged dress style to conform to my bald head.


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uncomfortable man said:
Then again, there aren't too many "looks" or styles that compliment an NW5 without looking retarded. Sure, a business suit looks acceptable with a bald head but I'm not going wear one everyday just for that reason. Alot of bald men I see wear semi-casual dress shirts tucked into a pair of dockers like they live in a cubicle. I hate the idea of conforming to some bland middle aged dress style to conform to my bald head.

Business suit is more than acceptable. Wearing a dress shirt with dockers or jeans is conformity? Is your style truly original? Where do you work that allows your clothing style?

What is wrong to dress nice when your out than wear something that looks like crap.

Just out of curiosity, what do you wear?