has ED sides ever passed with continued use? help please..


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I've noticed with myself that it passed several months into it, but now it seems to have come back. The ED that is..it's not that 'bad' i think. But if you're getting 'morning wood' then i assume that that's a good sign since i don't get them as often as i use to.


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I am now starting to feel worse about this. I don't really seem to be getting better. Depression and stress due to exams and all could be a contributing factor, but the thought that I might have done permanent damage to myself is very upsetting. How long should I wait before doing something? I'm going to up my zinc from 50/75 to 100mg for the next week and see if that helps..
Should I get new blood samples taken? I had some taken before finasteride and sent to an endocrinologist. He said they were all on the level.. I was welcome to send him new ones, but now he would charge $300, which is a lot. I'll do it if I have to though.. :dunno:
Also the psychological part will only play an ever bigger role as one focuses more and more on the problem, like a vicious circle. Any advice on how to stay headstrong here?


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captain_que said:
Should I get new blood samples taken? I had some taken before finasteride and sent to an endocrinologist. He said they were all on the level.. I was welcome to send him new ones, but now he would charge $300, which is a lot. I'll do it if I have to though.. :dunno:
Why didn't you say so?? That's exactly what most of us don't have, but should have had. DO IT. If you have testosterone, estrogen, prolactin and SHBG, another test will reveal what's wrong. More important, you will know your optimum testosterone/estrogen ratio, and your current.

Mens Rea

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captain_que you are in the privilaged position of having base lines. So you can aim to return to similar levels again. It gives us an excellent basis to work from.


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really so that means I´m fixable? I thought I mentioned the blood work earlier but I guess I didn´t.. Before I started finasteride I decided I wanted to monitor the development, so I got the blood work done then started immediately..

the $300 was for a check up and consultation, but it´s at a private clinic that I´ll have to travel a long ways to go to... My GP is sort of a douche.. Would an endocrinologist be the way to go?

Mens Rea

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captain_que said:
really so that means I´m fixable? I thought I mentioned the blood work earlier but I guess I didn´t.. Before I started finasteride I decided I wanted to monitor the development, so I got the blood work done then started immediately..

the $300 was for a check up and consultation, but it´s at a private clinic that I´ll have to travel a long ways to go to... My GP is sort of a douche.. Would an endocrinologist be the way to go?

Yeah, go

But get your bloods first

Maybe even have your base set and two sets from the past month or two

That way you'll get the most "value for money". If you've done most things already he wont just send you away for more tests. Although he probably will want other things checked anyway

I could give you a list of just about everything but i doubt your GP will sanction it anyway


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I will, is this something that should happen really soon?

Another problem that occured about the same time as sides were that whenever I´m working out and get hot I´ll start to ITCH really bad! It´s almost hurtful, and unstandable for sure.
Could this be another side from finasteride?? Any other reasons? It´s really bad as I´m usually a very active person....

Mens Rea

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Yeah try get the bloods done when yo can.

Not sure about the itchyness, its possible. Ive got extremely dry skin on my face at the moment which i attribute to lower levels of androgens/DHT for instance.


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So I got these done today;

SR (lowering)

The same ones I got done before starting.
They´re being sent to the endocrinologist. He´s pretty expensive but hopefully it´ll be worth it.


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Testosterone will answer whether your estrogen level has increased so much that it has suppressed your testosterone level, or not. If the SHBG level has increased, it indicates estrogen dominance.

Mens Rea

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Enden said:
Testosterone will answer whether your estrogen level has increased so much that it has suppressed your testosterone level, or not. If the SHBG level has increased, it indicates estrogen dominance.

...or a pattern towards rising estrogen anyway.


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I would say within 3 months off the drug, but I wouldn't sit around and wait. It's going to be harder to recover, if it fails.


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Looked at my results with my derm... He was going to check with an endo-buddy.

SHBG was unchanged. Testosterone was down from 25 to 17,1 I think. Please don´t freak me out about this. I hope it´s fluctuations...