Has anyone ever 100% recovered from finasteride?


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Has anyone ever been able to achieve the 100% pre-finasteride state here without any of the side effects affecting libido and erection? Has anyone got their ejaculate back in full glory after quitting the drug? Has anyone got their penis' sensitivity 100% back? Is it possible to cure the side effects after taking the drug? Anyone done this?


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Fanjeera said:
Has anyone ever been able to achieve the 100% pre-finasteride state here without any of the side effects affecting libido and erection? Has anyone got their ejaculate back in full glory after quitting the drug? Has anyone got their penis' sensitivity 100% back? Is it possible to cure the side effects after taking the drug? Anyone done this?
Well, my breast is still enlarged and I doubt it will ever come back to normal, if this counts.

Mens Rea

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Im getting seriously concerned about this myself tbh

Been off it for 6 weeks now and my libido definately still isn't what it was. Had been on it over a year. Im taking topical finasteride the past few weeks might go off it too but i dont think its an issue.

As i said, getting concerned. Beforehand i NEVER could imagine having any trouble "getting it up" now its a reality

Im going to try Arginine, apparently it can help. Hope it kick starts my libido again.


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Yes, of course. However, the drug was obviously not tested enough before it was released on the market, as many users experience persisting side effects after quitting. I quit the drug after 4 months because of severe side effects (that's 1 1/2 year since now), and was off the drug for 6 months without getting better. I decided to deal with one problem at a time, and got back on. Took me 2 months at 1/4 th of a normal dose to be back in hell, and I've been on and off while seeing doctors since then, to I finally had enough of them all in october last year, as noone understood what was going on, and therefore wouldn't help me. Now, more than half a year later, and after 3 experiments (one of which is ongoing) with various drugs in combination with finasteride, I'm in control. I've been suffering from secondary hypogonadism caused by finasteride. I still have a problem with erectile dysfunction, but it's getting better. I think I know what's wrong, and I know how to handle it, if I'm right.


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I was on 1/4 for a just a month.. and I'm still hoping to get back to real full glory.
Fingers crossed**


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I have been off Finasteride now for almost 2 years now....the drug works well..but its very bad for your sex life.

I could never recover from its side...

Even though my sex drive is recovered..I am unable to achieve long sustaining erections..it needs constant excitement...

I cant ejaculate that much either...

See propeciasideeffects.com for more infor


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I think finasteride is total poison and it's not possible to recover from it. I haven't heard of anyone doing it. There are people who just aren't worried about their health that much, so they don't whine at all.
No permanent side effects from finasteride -- impossible.


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I'm approaching the 3 week mark and I had ball ache for the first 4-5 days, then it subsided and I haven't had any problems since.

Sex drive is pretty much normal. I've had some busy activites keeping my mind occupied that started the same time I started finasteride so I haven't had as much time to sit around thinking about sex but I have morning erections and no problem getting it up if I want to.

I think for some people it's more in their head. I do pity anyone that has real true side effects, though.


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I tend to be fine again in like 3 days o_O

G k

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Hoppi said:
I tend to be fine again in like 3 days o_O

So was I the first time quit after 5 months...Actually after 2 days I was back to normal...

However I've been quit now about 1 week and a half after 1 year of finasteride use, and still waiting to be back to normal(however some small improvements, its definately taking longer) :dunno:


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If you were "back to normal" in 2 or 3 days then it shows it was obviously in your head.

G k

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bboy said:
If you were "back to normal" in 2 or 3 days then it shows it was obviously in your head.

One might think so...But I would disagree.

I went from a numb, shrunken penis, back to my normal obscene self in 2 days(at first anyway).

Trust me, if everything about this drug made sense, there wouldn't be so much confusion and disagreement.


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G k said:
Hoppi said:
I tend to be fine again in like 3 days o_O

So was I the first time quit after 5 months...Actually after 2 days I was back to normal...

However I've been quit now about 1 week and a half after 1 year of finasteride use, and still waiting to be back to normal(however some small improvements, its definately taking longer) :dunno:

aw man I'm sorry to hear that. Have you had a blood test?

G k

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Hoppi said:
G k said:
Hoppi said:
I tend to be fine again in like 3 days o_O

So was I the first time quit after 5 months...Actually after 2 days I was back to normal...

However I've been quit now about 1 week and a half after 1 year of finasteride use, and still waiting to be back to normal(however some small improvements, its definately taking longer) :dunno:

aw man I'm sorry to hear that. Have you had a blood test?

No blood test. Its embarassing enough talking about here.

However today I feel really good. Its about that time that I should also(10-14 days after disconutation). Im just hoping all the excercise I am doing and eating right during this time helps me improve 100%. I think I'll get there.


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I just threw all my finasteride out the window ^_^ lol Packets and all! hehe

I just don't like the stuff anymore, it burnt me.. :(

And yes I think most people can make a full recovery. I would put my money on things like ecklonia cava, vitamin D, pycnogenol, ALCAR, ashwagandha.. erm.. and just a supportive diet etc. I would also imagine that abstaining from sexual activity is beneficial. Perhaps once or twice a week but no more.

Many do seem to recover a month or even sometimes several months down the line.


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Hi all,

I read this thread a few months back after having taken finesteride for 11 days. I had all the nasty side effects, like schrunken willy, no libido at all, no morning wood, no wood at all for that matter and a lot of pimple while I never have those. I had only read about the possible side effects till after the symptoms occurred, so I'm sure it wasn't in my head. After reading about permanent side effects, I immediately threw all my medicine away and decided to not go on the web and read about it. Right now, however, I'm happy to tell that I've recovered 100%. I think it took about 2 months. Maybe a little less. Anyway, I felt obliged to give this positive information and cheer some people up.



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Hey everyone, I am writing this to share how I got through my finasteride experience. I took 1.25 mg daily for 6 months and started to get a lot of different symptoms so I stopped and like many people here had a terrible experience getting off of it. No capacity for an erection, pounding, racing heart, mood swings, depression, anxiety. Of course reading the website didn't help! I spiraled into a terrible time of fear and terror, just like many of you here.

But I made it though and am now fully able to have erections, good sex, normal heart rate, and feel fully healthy again - in fact more healthy than I ever have in my life. And I want to share a little bit about it in case it might be at all helpful for anyone.

First of all, what I realized is that nothing has to be permanent. No symptoms are necessarily permanent. I truly believe any of you can recover and be able to have erections again, or healthy mind and body. I truly believe this. The fact is that the mind is very powerful and can influence the body and its symptoms. That is the entire premise of how the placebo effect works - if we are convinced we are doomed and can never get healthy again, that actually has a strong impact on our capacity to heal and recover. The mental and psychological factors are huge.

Secondly - listen, finasteride is a powerful substance. It is a chemical/hormone that affects the entire body, but especially the liver and kidneys - the organs of the body that are responsible for cleansing/filtering the body of toxins. If you are someone who is sensitive, this is especially true. And when you detox from Finasteride your whole system goes into a long process of re-equilibrizing, restoring itself and its natural balances. So you need to support that, and support the bodies natural methods of recalibrating, cleansing, and detoxing.

To be honest, I used to be skeptical of simple, holistic methods, I only used medications and strong western methods. But because I became so anxious (I got anti-anxiety medication to help with heart palpitations and anxiety) I finally tried seeing different doctors who helped me understand what actually was happening in my system, and how to help my body detox and start to heal and recover.

I took supplements like Milk Thistle (which helps flush the liver and aids in detoxing all the toxins that got stored up), Dandelion Root (also good for detoxing), and Vitamin D and Magnesium. Most Americans (up to 50% are deficient in both vitamin D and magnesium, and they are essential, crucial for healthy body systems, especially for someone coming off of finasteride and who's body is in serious flux). Magnesium also helped me with my erections. I also started a good multi-vitamin, started taking fish oil, priobiotics, etc...

I also did acupuncture, therapy, and using a sauna to detox. I also read Dave Asprey's book The BulletProof Diet, and David Perlmutter's book Grain Brain, and began a low-carb and high-fat diet. It really helps, I promise! After 6 months I got so much better - I was able to begin having erections, felt calmer, less anxious and much more sane. After 9 months, and then for sure after a year, I was 100% back to my old self. I can have the best erections I have ever had, feel much better.

I am fully convinced that all of you can get better, and reclaim your lives from this terrible drug. I know I did, and I have met others who have. I am telling you, read those books, get on a clean diet, take good care of your bodies, DRINK A LOT OF WATER, with lemon juice in it, which really helps the liver cleanse and detox, take some milk thistle and good supplements, and all of this will help your body naturally re-equilibrize and recover and heal. Also important is to get emotional support from friends, family, therapist, etc.. I needed to reach out and ask for help, and that is ok. In fact it can really help.

I hope this might be helpful to some of you - just remember, it may look dark and bleak, but trust me, it will pass, and there is always light around the corner, and ways forward towards health and healing.

Charles Rane

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The sides have always gone away for me after 2-4 weeks. And I have tried taking it 4 times..... A lot of guys blame their ED on finasteride, yet in a lot of cases these guys have ED because of p**rn addiction, not finasteride.


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The sides have always gone away for me after 2-4 weeks. And I have tried taking it 4 times..... A lot of guys blame their ED on finasteride, yet in a lot of cases these guys have ED because of p*rn addiction, not finasteride.

For guys that only have problems during sex with another person: Yes I agree.

However, having less firm erections (even during masturbation with p**rn) and not having morning wood anymore...