Hairloss Norwood 2.5? Is It Really That Bad ?


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Guys i really need your help im new on this forum and just wondering how my hairline state is. I went to a surgeon in april and he said that i was just maturing but that was sometime ago. I am 20 turning 21 in about 2 weeks. My dads not bald and baldness does not run on his side. but it does run on my mums side three of her brothers went bald while one did not. How receeded is my right side compared to my left ? I am planning to get a hair transplant at 25 depending on how bad my hairloss is at that stage and if i do get a hair transplant then i would start finistride
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Your hair looks fine to me. Enjoy life
Most options available right now will only possibly make things worse with your hair


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Your hair looks fine to me. Enjoy life
Most options available right now will only possibly make things worse with your hair
Really ? Thanks man i mean i see the little hairs that the surgeon said should go and my hairline should settle in.


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Really ? Thanks man i mean i see the little hairs that the surgeon said should go and my hairline should settle in.
Looks like your hairline at center might have some minor thinning but nothing I would be too concerned with.


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Looks like your hairline at center might have some minor thinning but nothing I would be too concerned with.
Oh that could be becuase i put hair wax in my hair and i was messing around and sculpting with it lol


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LOL you are not Norwood 2.5... I am though, you are like a norwood 1.5 dude. You do not need a hair transplant. Get on finasteride if it makes you feel better. You got the second best hair on this forum, behind @davesmith420 that mofo is literally NW0


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Dude you're freaking out, it looks great.
Thanks dude i saw the recession when i was 17 or 18 and i do see little hairs that are going so hopefully its jusy maturing. If i can find a picture of when i first noticed the recession then i will post it.


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I am 100% sure you are a NW1.5 at the worst. Your hairline is still nice and straight!
Thanks andy and i will look for a picture of when i first noticed it. I think i was a full norwood 1 at first. Again thanks dude for honest opinion. I hope 2018 is the breakthrough year ! For all of us.


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Here are a few photos, it has gone back abit. This is when i first noticed it.
Your hair looks the same, possibly a little less receded. I would not consider someone to have male pattern baldness until they are at least norwood 2. That could be years away for you. Many peoples hairlines recede a little and then stop for years


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Your hair looks the same, possibly a little less receded. I would not consider someone to have male pattern baldness until they are at least norwood 2. That could be years away for you. Many peoples hairlines recede a little and then stop for years
Yh i guess thats true i mean my dads dad has a norwood 2 and i know for a fact it does not run on my dads side as none of his four brothers at all and they are in their 50's and 40's. I proabably will get a hair transplant but at like age 23-25 and that also depends if my hairloss is minimal or if it gets a past a norwood 2.


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I stronly advise against a hair transplant. Not until when or if you ever reach Norwood 3. Im a real Norwood 2.5 and i still think i have plenty of hair left!


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I stronly advise against a hair transplant. Not until when or if you ever reach Norwood 3. Im a real Norwood 2.5 and i still think i have plenty of hair left!
Yh i get you what you mean but id personally would get it at that stage and thats becuase of insecurity. Although i would wait until im like 25 ish until i get one and i would start off with a 1 year check up and then same for the next year and if no change has happend then i would wait 5 years until anouther check up. Id rather be happt with the way i look while im still young and so i look alright in my mid 40's. After 55 i wouldnt really care tbh as at that age it is socially accteped to have lost alot of hair at that age as well as mentally it would be alright for me. Sorry for this long paragraph lol. Ive got so many insurities thats why im scared to post somethings on thia forum as guys tend to make fun of the situation when we are all in the same boat in some shape or form. Glad to see there are good guys to talk to on this forum. Thank you


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There are alot of good guys on this forum, the bad ones dont stick around long or get banned lol. Its just mostly very depressed and crazy people who hang out on here and for good reason too.