Hairloss Is Finally Over


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I promised myself that one day, when this was all over, I would come back and make sure I posted an update so that all of you who are reading this would know that there is hope for you.

After close to 2 years of chronic shedding, it's finally stopped. I have tons of new growth coming in, and, while I can still see the thin spots where I lost a lot of hair, I know that it's only a matter of time before it gets filled in. I no longer dread stepping into the shower to wash my hair because I no longer find handfuls of hair when I rinse out the shampoo and conditioner. The quality of my hair has gone back to "normal"--no more kinky, weird-looking hairs sticking out all over the place.

Have faith. What has become a way of life for you, what has become a permanent fixture in your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, the choices you make about what you'll do each day, what activities you think you can or can't do because of it, which people you think you can or can't talk to because of it--it doesn't have to be like that forever. You can choose differently, in spite of the hairloss. I removed every thought I ever had about it from my mind, my words, my actions. In states of very deep relaxation or meditation, I visualized a completely different existence, without all the things that held me back from being the ultimate person I wanted to be--including the hairloss. That's what I needed to do for myself.

And, It finally ended for me. It can end for you too. Have faith. You will find your way.



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great post. but culd u fill us in, on what caused your hairloss in the first place and what you did to beat it? was it pure patience and faith, or was it some regimen/product combination?

and congrats. feel great for u.

i'm a male in fact, but i come to this forum sometimes as i believe what i have is chronic Telogen Effluvium. my hairloss started right after i used this harsh shampoo. vernight, it made my scalp EXTREMELY itchy and oily. and since then my hair has fallen like crazy. i am hoping that one day this would be over b4 i give in. its really scary when you see it happen so dfast. i'm not sure if male pattern baldness happens this fast, thus why i suspect its Telogen Effluvium. i've been shedding for 23 months and i can say i've lost 70% of my hair.

btw, for those with Telogen Effluvium, do you get "thin" baby hair once in a while from your sheds?


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Hi Scud666, I remember seeing your user name from when I first joined the boards.

I wish that I could give you all a "canned" answer that was the magic trick that ended it all for me but I can't. As I mentioned in my original posting, I really focused on controlling my stress and removing every thought I had in my mind about "having hairloss". I stopped talking about it, I stopped thinking about myself as someone suffering from it, I spent a lot of time trying to reprogram my subconscious mind. My logic was this: there's no medical conclusion for why this is happening. I've been through every blood test possible, and have done them repeated times. Thoughts are the most powerful form of energy and we've all seen how just changing your thoughts and how you perceive a situation can immediately change things from your emotions to your health. We've all read the stories about cancer patients who've beaten the odds because of the way they approached their situation. So, I decided to focus on breaking all the expectations that I had in my mind about losing hair. I would use tapes and CDs to get to really deeply relaxed states and then I would visualize the person I wanted to be; I would visualize taking showers and washing my hair in great detail, and would picture rinsing out my hair and not having any fall out. I would visualize the combout process, removing every experience I had about combing out handfuls of hair and instead seeing the comb running through my hair with nothing trailing after it. It took mountains of faith to do this. It took so much to remove every doubting thought that my mind would come up with while I was going through this visualization process. But, for me, this is what worked. It might not be the solution for you, but that's what worked for me personally.

My story: 2 years ago, I started wondering if I was losing hair. My hairline seemed to be receeding when I had it back in a ponytail but everyone kept telling me I was crazy. Then, I noticed losing a lot of hair in the shower. My scalp started to show. Pretty soon there was no denying it. I went to every doctor out there--general practitioner, dermatologist, endocrinologist,, ob gyn, alternative practitioners, nutritionists. I kept a file and researched everything I could on the internet. I told my doctors which blood tests I needed, when they needed to test me, etc. I went off the pill (LoEstrin) because my estrogen levels were non-existent while I was on it. I was told it was Androgenetic Alopecia. I was told it was Telogen Effluvium unmasking some Androgenetic Alopecia. I never tried Rogaine because I was too scared after hearing all the stories about women losing more hair. It stopped once, a year ago for a few weeks when I was off work for 3 weeks taking an extended vacation. I then realized how much stress I had been under, and how it had been such a normal way of life that I never thought I was stressed. I made a decision to put myself first, and started all the things I told you about with the meditation, relaxation, exercising, etc. I learned everything I could about biochemistry, about the effects of cortisol on thyroid hormones and sub-clinical hypothyroidism (all my thyroid tests came back "normal). I basically just got tired of the whole thing and said "f- it, I"m not dealing with this anymore, I don't need this in my life anymore and it's going to stop."

So, it was a combination of patience and faith, plus lots of proactive things I did to change things in my life (diet, exercise, making sure I took a good multivitamin plus a little extra zinc, removal of negative thoughts, etc.) that worked for me.

Best of luck to you.



damn, im 18 and ive been thinning since 16
i think its too early for me to be thinning from male pattern baldness, could you send me some websites or somethin so i can go through some of the same routines you went through?

by the way where are you from??
i noticed the namaste at the end of your message


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Hi Heatman,

Well, for the hormones thing, these won't help you since they're for women:

"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-Menopause", Dr. John Lee
"No More HRT: Menopause, Treat the Cause", Dr. Karen Jensen and Lorna Vanderhaeghe.

I Highly recommend these books; women: you'll learn a lot about your body. I'm only 33 and even though these are about pre- and menopause, they're still great books. Search the archives for Skilled Relaxation. It's a great site overall. Leaky Gut Syndrome may be a reason why some people have seb derm.

A good book on the relaxation reponse and visualization is "Deep Healing" by Dr. Emmett Miller. He also has guided meditation CDs that I've used.

Hope this helps.


BTW, I'm a Bay Area native, but have found much inspiration from other religions, yoga, etc.


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I am so happy for you! may God bless you. You have given me new hope. :)


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that is a truly remarkable story! im so glad i came upon your post in this stage of my down on my luck...losing hair uncontrollably with docs telling me theres nothing i can do about it. your post is giving me faith and, more importantly, HOPE. thanks~


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BCP is birth control pills, which are devastating to some women in regard to hair loss. I wish I had never started taking them, my hair was so thick before I ever used them. I'm not sure what T-sal is though.


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totaldispHAIR said:
I promised myself that one day, when this was all over, I would come back and make sure I posted an update so that all of you who are reading this would know that there is hope for you.

After close to 2 years of chronic shedding, it's finally stopped. I have tons of new growth coming in, and, while I can still see the thin spots where I lost a lot of hair, I know that it's only a matter of time before it gets filled in. I no longer dread stepping into the shower to wash my hair because I no longer find handfuls of hair when I rinse out the shampoo and conditioner. The quality of my hair has gone back to "normal"--no more kinky, weird-looking hairs sticking out all over the place.

Have faith. What has become a way of life for you, what has become a permanent fixture in your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, the choices you make about what you'll do each day, what activities you think you can or can't do because of it, which people you think you can or can't talk to because of it--it doesn't have to be like that forever. You can choose differently, in spite of the hairloss. I removed every thought I ever had about it from my mind, my words, my actions. In states of very deep relaxation or meditation, I visualized a completely different existence, without all the things that held me back from being the ultimate person I wanted to be--including the hairloss. That's what I needed to do for myself.

And, It finally ended for me. It can end for you too. Have faith. You will find your way.


we need u to post in the men's section and give the scientific minds there a rattle, plz :)


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amyinnyc said:
I'm not sure what T-sal is though.

This is my first time ever posting in the women's section.

T-Sal is a shampoo, Neutrogena T-Sal shampoo, it costs about 6-7 dollars.

Good luck to all you women.



My Regimen
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So awesome! Hoping for this day myself too! In the meantime I've found this girl's videos and they've helped me so much, so I thought I'd share. Good luck to you all!


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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This is an interesting post.
It seems from a woman saying I stopped stressing & now my hair is growing back.
Most of the people on this forum are men.
Woman naturally have thick & growing hair.
So if we just all chill we will grow back hair is useless for most of us.