hairloss + careers


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If my hair loss continues, I am almost 100% sure I will be bald by the time I finish freshmen/sophomore year of college. My question to you older guys is, how has hair loss effected your careers and/or search for a job?

In todays society, its pretty obvious people focus on physical appearance, and hair contributes to that. I constantly worry that I might not get as good a job as i could have, just because I won't have hair. Also, finding a girlfriend/wife will be much harder (for me, at least). Thats what I think anyway. What are your opinons?


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My wife, who thinks I am nuts to combat hairloss (just let nature take it's course, she says), claims that women don't care about hair loss. She says guys who try to maintain their hair are doing it for other guys. If you treat women with respect, show interest in them, ask them questions about themselves and talk about them rather than yourself, I don't think you'll have problems with women.

As far as careers go, I'm less sure about that. There are very few bald politicians. I think that tells you something about perception. Still, in the organization for which I work, I know of one very successful salesperson who is completely bald. Sales is one job that depends on perception more than any other, so it can be done. I'm not bald, but I have a deeply recessive hairline and thinning on my vertex and crown, and I've been successful in sales, so I think that although hair loss may be a slight impediment in business, it is by no means limiting. There are far worse deficiencies.


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Baldness certainly isn't going to be an advantage in professional and personal relations. I'm superficial and judge people by their physical appearences, I expect I'm no different from the rest.


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girls would rather have a guy with a full head of hair...just like we don't want fat chicks.... but if she's put on a little bit of weight, u may still find her attractive...vis a versa.


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My wife thinks that statements about girls such as those found in the previous two posts are nonsense, but that's only one woman's opinion.


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It's never made a difference to me either way.

But then, people are f*****g stupid. So it probably does matter.

Bottom line: If you've got the skills, you get the job.


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women are lying!!! if a sorta fat chick asks u if you think she is you say yes? if she asks if being fat matters to you say yes??? same way around...only the mean girls will say, yes, ur norwood 3 is kind of a turn off.

The Gardener

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The best way to answer that question is to look at the world around you. At the mall, or the grocery store, I see balding men with hot women all the time. And as for business, some of the top CEOs in this country are completely bald.

As Axon said, if you gots the skillz then you get the job, or the woman...

On a footnote, if you want to really improve your chances with the women I completely agree with MVP's advice above and would add one more thing... Learn how to be really really good at going down and pleasuring her orally. Do some webbing, learn a little bit about female anatomy down there, and learn a little technique from some of the many webpages that talk about this. Believe me, you get good at this and you'll be a hero to her.

too bald too furious

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Buffboy said:
1) You can't compare fattness with baldness. Here is why: Both things changes your appearance but people know that being fat is your own fault wheras being bald is nature's fault. So, on a subconscious level people will imagine that a person who is fat also has very low self esteem, disciplin, lives an unhealthy life etc. I mean being fat says very much (negative) about a person. You can't say this with baldness.
Furhtermore, fatness totally destroys a person's looks because the whole body is affected by it. Hairloss only goes for the top of your head, and doing some tanning and shaving it completely off hairloss can be compared to a chick having small tits. You may notice it, but doesn't really matter. On the contrary it's clear that if you do the comb over trick, then your looks are ruined.

2) I too were so worried about my job prospects because I'm balding. I'm only 23 and it's not normal for guys my age to bald. But after I have had a hair transplant and using Dermatch I'm now letting the hair grow. My point is that hairloss does play a role in job-situations especially when you are young. The employee doesn't expect af 23 year old to be completely head-shaven (not in my environment - which is the law). But I think the older you get, the more normal it is to bald.

I just got a new job today in one of Denmark's biggest companies. I dont think they would have offered it to me if I didn't have hair. But the reason is for the most part that I had SOOOO low self conscience before. And you notice that when being interviewed. They don't want a guy completely without self conscience. So it's not so much because of the actual hairloss we have problems, but because of the psychological changes that goes with it.

You are your own worst critic -remember that. No one notices your hairloss as much as yourself.

Beautiful piece of writing and a very good post.
Thanks :)


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Finally someone gave me cridit for my post! :)



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The Gardener said:
The best way to answer that question is to look at the world around you. At the mall, or the grocery store, I see balding men with hot women all the time. .
Many of whom are actors, employed by my charitable foundation as just one part of an intricate scheme to support the self-esteem of bald men the World over.

Buffboy - congrats on the job.



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Facts are woman dont care as much about looks as men do..woman are more auditory creatures sounds drives them..were men are more visual animals that get stimulated more visually..I learned all this in psychology class..
but then again woman under the age of say 24 are another story..:(


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mvpsoft said:
My wife, who thinks I am nuts to combat hairloss (just let nature take it's course, she says), claims that women don't care about hair loss. She says guys who try to maintain their hair are doing it for other guys. If you treat women with respect, show interest in them, ask them questions about themselves and talk about them rather than yourself, I don't think you'll have problems with women.

Man. either that's complete crap or I'm having a run of bad luck. From what you said "If you treat women with respect, show interest in them, ask them questions about themselves and talk about them rather than yourself" that's exactly what I've done in my last 3 serious relationships only to be dumped and replaced by Case 1: A guy that worked at Subway and who's life goal was to some day be in a band, Case 2. A guy who slaps around my ex girlfriend on occasion (she used to call me and state this) Case 3. A guy who was a gambling addict and fooled around with other women on the side. Please keep in mind these women all had advanced degrees (Master's degrees) or worked as highly paid medical professionals. If you've figured it out please let me know.

And from what others have said "There are bald CEO's", "There are bald salesmen". The question is - were these guys bald before or after they became successful? Are they going to can a successful CEO because, while once he had a full head of hair, he's now bald? I doubt it.

The only advice I can give you if you're young and balding is to shave your head - hopefully it looks good and keep up with the meds. There are enough guys who do this now and hopefully it's not a fashion trend that will drop off.

I've been there - started loosing my hair at 19 - now I'm 34. Just keep your attitude up is all I can say as attitude is everything. If you're worried about competing for girls in "da club" which is a friggin meat market anyways then you better start looking elsewhere where people congregate and are not so stuck up.

Old Baldy

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I balded later, but three guys I know at work have done very well and they were balding by 21 years old. No one cared. Especially the women.

In fact one guy who is a Norwood 7 has two "lady friends". He keeps himself in decent shape and has no problem conversing with people.

He and his ex-wife divorced about 6 years ago and he never looked back. He's had quite a few flings since then.


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The salesman I know who is very successful is a former minister. He became bald before becoming a salesman. My most successful year in sales was this year, and I have been losing hair for 20 years or so. I know of another very successful salesman who is bald and regularly makes $150,000+.

As far as women making poor choices, yes, some of them do. If they are dumping you, however, you need to ask yourself why. It might not be you, it might be them -- the three you describe don't seem capable of making very good decisions in relationships.