HairDX Finasteride Response Test

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Has anyone taken this test?

It seems that it would be much easier to ignore a test and just watch your results. How reliable is the test? If you are shedding miniaturized hairs at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months, respectively, then Finasteride has failed you?

Is this an inaccurate assumption? I mean, is it normal to continue shedding miniaturized hairs at 6 month intervals and for Finasteride to be working?

I guess you could depend on a hypothesis (i.e., the HairDX Test), but why wouldn't you just try it anyway?

Is it normal to continue shedding hairs that are miniaturized even if your CAG score shows that Finasteride might work?


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A better question is would you give up and not take finasteride if their test showed you might not have a good response? Maybe at brand name Propecia prices, I suppose. They only claim around 70% of people meet the criteria they screen in a very general sense. Would you go straight to dutasteride?

Neither drug will necessarily eliminate miniaturized hair, so you can't really draw any conclusions from seeing thinner hairs fall out sometimes. It is a good idea to keep track of your results, especially with photos (memory plays tricks...). However, it's true that it can be difficult to evaluate your response, since even a poor result might have been much worse without the drug. The HairDX test might make the decision a little easier at this point, especially if you are concerned about side effects.
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You are probably right in your approach now that I think about it.

Other than Dr. Rassman, I am not sure of any other doctors out there that have put much stock in the HairDX Tests.


Senior Member
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Ryan, if you find out you have a genetically good response to finasteride, are you going to up your dosage again?

somone uk

Experienced Member
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i personally can't take that seriously, the hairloss test tests the X chromosome (which you get from your mother) my mother has NO HISTORY of hairloss, it's all on my dad's side so i know that would turn out negative for me also i just see more people lose their hair from their dad's side of the family so i can't belive the 70/30 i would belive 70 percent from dad's side and 30 from mothers side but no the other way round

and since finasteride works on soo many people i just see it as a tiny gamble to take it for 6 months and just see instead of paying an exploitive price for some test to prove your hair growth or not, i have never seen any proof for a genetic link to finasteride responce

also i see them mention A and G variants but what about T and C (ok i don't know much about DNA )
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Where did you have the test performed and how much did it cost?


P.S. What doctor have you personally seen that supports or advocates the theory that Finasteride may cause "reflex hyperandrogenicity"?