Hair System Maintenance Regime Advice For A New User


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Hi All,

I am considering a hair system for the first time due to heavy hair loss over the past couple of years and have a few questions with regards to maintenance as follows:

1. To achieve the quoted 6-9month life span of a system many people refer to what is the typical maintenance regime (daily and monthly) you have to apply and how much time do you roughly spend?

2. What products do you use for maintenance and how much would you say you spend in a month?

3. How often do you reattach the hair system and how do you do it on your own?

4. I am considering using Optima as they look professional and have good reviews. Does anyone have any personal experience with them just to put my mind at ease?

Any help on the above would be much appreciated!

Many Thanks


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Hi Bracey

1. In my experience you would be lucky to get 9 months from a fine lace system or a thinskin system. Six is OK if you are careful. Even if you apply sunscreen religiously, the hair is starting to dry out a bit by 6 months, and it deteriorates quite quickly once it starts. I would say count on 4 months for your first system, while you are picking up the techniques. To maximise the life of the system (1) use sunscreen or a hat to avoid sun damage to the hair, (2) use knot sealer on the base if it is lace, especially around the hairline, crown and parting, if you have one, (3) always release the adhesives fully with 99% alcohol before you remove the system, and (4) keep oils and conditioners away from the base and the knots when you condition.

Over-bleaching of dark hair to get invisible knots is another cause of shedding, but that is probably not something you have to bother about as a beginner.

I spend about 50 - 60 minutes a week on maintenance.

2. I just use ordinary shampoo (for "processed or damaged hair"), a good quality conditioner, and a leave-in conditioner with sunscreen, all from the local supermarket. So very little really. Occasionally a colour-correcting shampoo and occasionally knot-sealer. They are a bit dearer, but the bottles last me 18 months.

3. I do it weekly. I take the unit off on Thursday night, sleep bald that night to give my scalp a breather, and reattach on Friday before work. I have 2 identical systems in rotation, which I swap week about, so I can clean then and prepare them at leisure.

I put a couple of tiny pieces of tape, one on each side of the system. Then I spritz the tape with alcohol and put them on my head. The alcohol delays the effect of the tape long enough to allow me to slide the base around to the perfect position. Then the two little bits of tape anchor the piece in position, allowing me to flip up the front and back and do the rest of the adhesive. A good mirror is a must though.

4. I don't know Optima, I'm afraid. Hopefully someone else will chip in.

Good luck with the process.



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Does system only lasts for 4-5 months in reality? vendors are saying it would last for 9-10 months


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Which vendors are you talking to? Sometimes they talk up how long their systems last to make them sound more affordable. Farrell used to claim that his lasted 5 years, but it turned out that that was on the assumption that you had new frontal hairline sections added and new hair added during that time. The only thing that lasted 5 years was the base!

It depends on the system of course. I am talking about the fine Swiss or French lace systems that I wear. The key factors are sun-damage drying out the hair, and shedding. You can prevent (or at least slow down) sun damage by using sun screen or wearing a hat, especially on the beach. You can slow down shedding by using knot sealer and being careful when taking the piece off. I guess if you are very meticulous you could get a longer use.

But think of it this way: the point of these systems is to give you your hair back so that you can enjoy your life. If you have to plan your whole life around looking after your hair, is it really worth it? For me, I want to stick the thing on and forget about it. I suppose it depends how you are situated financially, but since you can get top quality systems for less than US$200 I think the key is to regard them as disposable. You wear it till it stops looking good and then you chuck it and get another one out of the drawer.


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The longest I have stretched a system is 14-months, but generally, I will change every 6 to 8 months depending on how it looks as I want it to be in top condition..