Hair System Dye - Avoid Bleached Knots


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Does anyone know a way of dying the hair system without dying the bleached knots?
Thank you


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Pin the system to a polystyrene head, and hang the head upside-down over the bath. Then paint the dye on with a brush, obviously avoiding the knots and the base. The excess will run down into the bath, and not onto the knots.

As an added precaution you can rub the inside of the base with a generous helping of Vaseline. It will go through the lace mesh and insulate the knots from dye.


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Silly question, why should you need to dye a hair system, aren't they color matched?


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The usual reason is to correct sun-bleaching. It's better to use sunscreen though.

Some guys with very dark hair buy units with blond hair at the hairline and then dye it dark, to get the benefit of light-coloured invisible knots (it is hard to bleach very the knots on dark hair to the point of invisibility without damaging the hair).


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The usual reason is to correct sun-bleaching. It's better to use sunscreen though.

Some guys with very dark hair buy units with blond hair at the hairline and then dye it dark, to get the benefit of light-coloured invisible knots (it is hard to bleach very the knots on dark hair to the point of invisibility without damaging the hair).

Even living in Israel, I avoid the sun like the plague. I will get a hat, that will cover my hair. With 80% natural grey, it can yellow. Don't want that.


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Sometimes it's just because my clients buy stock pieces and they just want to dye it slightly darker even if it's just half tone.
It's not silly, it happens. I don't wear a hair system to use a hat. Even I have dyed my hair system when it goes lighter.


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Pin the system to a polystyrene head, and hang the head upside-down over the bath. Then paint the dye on with a brush, obviously avoiding the knots and the base. The excess will run down into the bath, and not onto the knots.

As an added precaution you can rub the inside of the base with a generous helping of Vaseline. It will go through the lace mesh and insulate the knots from dye.

Thank you!!