hair loss/thinning in asian males?



cook'n'milkies said:
Statistics don't lie. Poor diet potentially means early balding, in my estimation. This does not mean one can cure one's hair woes by taking a bunch of supplements. You need actual nutrition from good food. Seriously, stay away from fast food, it is poison.

I think its something more to do with the kind of things that are mixed in the food (whether fast food or frozen food or anything else)I have been a vegetarian all my life and i have been eating frozen food for the past 3 years. I take multivitamins daily for the past 2 - 3 years and I lead a relatively stress free life. I still have male pattern baldness. My food primarily consists of 2% fat milk , cereal, GNC protein shakes (about 100 grams a day atleast), frozen bread, some frozen readymade vegetable packets, some days I eat rice, some tmes fruits. I have hardly even drunk sodas in the past 2 years. sometime I eat pizzas from out but thats pretty much it. I am trying to fgure out where i did go wrong. :roll:


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Helpmeregrow said:
DeezNuts said:
I'm asian with diffuse loss. I've been on most of the major treatments at some point, giving them time to work, but nothing seems to be helping. I'm pretty sure it's a bit worse than in June(the first set of pictures). Maybe someone can tell me if they think so too. I'm still going to continue with the big 3 and fluridil(got 2 month supply left), hopefully something shakes out. It will be painful to be asian and shave the head, since it isn't something that is very common, although being close to 30 helps a bit, although I've been losing since 20.

You can read my story at this website.

Any comments appreciated.[/url]

When was picture number 12 taken (the one that shows the most loss/diffusion) ? Also over what period of time were all the pics taken ?
I think you have done an excellent job mainitaing if your hairloss started at 20.... I mean it

The first pictures are from around June. The latest ones are from this past week, if that helps. It looks worse than in pictures, though.


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Helpmeregrow said:
I think its something more to do with the kind of things that are mixed in the food (whether fast food or frozen food or anything else)I have been a vegetarian all my life and i have been eating frozen food for the past 3 years. I take multivitamins daily for the past 2 - 3 years and I lead a relatively stress free life. I still have male pattern baldness. My food primarily consists of 2% fat milk , cereal, GNC protein shakes (about 100 grams a day atleast), frozen bread, some frozen readymade vegetable packets, some days I eat rice, some tmes fruits. I have hardly even drunk sodas in the past 2 years. sometime I eat pizzas from out but thats pretty much it. I am trying to fgure out where i did go wrong. :roll:

Well, the problem is that you aren't eating fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. It's also a well known fact that protein shakes cannot replace the quality of protein to be gotten from animal meat.

It's not so much a problem of which foods you are eating, but rather, the quality. Whatever you do, make sure you adhere to foods that are as natural as poosible: The less processing, sterilization, antibiotics, pesticides, etc. the better. People often do not realize that this is the main difference between modern western diets and the way aboriginal and farming cultures eat. High Quality food peeps.


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What about working out?? Do you guys think that lifting weights can accelerate male pattern baldness???


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...and i was wondering what are the side effects of propecia and where can i get ahold of the pills?? and is there any doctor i can see???

any advice that you guys could give me would be great, THANKS

I had to quit propecia because i was taking 1.25mgs per day and I think it decimated my endocrine system. my hormones got screwed up and my hair started to become brittle. In the beginning I was so pumped full of testosterone, my sex drive was off the roof. I was getting pimples, etc. Then two months later, I began feeling naseous and was getting muscle twitches and getting the "brainfog." I think something in my delicate endocrine system burnt out.

This doesn't happen to everyone but it certainly DOES happen. If you are willing to take the risk, go ahead. If I were you, I'd try other treatments first before going into it. Oh yeah, I was only on it for 3 months. I would have rode it out but the side effects were WAY too ridiculous for me.


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Whats up deez nutz.

You said you were losing your hair from 20-28 right?
Well, I think you have maintained very well for 8 years.

Is your hair the same as it was 8 years ago? Because pictures can be deceiving.

Why do you use both Xandrox 15 and minoxidil 5% at night. One would be enough, unless you use Xandrox one night and the minoxidil 5% the next night.

Also, you said on your site that when you quit dutasteride you had a crazy shed for about 3 months. That to me says that the dutasteride was definitely working for you, otherwise you wouldnt have shed so badly.

How long did you use dutasteride for consistently? And at what dose per day were you using? What was your hair like when you were on dutasteride as opposed to when you came off it?

And did your skin stay oily even after 3 months of using both finasteride and dutasteride straight? Also what was your skin like before using either finasteride or dutasteride?

How is fluridil treating you and how long have you ben on it?


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blaze said:
Whats up deez nutz.

You said you were losing your hair from 20-28 right?
Well, I think you have maintained very well for 8 years.

Is your hair the same as it was 8 years ago? Because pictures can be deceiving.

Why do you use both Xandrox 15 and minoxidil 5% at night. One would be enough, unless you use Xandrox one night and the minoxidil 5% the next night.

Also, you said on your site that when you quit dutasteride you had a crazy shed for about 3 months. That to me says that the dutasteride was definitely working for you, otherwise you wouldnt have shed so badly.

How long did you use dutasteride for consistently? And at what dose per day were you using? What was your hair like when you were on dutasteride as opposed to when you came off it?

And did your skin stay oily even after 3 months of using both finasteride and dutasteride straight? Also what was your skin like before using either finasteride or dutasteride?

How is fluridil treating you and how long have you ben on it?

Hi Blaze,

My hair is definitely worse in the past 8 years, I have lost a LOT of density, the pictures are deceiving because my loss is so diffuse.

I'm not sure about dutasteride(Avordart 1 pill/day), it made my skin REALLY dry and I had to use eczema medication and it only made it a little less dry. I also shed HARD on it and stopped. Now my shedding is less but my overall coverage is less too.

Fluridil I don't think has done anything to tell the truth. I am going to run through this last batch and then probably discontinue. I am just on Propecia and minoxidil at the time being, with MSM/biotin/multivit as supplements.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks deez nutz.

Its interesting to note that alot of people who use dutasteride tend to develop dry skin. You are yet another person that has confirmed this.

Its strange because some also report their skin being more oily on dutasteride. However more people seem to get dry skin from it.


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Asian as well, Indian to be more sepcific, well british indian lol. Anyways, I have quite a bit of vertex thinning going on, my scalp is quite easily visable. I have hardly any recession, I would say, nothing that makes me think my hair is receeding anyhows.

I went to India recently and my parents come from farming background so you cant get more rural than that! Nobody there had male pattern baldness, it was quite depressing, all my cousins had perfect thick hair, I went to sevral cities and still nobody had any signs of male pattern baldness at least under the age of 30. I deffinatly think there is something going on in our diets over here! Too many chemicals in our foods prehaps, the food there undergoes no chemical treatment, neither does the water, fresh out of the ground from 200 feet below.

Oh yeah I'm 21 years old and have been thinning since 19. I only started finasteride in march so it has been around 9 months for me, I would say my hair has got thicker around the vertex slightly and overall. I will post pics when I hit 12 months, I have been taking pics every other month or so so hopefully will have a good idea how I have progressed, although it hard to maintain the lighting conditions for each pic.


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I'm telling you guys, stay away from fast food and overprocessed food. Go organic, meaning fresh fruits and veggies that have not been soaked in pesticides, grass-fed non antibacterial infested beef and chicken, and organic cold water fish (tuna, salmon, cod). I can almost gaurantee you'd see your hairloss treatment workiing better.


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I hate fish, its disgusting, so whats a guy to do?? Im guessing just consume more cod liver oil tablets then one a day??


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No seriously. what can one eat to make up for not eating the needed the especially omeca oils, cook and milikes, u seem like the the most up to date chap on her at the moment,, help me out dude,, I guess Icould eat more fish and chips, but I no its bad for you, Is there any were else I can find the esential omega oils that are needed??
Or am I just typing shite?


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I heard that flax seeds helps halt the receding hair line...there was a research study done in taiwan where the subjects consume flax seeds and 9 out of 10 halted losing their hair!!!

hope this helps everybody...right now im taking flaxseed oil from naturemade


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ronaldkia said:
i need to ask you asian guys here.... when did it start? what times of your life/ (new job/ lack of sex/ broke up w/ gf/ cranky...etc...) what was going on in your life at that time and before that time.

I never encountered an asian in my country who had sudden extreme case baldness. 2ndly the majrity of bald men at least 90% are old men 40 + ages which is age related baldness

y country is good to study asian baldness because it has a wide range of major asian races, Indians, chinese and Malayans.

And also life her in thiss countrey is very stressful. But still i dont understand why in european countrries life is supposed to be relaxed more men are balding then in asia.

I dont think it has something to do with strees, it is genetics. A feeling tells me caucasians are doomed with the MPG gene.


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This is a quite interesting and informative thread. I am an Asian as well (South Asian) and have been loosing since 20. These are the latest pictures of my hair taken about a month ago…


I'm also an intense weight lifter. I've been lifting for 3-4 months now and gotten very serious about bodybuilding. It almost becomes a new passion for me now. I've noticed ever since i started working out i stress about my hair loss less now. I don't know if working out has direct correlation to my reduced depression for hair loss or is it because i don't get much time to think about my hairloss anymore (working full time). But there are times when i stare at my hair in the mirror and it makes me really sad about my situation.

Also, is there any direct relation in working out and increase hair loss? I keep reading that working out causes more hair loss? Is that even true? I don't know if taking supplements like whey protein, creatine and NO with your hair loss meds (I recently started taking 1mg finasteride with 2% Rogaine) is right thing to do? Is it okay to take dietary supplements when you taking finasteride?

I also agree that diet might have some impact on your hair. I know a lot of new immigrants in Toronto who just came from India and these guys are well into their 30 and have a full head of thick hair. No signs of hair loss. I've been in canada for 10 years since i was 14. I'm 24 now. Thou my dad is completely bald so i don't blame the diet entirely for the hair loss but I do agree that eating natural food vs. eating chemically altered food will indeed have some sort of impact on your health for sure.


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It is not just the food It's the clorinated water and these ridiculous
shampoos w/ all the chemicals. What shampoos due they use in rural Asia? I bet it's nothing like in the states.


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Rogaine states that you might experience excessive hairloss at first, however under usual cirsumstances the hair will regrow and then some. I think that there are far too many people here that don't give some of these treatments a fair chance. I am caucasian, however I have had the very same experiences that Asians and other have had. The only difference is that I have remained with the program and I have had results that have been very satisfactory. I suggest that individuals remain with the program.


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Asian here too. Diffuse thinning. Started 3-4 yrs ago. REgimen cosists of multivitamin a day and Nizoral shampoo 2X a week (Sunday and THursdays). REally Really depressing. May soon jump on teh propecia ship. I just recently got a gf as well and she says she accepts me for who i am and doesn't matter what i look like but she doesn't know I'm balding. It's depressing guys. Glad to know that there are other North American asians sharing the fight.

Please PM me for MSN Messenger contacts so we can talk more indepth.

And as for the theory on fast food. I 've been eating fast food for teh last 2 weeks consistently and I find that my shedding is getting worse.


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Is is hard to say if de tor stress, because when male pattern baldness first started for me i was not under any stress.And i seldom eat fast food(hate it anyway). I have the typical asian diet, rice, meat vegetabes and curry ect.