Got A Few Questions And Would Like A Good Uk Vendor


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Hi guys,

I'm 24 years old and have always been unhappy with my hair. I have a big forehead (fivehead) and a receding hairline (sides are about 1-1.5" higher than the centre). This wouldn't be too bad if I didn't also have extremely thick, curly, frizzy hair.

I understand these systems are usually for balding people, but I've tried dozens of haircuts and treatments and nothing that my hair is capable of looks good with my head shape, it's just an unlucky combination. I'd like some thinner, straighter hair that glues a little further down than my actual hairline.

If I was to get a glue-on hairpiece, I assume I have to shave the top of my head to fit it. Would the fact that my hair grows back quickly/thickly be a problem?

I know they can look very real, but would it be noticeable to other people sometimes, for example a girl running her fingers through my hair?

Is it easy to learn to remove and re-apply it yourself? I'm a Master's student at the moment so money is still a little tight (I can afford the hair, just not the monthly refitting sessions).

I've done a lot of searching and found plenty of sellers, but I'd prefer to go the DIY route if possible for money reasons, so some recommendations would be good. Preferably somewhere that sells them pre-cut/styled (Although I can't imagine pre-styled ones being very good, maybe for my first fitting I should go into a salon?)

Any other advice for me?

Thanks in advance :)
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hi Jimeszy

To get a good result with a hairpiece you will have to shave the area under it. But you don't have to shave the whole top of your head - you can get a piece just to replace the front, or even a strip to just lower your hairline by an inch. You would have to take it off to clean and re-glue it every 10-14 days, so hair growth should not be a problem - it would be minimal between reattachments.

Hair systems can pretty easily be made undetectable to see. Getting it undetectable to feel, for example if a girl runs her fingers through your hair, is possible but requires more work and more care. It needs to be a good fit and to be well applied and well maintained.

It is pretty easy to learn to remove and re-apply it yourself. Most guys are not used to working on their own heads, so you need to acquire a few fine motor skills, but you would have picked up the techniques in 4-6 weeks.

I will PM you with some suggestions for suppliers.
