Going out alone

Bald Dave

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Right I have decided to go clubbing on my own. Its not because I don't have anyone to go out with its because the people i usually go out with never want to go to the places that i wanna go to. I got this one friend who is into indie music and when we go out we have to go to an indie bar and he won't go anywhere that plays dance music. I've got another friend who only wants to go to old mans pubs even though he is only 32 and again won't go to any places that has dance music. So I thought id bite the bullet and go out alone. I've also found that when you go out alone you haven't got anyone to hold you back i.e. you see a nice girl at the bar and you go over to talk to her then your friend comes over to join in and effectively has ruined your chances with scoring with the girl as he is now trying to get her. So I might do it in a few weeks and go out alone.

So what you're experiences of going out alone good or bad?


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I would'nt do it. Just talk to a few people who you think are like minded, you'll find them at work or through hobbies ect. There's bound to be someone you come in contact with who has the same interests socially. This way is much easier and less awkward.


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Bald Dave said:
I've also found that when you go out alone you haven't got anyone to hold you back i.e. you see a nice girl at the bar and you go over to talk to her then your friend comes over to join in and effectively has ruined your chances with scoring with the girl as he is now trying to get her.

thats common when you are a teenager, not in our age group, maybe you should try to go out with some other friends.
usually me and my friends back each other out when going out (when i hit on a girl the rest are either trying to hook up with her friends or just being a wing man)

btw, i thought you have a girl? :dunno:


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If you think you have the confidence to go clubbing alone then you should do it. I did it a few times at university when none of my friends were around. I was self-conscious at first, but you quickly realise drunk people (or people in general) don't care you're on your own.

I fly out to South Korea on Monday and I will most likely be going to bars/clubs on my own once again (unless I make a few friends in my first week there). In a way it's more exciting because you don't have that safety blanket and you can do whatever you want.


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s.a.f said:
I would'nt do it. Just talk to a few people who you think are like minded, you'll find them at work or through hobbies ect. There's bound to be someone you come in contact with who has the same interests socially. This way is much easier and less awkward.


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The only thing I don't mind doing alone in public is going out to eat. Lunch is easier to do than dinner. I could never go to the movies by myself either although many people do. I admire people who can do everything out in public alone like go to bars, go to movies, go to theme parks, travel to different countries or states. I guess I just need some type of "social crutch" when I go out in public. I think since I care so much about how I look maybe that just transcends into how I want people to perceive me in public. I don't want to appear as a loner in public. I used to feel sorry for those type of people as a kid when I saw them eating alone and reading a book or at the movies with no date. I even feel sorry for myself when I am see myself eating alone. :)

somone uk

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i have to say it's usually much more common for people who don't like dance music being pulled to dance club and finding it hard to find people who like their music than visa versa

i have gone to gigs on my own but i have never really been on a night out on my own
but tbh i think everyone will be too drunk to notice

Bald Dave

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Thanks for your input guys. I went out clubbing last night with my bro. When i was out i noticed that you can quite easily blend in with the crowd as it was quite busy in there.

I went on holiday earlier this year with my friend. We went out clubbing every night but we didn't chat to any girls. This was maybe because we had each others company that we didn't bother mingling with anyone else. Then on the 4th night my friend felt too ill to go out so i went out alone. When i was out i ended up chatting to loads of girls and i wouldn't have done this if my friend was with me. I think going out alone makes you chat to people because you are on your own whilst if you are out with someone then you end up just chatting with that person all night.

Ive just found a website www.goingoutalone.com and it explains exacly what I mean.


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Just do it.

No one gives a sh*t and probably won't even know you're alone.

If you don't like it, don't do it again.


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Wow, just when you though the internet had it all, there's a website on 'going out alone'. I've done this a few times to places such as the movies or just walking around by myself. Never to a club, not that i go often anyway.

Found this part really funny though:
If you find a good guy you could go clubbing with him the next time, ask for his number. I quite often notice 1-2 more guys who came alone. So if you don’t like clubbing alone, just go and ask them if they came alone, and offer to go with them the next time they go out.

Kinda sounds like the hair loss thing, an 'in secret', you see the other person and just know judging by their hair line...or in this case loneliness.

But going to a club alone, i think whether you actually do talk to anyone/girls depends a lot on your confidence plus appearance. I know i could do it if i styled my hair the right way and dressed up nicely.


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Cassin said:
Sure I have done it before...nothing wrong with it. Its a good way to meet new people and explore your own thing.

that might get you arrested if you do it in public.....



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I've gone out before with friends and pretended they didn't exist.

Is that the same?


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If you go out to the right kind of place then yes... by all means do it!

If you're in some stuffy, half-empty cocktail bar, then obviously you'll look stupid and be rumbled for what you are very quickly.

However if on a friday or saturday night you go to a big night club, or large cheap bar (a.k.a. Wetherspoons in the U.K.), with loud music, lots of people and plenty drink flowing; you'll definitely find that you're able to blend it and no one will even notice.

I did this before and it was an absolute free-for-all! Everybody's drinking, in the party atmosphere and too busy having a good time to notice me being alone... also nothing puts off girls more than a leering group of drunken guys lingering around them, so going it alone is actually much more likely to work for you on the girl-front.


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I love going to the movies alone, therefore if I am taking a date I don't have to explain to her 'Inception'. :whistle:


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^^One reason why i saw this movie by myself. I knew my friends wouldn't appreciate it (and seeing it again with some of them proved me right).


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Bald Dave said:
Thanks for your input guys. I went out clubbing last night with my bro. When i was out i noticed that you can quite easily blend in with the crowd as it was quite busy in there.

I went on holiday earlier this year with my friend. We went out clubbing every night but we didn't chat to any girls. This was maybe because we had each others company that we didn't bother mingling with anyone else. Then on the 4th night my friend felt too ill to go out so i went out alone. When i was out i ended up chatting to loads of girls and i wouldn't have done this if my friend was with me. I think going out alone makes you chat to people because you are on your own whilst if you are out with someone then you end up just chatting with that person all night.

Ive just found a website http://www.goingoutalone.com and it explains exacly what I mean.

I would go clubbing with you Dave..................................... :whistle:

Just PM me your address.................................................. :whistle: