man i hate all this f*****g talk of "it's cosmetic, we don't cover it"
I get that about my hair and acne. sh*t is there anything we can do about it? How can we fight for change?!!!
hairloss and acne are both proven MEDICAL CONDITIONS!!!
They are as medical as psoriasis, eczema, and chicken pox scarring. But not covered like them. Like we cubans say "que se mueran y se pudran en el infierno!!"
I get that about my hair and acne. sh*t is there anything we can do about it? How can we fight for change?!!!
hairloss and acne are both proven MEDICAL CONDITIONS!!!
They are as medical as psoriasis, eczema, and chicken pox scarring. But not covered like them. Like we cubans say "que se mueran y se pudran en el infierno!!"