Getting involved with women= huge mistake and a sucker deal?


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It recently occurred to me how much woman want in relations- f*****g EVERYTHING.

You get involved with them and first off they expect you to fill the primary role of a man which according to them is to provide physical and economic security for them so they have a safe space in which they can behave any way they wish -usually hysterically.

THEN they want somebody they can model and mould in the way they see fit. she is going to tell you:

-what to wear (by registering her disapproval with your clothing choice)

-how to treat her friends and family (by giving you subtle or not so subtle indications when you don't behave as expected)

-that you are not doing enough to entertain her (that's why she goes out with the girls)

-that she's organized things for you two to do (if you don't want to witness a hissy fit then you better go)

The last point is an outstanding example of how she gets full control and everything she wants. Agree to go on whatever shitty trip or lame activity she has planned and she gets to see/do what she wanted plus a wingman to accompany her and pay for her and roped into whatever little devious plan she had tucked away under sleeve (a covert shopping trip where you'll be guilted into buying something she's wanted for a while- see how f*****g devious they are?) .

Don't agree to go and then she's got you EXACTLY where she wants you- a reason to ignore you, be mad at you, treat you with contempt resulting in you having to grovel to her and you won't stop the grovelling until SHE feels you've done enough to 'make it up to her'. She wins again.

Women are sick. Totally sick. Can you not see how evil and controlling they are in these sort of relationships? And there are no exceptions. None. They are all like this. They are going to disintegrate you with this psychological terrorism they use until they've got you completely under their control. They'll turn you into an obedient shell of a man who is seen as nothing more than their bread winner and play thing to be dressed up as they see fit.

The only logical conclusion I can make from this recent series of brainfarts is that beyond friendship or sex, a relationship with a woman is TOTAL sucker deal. You know it.

Prove me wrong. Or don't. I don't care. I haven't been involved in one of those relationships for a while and unless I suffer a catastrophic brain injury which makes me forget all of this I will never get involved again! ha!


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and don't bother with this 'yes but in a relationship it's not just about you, it's about two people and having to make sacrifice and compromise'

That's what women have brainwashed us to think. It's how manipulation works. It's easy to bend people who are willing to compromise- if she doesn't get everything she wants, she is still going to get SOME of what she wants. All she needs to do is to demand more than what she originally wanted in the first place and then after all the compromising has been done (by you) she gets what she wanted (even though she's led you to believe she's made a compromise and forfeited some of her demands) and she get's to look like a reasonable person who is open to compromise and sharing.

Do you see this? So f*****g devious.........

somone uk

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well only NW1s get good relationships

i tbh refuse to compromise myself for a relationship


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somone uk said:
well only NW1s get good relationships

They get suckered in even worse because they are blinded by all the attention they're lavished with. That hairline gives them a false confidence which makes them think they'll always wear the pants and NEVER succumb to feminine mind control

pffttt BIG mistake!

That false confidence is the best tool a women could ask for. It's the secret lure in the fisherman's box. It's the chum which makes the job so much easier.

i tbh refuse to compromise myself for a relationship

I hope you never change that attitude.

All men know deep down that relationships of that nature are stupid and nothing more than man-made prisons which are detrimental to their wellbeing.

What dupes men into relationships is the cancerous idea which equates maturity with having a relationship. There you are, a swinging bachelor having the time of your life, vowing never to get bogged down in a relationship and all of a sudden that idea pops into your head "you've got to grow up and settle down sometime, you can't do this forever". The seed which was planted many many years ago has now sprouted and made you ripe for the picking by whichever she-devil chooses you.

And guess who planted that seed? That's right- a woman. One of those ones who tutt while shaking their head and proclaiming 'that's so immature" whenever they see a man who refuses to engage in what she calls a 'proper relationship', because he knows full well one of those harpies will suck the soul from his body and keep it in a jar by her bedside with all the other souls she's collected if he is not careful.


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it all depends on the guy, some prefer relationships and some see girls only for sex, personally i dont care *that* much for random sex... id take a meaningful relationship everyday (and yeah, i LOVE traveling with a gf)... but thats just me :dunno:


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Come you really think just because the wrapping looks good it's not a mess inside!

aussieavodart............................................................ :laugh:


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Someone had a bad night..


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Maybe it's just the type you go for Aussie. In my book, a man has to wear the pants in a relationship, and if she doesn't accept it, throw her down the stairs, you gotta let her know who's boss. :hairy:

An important lesson I learned is that all women are insane, although there is a big difference between being the mentally stable and mentally unstable ones, varying degrees you see. Avoid the nutters like the plague. The story Finfighter recounts is a prime example of a mentally unstable women, they will f*** you up if you let them.


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Life is all about manipulation. You just have to be better at it than she is. Manipulation is an art. Since you seem to know how women operate why not use that knowledge in your favor. If they don't like how you play your game, then walk away and find someone who does. There is always going to be some woman who will play along with you but just make sure you are at the top of your game so you can keep the situation under control. Otherwise, don't even bother playing.


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Marriage is about compromise. Reminds me of the time my wife wanted a cat, and I didn’t want a cat…so we compromised, went out, and bought a cat.

Seriously, though, there is a certain part of being in a relationship with a woman that is like raising a child (especially in the early stage of a relationship), and I’m sure they look at men the same way. You have to nip certain things in the bud very early on, and make sure that you stand firm for what you believe in and that she is fine with that. No two people are going to see everything eye to eye, so you have to make sure that when there is a disagreement, she is capable of being understanding of your side, and you of course need to be understanding of hers. I have a friend who is in a relationship now where his girlfriend completely has him by the balls and owns him…but it’s his own fault, he let it get this way. We double date with them a lot so I see her just have his way with him, and it’s effing depressing. Early in his relationship, he was so pu$$Y-whipped and just did whatever she wanted that it became the norm and at the time he didn’t mind because it was early in the relationship and everything was peaches and cream…now, the things that used to be “cute†aren’t that “cute†anymore, and he finds himself either doing what she wants him to do or getting into a huge ridiculous fight over something stupid. He’s one of my best buddies and I don’t want this to happen but if I had to guess, I’d say they’ll break up eventually, but he could’ve prevented this by early on by nipping her constant questioning of his actions in the bud and standing firm and basically saying “this is who I am – you’re either in, or you’re outâ€.

For instance, we have a Sunday morning tradition during football season where we go out for breakfast together – it’s been going on for years. Early in his relationship, she would give him crap for not bringing her along when he would say it was just us guys, and he even brought her a couple of times just to keep the peace. That’s like when you tell a little kid “no†but his persistence wears you down and you give in – you’re creating a monster. He has bailed on us a couple of Sundays and says flat out that he just doesn’t want to hear her bicker about it so he just doesn’t even come. At the very beginning, he should’ve told her “Look, this is something we’ve been doing for a long time, it’s always been us guys, this is something that I enjoy doing and we like it this way, so just deal with it…â€.

I’m not saying every girl is this way and requires this level of treatment, but by your original post, it sounds like the girls you’ve encountered need to be treated this way, or you will create a monster.

Mens Rea

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What's this bullshit about?

Just because some guys are complete pussy's and have their ladies walk over them doesnt' make women universally bad

every relationship ive had ive been the one who made the choices etc. Noone ever told me what to do (within reason) or interfered like you seem to suggest.

Obviously there are all shapes and sizes but its up to you to control your own relationship

and dont dare bring hair into this.

Bald Dave

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Colin, I think the whole point of this thread is to show that if you let a women walk over you in the beginning of the relationship then they will continue to do so and like easyed stated they will have you by the balls and own you! Im glad you've acted on not being a pussy in the beginning but unfortunately not all guys do this as alot of men (myself included) has put pussy on a pedistol and are now paying the price (quite literally).

A bit of advice to everyone is to pay for the woman on first date but afterwards go halves on everything otherwise she might see you as a money bank and will expect a free ride throughout your relationship (im starting to sound like CCS lol but its true). My GF always expects me to pay for everything only because I always paid for everything in the beginning of the relationship - my fault!


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I think you just described a lot of Australian girls aussieavodart (and stereotypical gay Australian men too).


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I think that people tend to delude themselves when it comes to women ie they put up with alot in the early stages of a relationship.


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monty1978 said:
I don't actually know what the point of this thread is but my point is that it's f****ing dumb not to sterotype "women" as just a hole!

I fixed it for you............................................... :whistle:


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In a bath with a rusty razor blade and a bottle of vodka........ :dunno:


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Fast bike you say?



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So I catch up with my newly wedded friend. Beyond using him as an observational study of human behaviour I now have NO reason to remain friends.

It all starts so predictably: within five minutes of seeing them she (who has now turned into an absolute cvntface) lets out a howler- 'don't drink too much tonight' she tells him. I sit there and wait for him to redeem himself by telling her to f off. It doesn't come. He's officially an inmate in the prison of marriage and just like an ordinary prisoner he's put himself there and I feel no sympathy for him, texting her that he's 'on his way back now' from the shops. Total wanker.

After witnessing her post-marriage transformation into an abominable shitetroll I can safely say my previous theory about why women want to get into relationships has been confirmed. I can see that everything up to the wedding day was just the build up for her and that she felt she had well and truly EARNED that ring on her finger. All those years were not a relationship as far she was concerned, it was necessary 'work' she was required to put just so she could finally practice that maternal urge women have to shape someone, mould them in the way they see fit, manage them, organize the sh*t out of them, boss them around and psychologically torment them when necessary. Obviously children are ideal to do this with but they'll quite happily do it to a grown man in the mean time and grown men are quite happy to participate by allowing themselves to be told what to do, get angry when they're told what to do, be endlessly managed, grovel to authority etc. just basically act like children needing a mummy. More kilos have been stacked on since wedlock night. She's set now, no need to worry about weight. He'll never complain because he can't. He's in her evil web.

I think she even despises me now. When she talks to me she puts on a forced smile, as if to cover up what a strain it is to talk to me. I call and don't get a warm reception from him- but only because she's there making the decisions about what he can do. I'm not calling anymore. Keep her the f*** away from me I'm liable to let my contempt of her and her kind known. I'll tell him what a let down he is to himself while I'm at it. The wedding signifies two things- his cowardly decline into self-loathing wretch who traded his manhood for maternal care and her blossoming into a controlling, narcissistic b**ch who would make a great nazi - the last stage of female development.

Sucker. Deal.


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Petchsky said:
Maybe it's just the type you go for Aussie. In my book, a man has to wear the pants in a relationship, and if she doesn't accept it, throw her down the stairs, you gotta let her know who's boss. :hairy:

That's actually very accurate. Really the only way a man can gain control in those relationships is physically- by being abusive.

Any attempt the man makes at control by psychological means will always be deemed mysoginistic or abusive. It's only OK when women do that. It's another great double standard.