Getting A Haircut - Should I wash out Dermmatch before?

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So I want to get a haircut but i was wondering whether I should leave dermmatch on and go or wash it out? Has anyone tried getting a haircut with the stuff on? How did it go?


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I'd wash it out first, since the hairdresser will be getting an up close look at your hair, you dont want them thinking WTF?? :$


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I agree with Saf. You totally gotta wash it out, it will very noticable when the hairdresser is that close to your head. Its not worth the embarassment. Going to the hairdresser is the only time I dont have product in my hair.


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Going to the barber was always embarrassing for me in the last years. I totally hated it. I hated the lights there, I hated the looks of other customers and staff and I hated it when some pretty chick saw my balding. I wore a hat or cap most of the time and I only took that thing off when I went to bed or to the barber and I felt extremely uncomfortable without my cap.

At some point I changed my hairstyle and deceided to wear my hair pretty short. I purchased a hair clipper and now I'm doing it all on my own. It's easy and I safe lots of money (that I can spend for concealers LOL). I wear my hair slightly longer than a buzz cut and with Dermmatch and HairSoReal it looks really good. No more barbers for me.


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Dude thats so weird. Im exactly the same! I wear a hat to the hairdressers and I dont take it off to the last minute when im about to sit in the chair to get it cut the moment its done, i pop the cap back on. I also refuse to let women cut my hair. (especially really attractive ones) I just feel really uncomfortable. I actually like to have my hair cut by an older old school barber man, or a younger guy with some hairloss, they are more understanding and not as shocked or unlikely to make unwanted comments about your hairloss. Ive had bad experiences with these hip young hot chicks cutting my hair because they try to cut my hair like they are cutting hair on a guy with a perfect hairline. They really have NO clue! But I find an older barber or young hairdresser guy with some hairloss himself understands better how to cut a guy with receading hairline or thinning around the crown. Thats my opinion anyway.


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LOL. Amazing :) Yeah, during my last barber shop year, I firstly spotted into the shop to find out about the staff there (call me Psycho, lol). When young chicks or men with a full head of hair were working there it was clear for me that I'd never go in there. I finally found an (as you called it) old school barber. A men in his early 60's, pretty bald. I thought he would understand me, LOL and I found it less embarrassing.

But the other thing was that wearing a hat almost 24/7 couldn't be the final solution so I had to do something. Wearing my hair very short, cutting it by myself and finding some good concealers helped me a lot to get my life back. I will never forget the moment when I went out to a pub without a damn cap for the first time in years. What a relieve it was. I felt like newborn. And it looks pretty good. I even got a compliment from someone who said that I have a cool looking haircut. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it.


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Yeah, I cut my own hair now just like you. I dont bother with hairdressers anymore, to much stress lol :p I invested in a really good quality pair of wahl clippers. But I use a custom guard which is like size 9 or 35mm or something like that. So its far from shaved short but its not real long either but just long enough to add product and do a basic style. Ive had long hair all my life (the real rocker look with bangs and fringe etc) now if i try that, it just looks whispy and paper thin and gaps in my fringe. Its obvious im balding. I breaks my heart to have it short as it is, but it honestly looks a lot better.


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Same here, man (Maybe we are brothers seperated at birth or something? LOL). In the early 90s I let my hair grow. I looked like a mixture out of Nikki Sixx and Richie Sambora. I had great hair. In 1996 I had the longest hair in my area, up to my elbows. I was f*****g proud of it and I never wanted to have short hair ever again, lol. Around 10 years ago I realized that I am balding and the very long hair didn't looked good anymore so I cut it. First shoulder length and then I had a Jon Bon Jovi like hair do. It still looked okay but with years gone by my hair became thinner and thinner. That's when I became the "Cap Man" and I hated it. Now as I'm older I still cannot really accept my balding but I can accept my short hair. I think it looks okay, especially for a guy in his 30's. Still better then wearing a f*****g cap all the time.


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lol i also had the grunge thing goin on in the 90's. Kurt Cobain Era. I actually suit baseball caps, which is why I wear them so often, but it annoys me that I rely on them so much. Do you ever get a headache from wearing a hat so much? (i do not wear it tight, I wear it so loose its almost falling off my head, so not to cause any trauma to my hair) Despite how loose my cap is, when u've been wearing one all day, by the end of the day my head is just screaming or just pounding for me to take it off, sometimes at work ive had to retreat to the toilets and just sit in there, take my hat off so my head could get relief lol. Sounds rather extreme doesnt it. :( I dont know why im that way. Im just ashamed I guess. Caps really do suck, if i had hair that looked great everyday i would happily NEVER where a cap for the rest of my life. My hair only looks good right after I wash it and blow dry it, its great for that day and probably the next day too. On the 3rd day I usually wear my hat, until i wash my hair again and that is usually on the on 4th day.


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Wow, that sounds extreme. No, I never got an headache from wearing a cap. I dunno, I think I could wear a cap 24/7/365 without having a prob with it physically. But as you said, it sucks big time in the long run cause once you have to take it off you start to feel uncomfortable. Not to talk about all the situations where you cannot wear a hat so you avoid such situations.

Somewhow I managed to get an haircut/hair-do that looks really good with concealers, so I don't wear a hat that often anymore. I'm very thankful for that, tho it sucks a bit that I need concealers all the time. I wouldn't know what to do without them. But I prefer concealers over wearing a hat all the time.


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Metalhead if you're getting headaches its probably due to your vision being obscured by the peak of your cap.

hair today gone tomorrow

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metalheaddude said:
lol i also had the grunge thing goin on in the 90's. Kurt Cobain Era. I actually suit baseball caps, which is why I wear them so often, but it annoys me that I rely on them so much. Do you ever get a headache from wearing a hat so much? (i do not wear it tight, I wear it so loose its almost falling off my head, so not to cause any trauma to my hair) Despite how loose my cap is, when u've been wearing one all day, by the end of the day my head is just screaming or just pounding for me to take it off, sometimes at work ive had to retreat to the toilets and just sit in there, take my hat off so my head could get relief lol. Sounds rather extreme doesnt it. :( I dont know why im that way. Im just ashamed I guess. Caps really do suck, if i had hair that looked great everyday i would happily NEVER where a cap for the rest of my life. My hair only looks good right after I wash it and blow dry it, its great for that day and probably the next day too. On the 3rd day I usually wear my hat, until i wash my hair again and that is usually on the on 4th day.

nice routine you got goin there.


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s.a.f said:
Metalhead if you're getting headaches its probably due to your vision being obscured by the peak of your cap.

Yeah? I do sit my cap very low down on forehead so you can barely see my eyes.

HTGT are you being sarcastic? I dont wash my hair everyday, just every 3rd or 4th day. Ive tried washing it everyday but for some reason it never looks as good as when i leave it for 3-4 days then wash it. Not sure why that is.


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Just like you, I'm now used to my buzzcut and some dermatch so it looks pretty fine.

It's way better than wearing cap, plus short hair look masculine and are pretty hip(thanks prison break lol)