gained so much weight from depressive hairloss


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just wondering, has anyone else, had their hairloss only add to their problems?

such as weight increase?

i've put on 25 pounds, as a direct result of hairloss (comfort eating, etc etc).

been well over a year, since i last had a girlfriend.

since then, i went all desperate, and even tried to marry a girl, who's been previously divorced, not really one that i'd go for (lookswise that is), plus older than me 27,(i'm 25), all coz of this hairloss. she had a nice personality though.

at the moment i'm not using much meds, just propecia 0.5g every few days or so.( cant handle more than that, my libido, has hit an all time low, only think about sex once a week now! before it was every six secounds).

praying for a cure every single day!!!

i'm getting really desperate.


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oh yeah; funny thing is, i don't reckon she would have gone out with me likewise, if she wasnt equally in a disadvantaged situation (she wasn't getting very lucky being divorced and all, plus with only very mediocre looks).

i mean who would wanna go out with a 25 year old with a combover!!???

i eventually called it off, stipulating " not ready reasons"

she's done ok now, shes met a nice guy, engineer by trade, but not all that in the looks department either.

the girl i had before her, is going through a depression as well, ringing me up and telling me she misses me!!

im like f-off, no way after what you done to me ( she took a better looking guy over me, with beautiful hair i might add!!) and now that its not all "hunky dory" between them, she thinks because i'm bald, ill be a really easy "win back"

no way man!!

i might be bald and , challenged in the looks department coz of it, but no way am i a door mat!!

but to be honest, secretly, i feel really lonesome, and with my worsening situation, i dont think i'll meet anyone ever again. people (especially girls) are becomeing more and more demading of guys having to be "fit"(slang for really good looking), and here i am trailing miles behind that!!

what to do, what to do?? i dun no


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Almost Bald, you definitely have some issues to work out with yourself. Its really not healthy to look at your life the way you do. There is alot more to live then your apperance, especially your hair's apperance. I know it hard to wake up everyday and realize your going bald, but its part of life and I think its say to say that probably 50% of the worlds men have some form of male pattern baldness.

I know Ive said this before on this site, but its very very true:

Women want a man that is a MAN! Someone strong, confident and comfortable in their own skin. I guarantee that any woman would rather have an average looking guy with a great positive attitude and a sense of humor over a very handsome man that was depressed and intraverted. Thats a fact and women can sense when a guy is not secure with himself, I know this because I used to one of those guys and then I had a revelation while talking to one of my ex's.

While in highschool I was pretty popular and had plenty of hot girlfriends. About 6months after graduation I started thinning around my temples. After a bout 18 months, I realized that I was balding and it pretty much ruined my life as I knew it. I stopped dating and felt like a freak for being so young and alreayd loosing my hair. I was single and dateless for probably 2 years, depressed as hell on the inside and felt hopeless.

Then one day, i ran into one of my exes who I dated in high school who was also my first love. We talked for along time and she noticed how different my personality was and she hated it. I broke down in front of her and explained it was because of my hair. She basically laughed at me for being so shallow and said I was blowing this whole thing out of proportion.

SHE WAS RIGHT!!! In fact, she was actually dating some older guy who was probably a NW2. Mind you that my ex looks like Catherine Zeta Jones but with blue eyes. She is gorgeous and could get any guy she wanted, believe me. She said this guy was really outgoing, made her laugh and they just had good chemistry together.

My point is that this beautiful women was with this guy cause of his personality and what he had to offer her as a person, not because of his looks. I know that there are plenty of superficial people out there, but not everyone is like that. You have to live your life and enjoy the ride, otherwise whats the point, right?

Good luck!

George Costanza

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chiahead is right, personality and confidence go a hell of a long way. But hair IS unfortunately important to women, at least under the age of 30. Women love a guy with pretty hair just like I love a woman with a pretty face. But I've see a lot of ugly women with a killer body that I would date.

The point is almostbald, concentrate on building on other qualities to make up for the hair loss. Start lifting weights and develop a killer body, gain some confidence, and just be happy with yourself, girls will be attracted to that. And shave your head, looks MUCH better than a combover IMO.

And to the women who can't get pass the hair loss...... :toma:


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George Costanza said:
gain some confidence, and just be happy with yourself, girls will be attracted to that.

I have to agree with that. Confidence is a very powerful thing. the problem is gaining that confidence.. easier said then done I suppose.


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i feel your pain, as i have experienced it myself. one thing i have been told by many, many women is that they absolutly love guys that are confident, secure with themselfs, funny, and generaly happy. nothing turns a girl off more than a guy that acts depressed, and down on himself.

act positive for positive results. you may not be able to change your hair, but there are many other things that you can change about yourself.


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george constanza: that last line made me laugh so much. thank you


hey man, ive been there bro. broke down many times, ive been bald for almost a year now (only a few strings left, people call me , baldy locks and the three hairs).

atleast you had a sympathetic girlfriend. i had a really shallow one.

i dated her for a long time, almost a year, and we was ready to get married and stuff. towards the end of our relationship, i noticed she was continuously looking at othere guys.

then one day she goes, ive got something to tell you (took a while for her to get it out) she was letting me down gently.

and now??

shes getting married to the guy.


well, i wasnt born yesterday, so i tell you why. he was basically better looking, dont get me wrong i equal him, in almost all other departments, except that one. so what else could it be? you tel me.

he was taller, leaner, had nice hair and skin..

another funny thing thats happened, is that ive tended to lean towards the select few among my friends, who pay very little attention to the way i look, and thus the ones that make very little comments with regards to it.

im sorry i dont want to appear to be ranting, just some observations ive made..

how are you supposed to build your confidence, when people dogg you like that, and put you back to square one.


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you know the funny thing is that if you guys ran into a balding girl in her 20s, you wouldn't go for why should they overlook the balding thing and not go for you? and yes, it sucks going bald..but i'm not going to b**ch about it..bitching, being afraid, worrying, it won't change sh*t in the have to learn to accept it sooner or later

Hairless Potter

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almostbald said:
at the moment i'm not using much meds, just propecia 0.5g every few days or so.

I'd add Zoloft 100 mg once a day. :wink: Listen dude, your hairloss does not change the person you are. I know its tough not letting it affect your mental status, but hang in there.


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I am not a big advocate of depression meds at all. I think too many people take them, while not working on their problems and simply mask what is wrong in their life. But, taking them for 6 months or so till you figure things out may be a great idea. Just make sure you take nothing that affects hair or course.

Things were pretty painful for me a year ago at this time when I started Propecia, and I was on Prozac for about 3 months till I could think straight again. It helped me out a lot and I was able to start pulling myself back together emotionally. It was hard sucking it up and going to my doctor and admitting that I needed a mental crutch to help myself. I am glad I did, once things began to clear up I started making better choices and realized all the things I needed to do to start making things better for myself. It’s amazing how cloudy things can get. Depression is a serious thing and I was truly shocked to see how much it had been affecting me once things started getting a little bit better. Weight gain was one of many problems it caused. Personally raising Amstel Lights stock value by 3 points was another. The last thing you need to worry about is women right now. Anyway, I am rambling………

By the way, I have no clue if Prozac effects hair loss or not.

Best of luck to you.


I use prozac on and off. It helped me come to terms with my skin head originally. Now and then I get focused on my skin head again, so I go back on the prozac.

Prozac has not grown hair for me, but it helps me let go of my bald obsession issues, and live life again.

Healthy Nick

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Grow a set of balls and lift some goddamn weights. That is the solution. When you lift weights and get that rush, you'll know. And when you see the results of the hard work you've been doing, it will put a smile on your face. Bottomline, muscle=confidence. If you get muscle, you won't even think about your hairloss.

Guys, working out is the key to confidence. Be a man, get up off your ***, and lift. If you are counting solely on propecia, minoxidil etc, you'll never be happy. You need to make some personal life changes. You have to try and better yourself.

Does anybody disagree with this?


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hit up the gym. I tell ya nothing lets out a little frustration with a few pumps of iron. :boom:


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hopewas said:
you know the funny thing is that if you guys ran into a balding girl in her 20s, you wouldn't go for why should they overlook the balding thing and not go for you? and yes, it sucks going bald..but i'm not going to b**ch about it..bitching, being afraid, worrying, it won't change sh*t in the have to learn to accept it sooner or later

Completely different Hopewas. Much, much less common in women. A bald guy is something you see all day, anywhere and everywhere, so its a lil shocker if a women was bald. I would go out with a girl who had some thinning or hairloss, just as long as she had other things going for her. Everyone looks for at least one "thing" going for the person when finding a partner.


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i've seen a lot of women with really thin hair..a lot..or just ask the women in the women's section..also.. you wouldn't approach a girl that's fat,..that's their setback...if your tase isn't someone who's fat..why should they not go for a bald guy if it's not their taste. i don't know..i'm not going to get into's common sense


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right, your right if someone doesnt like bald guys then they wouldnt go for them. But to be in a relationship and have your girl leave you because you are balding is fucked up.


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jblig said:
hopewas said:
you know the funny thing is that if you guys ran into a balding girl in her 20s, you wouldn't go for why should they overlook the balding thing and not go for you? and yes, it sucks going bald..but i'm not going to b**ch about it..bitching, being afraid, worrying, it won't change sh*t in the have to learn to accept it sooner or later

Completely different Hopewas. Much, much less common in women. A bald guy is something you see all day, anywhere and everywhere, so its a lil shocker if a women was bald. I would go out with a girl who had some thinning or hairloss, just as long as she had other things going for her. Everyone looks for at least one "thing" going for the person when finding a partner.

Its also different because men and women look for different things in each other. Women tend to look more for wealth, power and security as men mainly go for the chick withe the hot bod and cute face. Older men who are successful can easily find younger, attractive women. But an older woman, wealthy or not, probably couldnt pick up a younger man.

Humpty Dumpty

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hopewas said:
i've seen a lot of women with really thin hair..a lot..or just ask the women in the women's section..also.. you wouldn't approach a girl that's fat,..that's their setback...if your tase isn't someone who's fat..why should they not go for a bald guy if it's not their taste. i don't know..i'm not going to get into's common sense

Hopewas, may you bathe in asses milk. :lol: As he says, boys, it ain't that uncommon amongst women. Some estimates put female hairloss at around as high 30% of the population (as compared to 50% amongst men) and most of the women in the female forum are in their twenties. As regards the two situations being "completely different", here's a good rule of thumb: never, ever expect from another person what you are unwilling or unable to give yourself. So if you are unwilling to overlook hairloss in a woman (step forward, I think, Redbone "I'd bone her if she had good tits but never be seen out with her" [paraphrase]) then big up to all those women unwilling to overlook it in you. And don't dare have the nerve to sit and fink about all those "shallow" 42-20-34 peroxide blondes who can't see past the fact you're a Norwood 3.