gained so much weight from depressive hairloss


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Healthy Nick said:
Grow a set of balls and lift some goddamn weights. That is the solution. When you lift weights and get that rush, you'll know. And when you see the results of the hard work you've been doing, it will put a smile on your face. Bottomline, muscle=confidence. If you get muscle, you won't even think about your hairloss.

nick tells it like it is. working out lifted my confedence out of depression, and changed things dramatically in the dating dept.


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A buddy of mine who was balding very quickly eventually went from very short cuts to actually shaving his head and growing a very cool gotee. He gets more *** now then he or I combined ever got. Bald is in if you wear it with confidence. He beefed up, dresses nice and is one bad *** lookin', pussy gettin' m@#@ther f@#@ker! He just told me recently that he is sorry he didn't shave his head years ago. With all the *** he's getting now, I can't imagine what it will be like when he gets a tan this summer, he'll be a pussy god then!


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f*** that if you really want the peroxide blondes you gotta show em you the man. No matter what just act tough to them and most likely they will dig you. If not just go primal and hate f*** em till they love you.


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x5o - not all blokes look good bald, although growing a goatee tends to help. I reckon maybe only 10% of blokes actually look good bald/shaven (NO-ONE looks good bald with long hair, sweepover style). I see a lot of guys coming into the shop I work in and very few of the baldies look good, although once in a while you see a guy who actually still looks real good looking with no hair.

Myself, I will look stupid completely bald, since my eyebrows are dark and thick and I have a kinda odd shaped head which you can already see with my current level of hairloss - however when I had all my hair I was a hit with the ladies and could take my pick :) Ahh those were the days...