Fueling Testosterone and Preventing Hair Loss???


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ok tocotrienols maybe more important than tocopherols
again, there are cheaper alternatives

too much vitE will cause blood thinning and may also affect blood sugar control.


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ok im convinced, it's worth a shot, so i'm going to try it, but not toco-8

taking 126mg of Tocotrienols from a supplement should be safe (i hope). since it is really only a small amount.


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and another one:

Study: Tocomin® natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex suppresses angiogenesis

August 8th, 2007 – Edison, New Jersey – Carotech Ltd, the largest and leading manufacturer of premium quality natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex (Tocomin®) and natural palm mixed carotene complex (Caromin®), is pleased to announce the publication of the latest research study on Tocomin® and its potent effect in preventing the formation of new blood vessels.

Published in the August issue of the Journal of Nutrition (137(8), 1938–1943), Japanese researchers from the Tohoku University and Nippon Medical School, Tokyo showed that natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex (in the form of Tocomin® 50%, supplied by Carotech Ltd) suppressed in vivo angiogenesis in bovine aortic endothelial cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). The researchers investigated tocotrienol’s antiangiogenic properties using two well-characterized angiogenic mouse models—the mouse dorsal air sac (DAS) assay and the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay.

In the DAS assay, dietary supplementation of 10 mg of Tocomin® 50% per day clearly and significantly prevented the increased in neovascularization by more than 40% in tumor cell-implanted mice, compared to control. Similarly, in the CAM assay, Tocomin® inhibited new blood vessel formation on the growing CAM, resulting in avascular zone. Cell-culture studies revealed tocotrienol significantly reduced fibroblast growth factor-induced proliferation, migration and tube formation in HUVEC.

The researchers found no negative effects in preexisting vessels treated with Tocomin® 50% - indicating that normal blood vessels are not affected by tocotrienols. Another interesting observation was is that the regular tocopherol (alpha tocopherol) showed no angiogenic inhibition effect, suggesting that the three double bonds in the unsaturated side chain of tocotrienol play an important factor in conferring tocotrienol its potent antiangiogenic effect.

The study was demonstrated that the angiogenic inhibitory effect of Tocomin® was associated with changes in the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K/PDK/Akt) signaling as well as apoptosis induction in the endothelial cells.
The Japanese researchers led by Dr. Kiyotaka Nagakawa concluded that tocotrienol has potential as a potent therapeutic dietary supplement for preventing angiogenic disorders especially in inhibiting tumour growth.


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i bought toco-sorb today. it will take a week or so to get to me.

i'm not too sure about the suppression of angiogenesis, isn't that a bad thing?


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After taking a drug for years to prevent hairloss and experiencing the horrendous side effect of having a crippled looking wang, I won't bat an eyelash at taking tocotrienols...

just gotta figure which supplement to get...


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my toco supp will probably cost around $14/m

sparky, i notice that you were looking to take SP.
i think sides are less likely on SP than finasteride, but they are certainly possible.
i also think that if you got sides from finasteride, then you may have increased sensitivity to other products, so be cautious about SP


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Not really ready to committ to taking Saw Palmetto just yet...There's SP in Revivogen and that's probably gonna do just as much as taking it orally...


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After checking the concentrations between Toco-Sorb and Toco-8, it seems you get slightly higher doses in a single shot with Toco-Sorb...at half the price....

I'm gonna order some the stuff today...


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I just did too..3 bottle of toco-sorb from egay.. :punk:


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If you take it on an empty stomache with oil you greatly grealy enhance the absorbtion. Google it.


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what about fish oil or flax seed extract oil??? Any links about that guys?? Cannot find sh*t.. I just know that most of the good brands Tocotrienols are made from Palm Oil trees......


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Scientific studies have identified the gamma-tocopherol form of vitamin E as being critical to human health.
Research shows that sesame lignans increase gamma-tocopherol levels in the body while reducing free radical damage.127 For example, a Swedish study showed participants who supplemented with sesame oil increased gamma-tocopherol levels 41.7% without any other sources of tocopherols.128

Sesame lignans have been shown to have the ability to lower a measure of oxidative cell membrane/DNA damage by 82%.129 The isoprostane marker measures the amount of cell membrane (also called lipid peroxidation) damage caused by free radicals.130,131 Life Extension conducted a study that showed a reduction in serum isoprostane levels after two weeks of supplementation of tocopherols with sesame. This same study also showed a 22% decrease of a marker (dityrosine) that measures deep tissue protein oxidation caused by the dangerous peroxynitrite radical.


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so the question is what form of sesame do you buy to supplement the tocotrienols??

Squeegee...have you received the toco-sorb??


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yes Sparky ,I am taking it every morning on an empty stomach. 2 everyday.. Will see what will happen! I am trying to find a good sesame oil here in Edmonton.. not the cooking one..Will take that with it. :punk:


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I would be very skeptical myself of anything that claims it helps hair through potent antioxidant activity. Anyone eating a decent diet is getting plenty of antioxidants and I can honestly say I have seen a ton of bald guys that eat very good diets. Most of the supplements just do not work when it comes to hair they are not potent enough.