found out my ex-girlfriend got married last year and feel like absolute sh*t


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she dumped me years ago, broke my heart, never got really over it, havent heard from here for years

now i sit at home with corona, nothing to do and googled her name, found her phd thesis from last year in which she thanks her f*****g husband

it hurts more then i like to admit


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she dumped me years ago, broke my heart, never got really over it, havent heard from here for years

now i sit at home with corona, nothing to do and googled her name, found her phd thesis from last year in which she thanks her f*****g husband

it hurts more then i like to admit

find a replacement

Wolf Pack

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We can't help it but it's so important to ensure you give your love and heart to someone worthy. This will take time to get over, someone you loved who educated herself further and found her match for life. Spend time on work, hobbies, family and friends for light hearted banter but also someone to talk to properly to cover all your bases and keep you occupied. Before you know it, this feeling will subside to the point where hopefully you won't recognise it in the future and just the good memories will remain. Definitely meeting another special person goes a long way. Finding "any replacement" won't really help though.


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Ah the classic racist response

‘I’m not racist because I have brown friends’
How am I racist? By saying indians and pakis are disgusting? Huh? I litteraly saw a documentary of bois selling themselves on the streets and grown indian men pay the boys for sex. I just dislike the men not the women btw.


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How am I racist? By saying indians and pakis are disgusting? Huh? I litteraly saw a documentary of bois selling themselves on the streets and grown indian men pay the boys for sex. I just dislike the men not the women btw.

you have that in every race
You are right , you are not racist , just prejudice


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i wonder how people do it who still follow their expartners on instagram

i think id develop a depression

I wont lose this

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i wonder how people do it who still follow their expartners on instagram

i think id develop a depression
I have an account that I created only for talks with my ex, after a whole year without a single word coming from each other. Last time we talked was a week ago and she only replied my "Good morning", saying nothing else after. I've been the talker ever since we got back in touch again, and she hasn't said a single word yet since her last text. I couldn't reply early that day because I was busy so I thought she would continue our conversation, but she didn't. The same day she was at a pub, according to her friend's story. It hurts to be honest, because she gave me false hopes during our talks and we even met by an unfortunate accident. She's showed herself to be really active on social media lately, something that she wasn't before our break up. The worst part of it is that you keep expecting a text or a notification from her and nothing comes. I should just accept that we weren't meant to be and that the break up occurred for this exact reason.

Still, throwing away 4 years of a romantic relationship plus the years we spent as friends only is not easy. When I was accepting our break up, I told myself multiple times that if I could turn back time, I would live that with her all over again. But now? I wish that those memories would just disappear.