Folexen: New Hair Loss Treatment based on S-Equol


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They are two different companies Jacob. The Folexen website belongs to the Australian Eclipse company.

K...that is not good...

We gotta find out if this Folexen is legit...I wanna know what the hell I putting in my body


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Hi all,

Thought I would give my perspective on folexen to date.

- I'm 33yrs old, maintaining on minoxidil and nizoral at present
- I've purchased 6 bottles of F
- They took 25 days to arrive here in London UK
- packaged up in a large brown envelope... Not outstanding but I've seen worse.
- bottle packaging is okay. I quite like it to be honest. I'm sure it's cheap but doesn't l

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Hi all,

Thought I would give my perspective on folexen to date. Long time reader, first time poster:

- I'm 33yrs old, maintaining on minoxidil and nizoral at present.
- I've purchased 6 bottles of F.
- They took 25 days to arrive here in London UK.
- packaged up in a large thick brown envelope... Not outstanding but I've seen worse.
- bottle packaging is okay. I quite like it to be honest. I'm sure it's cheap but doesn't look nasty.
- ingredients are listed on bottle - there's about 6 in total.
- caps are about 2cm by 0.75 cm and blue in colour.
- caps filled with a fine light beige powder.
- communication with the company has been very good. I've asked six questions and had responses within 24hrs each time, most recently yesterday.
- been taking it five days in quantities as recommended. No sides of any description so far.
- from my experience I would say they seem to be what they claim - a small scale start up.

It's good to be cautious and skeptical but let's not go OTT.

Will take photos and report back monthly.


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Damn... Sorry for multiple posting. An iPhone and rush hr train combo doesn't make for neat writing!


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Most recently asked them about whether it was necessary to have the caps with food as directed as it would be easier to have them before bed. They said it was fine, the with food thing was to prevent stomach upset.

Also asked them various logistic stuff and about dosage. They said "they weren't sure about where this mega-dosing thing came from" and that the 10mg per day was based on the levels of diadazen found in Japanese pop.

I realise this is my first post so hence automatically "suspect" but I wanted to give my impressions of Folexen thus far.


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I know, I know. I'd be suspicious too, but I'm not asking you to believe me, I'm just posting my experiences.... They're not all positive - packaging could be improved. It's not terrible but should be better. 25 days way too long to wait too.

To be honest I don't think it's moral to try and convince people to use a treatment, especially a new one. You'll have to come to that conclusion yourself.

But I wanted to highlight my own experiences which generally, so far have been good. Not amazing, but good.

Most important issue is "does it work?" - will have to wait and see for that one. Fingers crossed though.


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They are two different companies Jacob. The Folexen website belongs to the Australian Eclipse company.

I wonder if one or the other is stepping on some Trademark or whatever issues.

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This is ridiculous. Jacob knows what I mean :whistle:.


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K...that is not good...

We gotta find out if this Folexen is legit...I wanna know what the hell I putting in my body

Maybe it's ground up soybeans. See if you can make some milk with it :mrgreen: Are there still no ingreds listed on the labels?


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There are ingredients on the label. At least on the bottles I've got. Same list as on their website. Starch and stuff like that.

What *isn't* there is an idea of quantities but I expect they're "trace". Could work it out if you weighed a full cap, weighed an empty cap and worked out how much over 2.5g it came to... Probably a bit too much effort for me though!


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It's odd he'd say they don't know about the megadosing, when the company rep was in this thread when I was discussing it, and he interacted with some of those posts. And they modified the website to include the bulk discounts directly after discussing it with me, and yes, I was discussing mega-dosing in the same post I asked them offer bulk discounts, and I discussed it in a PM with the company rep. So, if Gee is being truthful that they said they don't know whats up with the mega-dosing, they are being dishonest.

Frankly what the levels of Daidzein in the Japanese population at large are aren't hugely relevant to which dose of equol itself is necessary to halt androgenetic alopecia. While the DHT levels have been found less than Americans, they were higher than New Zealanders in at least one study. I believe there is a dose of equol which should halt male pattern baldness. We don't know what it is. Folexen doesn't know what it is. Nobody knows what it is. Maybe long term their dose does it, maybe it doesn't. They are likely pushing the low dose due to cost reasons. If the promoted dose was higher they (1) wouldnt profit and (2) if they increased the price to still profit, then price would star getting prohibitive and fewer would buy it, and, well, see (1)


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Hi Law

I took it to mean he didn't understand/agree with mega dosing- not that he literally didn't know where it came from. It's an Aussie/British colloquialism.

Dunno about the whole Japanese thing. That's just the reply he gave on where the 10g dosing originated from. Might be true about low dose vs cost reasons. But it all depends on whether it works or not at that dosage. If it does... Then fine! If not they'd be found out pretty quickly and lose customers... Either is possible I suppose. I'm going to use as directed for 6 months and see what happens.


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There are ingredients on the label. At least on the bottles I've got. Same list as on their website. Starch and stuff like that.

What *isn't* there is an idea of quantities but I expect they're "trace". Could work it out if you weighed a full cap, weighed an empty cap and worked out how much over 2.5g it came to... Probably a bit too much effort for me though!

But it does actually now say "equol" or "s-equol" in the ingredients list on the label?


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Erm... Hold on I'll go and look...

S-equol. And another 5 ingredients listed.

Why, did it used to say something else?


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Erm... Hold on I'll go and look...

S-equol. And another 5 ingredients listed.

Why, did it used to say something else?

It used to say nothing. From another poster:
The box is a plain a translucent one with just a sticker on it with a pic of some berries? and Folexen on it. No ingredients listed. Blue capsules inside.

But just to clarify..NOW it does say, on the label on each bottle, "s-equol" in the ingredients list(not just anywhere on the bottle) followed by those 5 other ingredients?


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Yes. To clarify - NOW it does have a list of 6 ingredients one of which is S-equol on each bottle.

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Ps - under a heading entitled "ingredients".

No quantities of the ingredients separated out though.


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Well, very few supplements list the quantities of each, but usually there is SOME statement of the amount of active ingredient. The only relevant fact would be 2.5 mg s-equol per tab. My bottles DID say "2.5 mg s-equol capsules" on the label, but it had no ingred list.

It's a step in the right direction that they added an ingredient list. Should be there all along, but maybe they are simply utter and complete noobs to the supplement game. I don't know. Mixes feelings about the whole thing. Would have been curious to see if he would have delivered on the independent lab test like he said he would.


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Ask him again maybe? He's always been pretty accommodating and polite in my experience. Maybe your email just got deleted or something. I'd be v interested to know the answer if you do...!

It does seem to me like they are what they say they are - a tiny start-up. This doesn't make F safe, or effective, or good value for money... Everyone has to make their own decisions about that. But my own experience has be quite good. Not outstanding, but okay.


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Well, very few supplements list the quantities of each, but usually there is SOME statement of the amount of active ingredient. The only relevant fact would be 2.5 mg s-equol per tab. My bottles DID say "2.5 mg s-equol capsules" on the label, but it had no ingred list.

It's a step in the right direction that they added an ingredient list. Should be there all along, but maybe they are simply utter and complete noobs to the supplement game. I don't know. Mixes feelings about the whole thing. Would have been curious to see if he would have delivered on the independent lab test like he said he would.

Complete noobs making their own s-equol though...??


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A quick update looks like my acne hasn't cleared up and has started again around the back neck area after no guarding my hair.

It still appears a little better though.


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You on anything for it zeroes? My mate had terrible acne for years. Over a decade in fact. Doctor gave him antibiotics for it and it cleared up virtually overnight...