First System Today - Disappointed And Need Help (pics)


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Hi everyone

Having been battling with hairloss since I was 18, I had a transplant a few years ago. I had been very happy with the results until I stopped taking finasteride due to side effects; and most of the non transplanted hair I had left fell off.

I've been looking into getting a hair system for some time and finally went ahead with it today. I went for one of the few salons in London which I could find, feeling pretty reassured by its good reviews both here and elsewhere. I met the hairdresser for an appointment a few weeks ago and he put me very much at ease, I felt good with my choice and excited to get new hair.

Given I had a hair transplant a few years ago, I still have an ok-ish amount of hair remaining in the front, so the hairdresser suggested to place the system behind a few 1-2cm of bio hair, which would allow cause less issues with an exposed hairline, which felt like a great idea.

Fast forward to this evening, and I struggle to express my feelings. The most obvious ones which come to mind right now are disappointed and freaking out.

2 issues really jump out to me:

1) there is a clear difference in density between the bio hair and the system, it feels very unnatural, but I guess I can sort of get away with it with the right style.

2) more problematic, the membrane is clearly visible in one area. Not only is it visible, but it is SOLID WHITE. I've spent lots of time watching videos, looking at pictures and reading feedback and I've never seen this before. The hairdresser said the base is a Polyurethane PU membrane which I've never seen any look like this. This just feels... very cheap. It also seems to be already lifting a bit??

Could anyone please help me understand what might have happened here, I'm really shocked by the result.
I would also hugely appreciate advice with regards to what how I can fix this, what I should be looking to in terms of alternate base solutions and recommendations of hairdressers in London who could fix this.

Thank you so much in advance.


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I have poly on the sides and back of my pieces. It is only about an inch or so in width. I do this because of the ease of application of adhesive and cleanup. I would never, ever use poly in the front. It is too thick. I am thinking she used poly because your bio hair is sitting in front of the piece.? I am not sure why it is white, perhaps she used a white glue and a LOT of it? It should not be like that; mine is not. That is the only thing I can think of. Hopefully, someone else can chime in about this more than I can.

You should look into a lace piece, either french of swiss. I have tried both and the swiss is supposed to be much less undetectable. I have not found this to be true so I just use french.

I am really sorry this happened to you. If it is white because of the glue you can fix that yourself easily. Do you have any tape or glue?
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Wow I’m shocked to say the least, if that’s how you left the salon with the base lifted like that I would not have left until I was satisfied or refunded. You have every right to be disappointed and as it’s your first time wearing, a first time experience like this can be really discouraging I’m really sorry that this as happened to you.

It looks like from your picture that they haven’t even bothered to shave your bio hair under where the base should lie for the adhesive to take hold hence the lifting.

Also you mention your bio hair at the hairline and the system density being way off which they are. For you to keep your bio hair at the hairline the density of your system would have to be far lower I think you would look like your thinning for it to match your bio hair. If you wanted a full hair look I think you would probably be best off shaving your hairline and replacing it with a system.

I’m new to wearing a system and experiencing a few issues myself and my opinion may be way off, hopefully a advanced wearer can give you some useful replies and help you get this resolved.


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Your hairdresser need to go to jail...
I f*****g don’t get would be even easer to get a natural resultat as you have hair on the front, this hairdresser is a total jerk.
You should give to this salon a very very very bad review and even show your pictures to professionals salons like Heydecke or Lavivid, they we be able to say how your system can be readjusted.
Sorry for you..


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It's hard to say for sure just from those pictures, but I think the visibility of the base is primarily because it is not stuck down. Poly bases can be very undetectable, but they totally depend on the base being completely stuck down. If the base separates from your skin, the milky colour of the polythene film becomes very visible. That is what seems to have happened in your case, all the way around. That ought to be an easy thing to fix. As Yesmush said, the hair under the system needs to be buzzed down to zero and the system cleaned and re-applied. I can't tell you for sure that it will be a fantastic result if you do that - that depends on the quality of the base - but I think it will be functional. The colour match seems good, and the cut looks OK so far as I can tell.

I agree, the arrangement at the front hasn't really worked. Either you have to lower the density of your piece drastically, or change what you are doing. If the biohair was dense and luxuriant, so that it was camouflaging the edge of the base, it would be worth retaining it, but (you will forgive me being brutal) to me your frontal strip very clearly says "transplant", so it is just drawing unwanted attention to the whole set-up.

I would say either just use the hairline of the system, or if you want you could keep a much narrower band (about a quarter of the width of the current band). There is something to be said for having a few random hairs at the front which are 100% for certain growing out of your scalp, which can put people off the scent that the rest is a system.

I will send you a PM about other London providers.



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Thank you for the feedback / support / help everyone.

I'm going to get in touch with the stylist today to try and get thix fixed, at least temporarily until I can find a system and stylist which work better for me. I've seen so many systems which are imperceptible and this is just not working for me as it is.

From what you guys are saying it could either be the glue, the fact that it hasn't been fixed properly or simply a PU front being the wrong choice (or all 3...).

What are the alternative options to a PU front? Lace? or an ultra think skin base? Do you think this one is jsut way too thick and something thinner would work better?

Does anyone know good stylists in London who could help me with the design of a custom system?

Thank you!
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I have sent you a PM with some ideas about other providers.

It may be that your stylist thought because of the camouflage strip at the front he could get away with a more heavyweight base. Again, it's hard to say from the photos alone. I would say if you want a hairline you can expose it has to be either 3-mil thinskin or lace. They work rather differently. Thinskin is glued to your skin and it "becomes" your skin. It is translucent, and your natural skin tone shows through. It is a very effective illusion provided the base remains glued down. Lace works by hiding in plain sight. The threads of the mesh lie against your skin and just look like the tiny creases in your skin or tiny hairs. Personally I prefer lace, and I think it gives you a bit more cover in the event of mishaps, like a piece of base coming loose. As I mentioned above, skin can become visible if the base membrane comes unstuck, and occasionally a skin base can catch the light the wrong way and become shiny. Lace doesn't really have any pitfalls like that. However, that is just my personal opinion. Lots of guys swear that skin hairlines are better.



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I have seen more people here that have had a bad first experience than a good first experience. My first experience was bad and I didn't leave the house until I found a good stylist who helped cut the style to a more suitable one. Part of the problem is that we're all 'sold' this amazing solution and we expect to walk out of a salon with hair that suits perfectly and that you feed 100% comfortable with. The truth is usually far from that - even if the system is great, the psychological aspect is hard to adjust to, so we don't accept that we look OK. It's terrifying walking out of the salon for the first time: you feel everyone is looking at you and wondering what the heck is on your head.

But in reality, 90% of people don't give a damn and don't notice. 9% of people look at you and think 'something has changed' but they can't figure out what. 1% (usually other balding guys) will take an educated guess that you've had some work done - either a transplant or a hairpiece. That's life and we have to accept it and move on.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that most people won't even notice what you're showing us. Cover the base with the hair, use some fibres at the front, and go about your business until you can get it fixed.

I tell you one thing for sure: you'll learn the fastest when things go wrong and YOU have to fix them.

And look at the positive side: things can only improve from here. There is no need to wear thick PU pieces in this day and age. If you want skin then go for UTS. I wear UTS and it's a breeze. Others wear lace and swear by it - I think it is better an an exposed hairline but the maintenance isn't as easy as UTS.

I personally think it's a great idea to hide the hairpiece behind your hair. You will avoid 99% of anxiety this way and I wish I could have done this. But as the guys above have already said, cut the density of the hairpiece down drastically. On this piece try wetting it and then spraying in lots of leave-in conditioner, which will make it look thinner.... style it and see if your transplanted hair merges into the hairpiece more naturally.

I can recommend my salon/stylist if you like. They are based just out of London down the A3 motorway. Take a look at my pics if you'd like to see what a UTS can do (a good lace will be similar).

Good luck. You've got a great set of guys here who will help. Just shout.


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Your density in general is far too high. I feel like with a lower density, a good colour match and maybe a reduced density at the front even more so.. You would be good

The fitting looks bad. I've been through that myself so I can sympathise.

It's all a learning curve. And you'll get there!


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I feel sorry for you, but don't dispair, I think it is fixable.
Question, how did the stylist glue the front, or the temple where the white is??
That area is really white, much too white,...almost looks like the back portion of tape wasn't removed (if tape was used...)
It happen to me once, I had forgotten to remove the backing in the centre top of my piece, luckily I have grey hair, so it wasn't showing that much, but boy did I feel stupid once I realized I had a piece of tape backing under there..?


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I feel sorry for you, but don't dispair, I think it is fixable.
Question, how did the stylist glue the front, or the temple where the white is??
That area is really white, much too white,...almost looks like the back portion of tape wasn't removed (if tape was used...)
It happen to me once, I had forgotten to remove the backing in the centre top of my piece, luckily I have grey hair, so it wasn't showing that much, but boy did I feel stupid once I realized I had a piece of tape backing under there..?

I was thinking that, too. I have seen NO base that color.


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My first DIY hair system was a poly base, and it never turned that white. The only reason it turned white was towards the end of the week when it was time to detach and reattach. This was really caused by the glue underneath that was being solidified with my sweat. A simple wash removed that right away.


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Two points -

1) given your age and density required to match existing hair, you should go for french lace

2) the system should be placed just half a cm or cm away from hairline. The current ones is too far away placed.

Aside, you current hair system is sh*t. In these kind of systems, intervening is there means you can't see borders/edges, which isn't the case w your HS.