First Hairpiece On Saturday And I'm Nervous. What To Expect?


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I've made an appointment for getting my first hairpiece this coming Saturday in the early afternoon. The first thing I'll be doing is the initial "consultation." Can anyone tell me about what this typically involves, and what questions I should be asking? I already know the very general stuff that happens after getting a first hairpiece like feeling self-conscious, etc.

Should I go ahead and buy bonding glue, etc. before the appointment for emergency home maintenance?

I've already started receding from the front in a fairly noticeable way. Do you think it'll be possible for the stylist to imitate some of that hair loss for my first few pieces, so that it's not too noticeable?


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Where is your appointment Hairconomist? Is it a well-known chain, or a small place? Do you have an idea what type of system you will be getting?

It is possible to start with a thinning receded look, and gradually build up the coverage and density, but not all places will attempt it, hence my question above.


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Fabi of Rome in CT. Small place. European hair, but can't decide on the base. (I'm naturally sweaty, but don't want something very fragile for my first piece. I also typically cover my hairline with my hairstyle anyway, so a slightly telling hairline isn't necessarily a deal breaker. Do you know if skin bases are tolerable for sweaty guys?)

Is there any guide on emergency maintenance products to have at home you could point me to?


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If you are a generally a "sweaty" person, then lace, probably French lace is the best bet, as it lets the scalp breath. UTS does not.

You could theoretically buy a hair system that has a hairline that is further back then your ultimate goal, and thinner... to be honest, I have not heard of anyone that has done so.

As for "emergency" products. It makes no sense to buy the products before you know how your system will be bonded.

Your salon may recommend adhesive (white or clear) or tape, or a combination of tape and adhesive.

If you choose a system that is "in stock" they usually take 1-2 weeks to arrive. If you have a custom system made, in which hair samples are usually taken, as well as a template. These are sent off to the factory where that, plus the other factors that go into your hair system such as density, color distribution (if necessary) hairline, etc. This can take anywhere from 2-3 months for the first time.

Many of us chose to do home maintenance, leaving the haircuts, and cut-ins for the professionals. Based on the hair system base, and type of bond you will be doing will determine the specifics of the home maintenance, but it basically involves using something to loosen the bond, removing and cleaning the system, preparing the scalp, and re-attaching the system.

Based on that, we can advise you on what to purchase, and where.

I just had a look at Fabi of Rome's website. They don't say much about what they offer, it says something about a dermal membrane, which is fancy talk for UTS. It says nothing about lace, or any other option. And the 100% human hair. They don't say what kind.

I would be VEY careful not to just go and sign on the dotted line. I would suggest you take what they say, tell then thanks, and share it with us before you go ahead.

Best of luck, let us know what happens.



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Hi Hairconomist

There was another poster not long ago called Josh MW who had his first system done by Fabi of Rome. It was an injected skin system, so I think that is what they offer. He posted ‘before and after’ photos, and the result looked good, although in the end he didn’t keep the system. My understanding is that he just felt he was OK being bald and he couldn’t be bothered with the hassle of wearing a system: it wasn’t a reflection of the quality of the system itself. You should do a search for his pics. I suspect he may not check in here anymore. His profile says he hasn’t logged in for 5 weeks.

My expectation from looking at the Fabi website is that they offer a fairly standard product, on which they do a decent job. The person who designed and cut Josh’s system knew what they were doing, and had taste and judgement, which is important for getting a natural look. So I think you could do a lot worse as a place to start. However I think if you go there you will get a stock injected skin system which they cut down to size. They may be able to work with you to start with a lower density and a receded hairline contour, although not with the degree of subtlety that you would get with a custom made system. As Baldbearded says, if you are a sweaty guy you would be better with lace, but then again the autumn is coming, so for the next 6 months you may be OK with skin as an introduction to wearing hair, and then you can move on to a lace base for your next system, assuming you decide wearing hair is for you. There are plenty of sweaty gym-loving guys wearing skin systems, so clearly many people do find them tolerable.

I think it depends on your appetite for shopping around and waiting. If you want the very best most comfortable system and the most undetectable subtle transition which no one can spot, and you are willing to wait and do a bit more shopping around, and maybe pay a bit more money, then Fabi may not be the best choice. But if you are anxious to get started with wearing hair, and you are willing to do so on the basis that it’s a start, and you will work upwards to better things, then I think Fabi may be a decent option.

Good luck with your project, whatever way you go.



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Hi everyone,

I do remember Joshmw, and it was actually from him that I got the idea to go to Fabi of Rome. I also remember that he was going through some personal issues at the time that made him not want to bother with a hairpiece. I had that first appointment yesterday, which was the guy that was there (Fabi?) telling me about the options and what he had to offer. I paid the most attention to the $650 option that Josh also took. It's an injected skin base, and the $650 includes the piece, first bonding, and cut-in. He does not require contracts, and all his services are pay-as-you-go, which is comforting. He also said that he would be willing to start me out with a "receded" piece and gradually work to a full head of hair, and showed me an example in his portfolio of him doing so.

Since the weather is beginning to cool down where I live, I think I would be comfortable starting out with a skin base. If Josh's photos are representative of expected results from that place, I think I'd be satisfied with the quality.

However, Fabi said that most clients return for a new piece every two months, but he also said that with proper maintenance and care, it would be reasonable to stretch the lifespan of his piece out to 3 months. Does this sound about right for an injected skin piece? Would it be possible to stretch the life out for more than 3 months? He also said that clients will typically come in for a rebond every month, which I think is $95. "Emergency" appointments to rebond after unexpected detachment are only available based on what slots he happens to have open that day. He claimed that oily, sweaty skin would not be an issue for the bonding, as he has something that can "block" it and I would still only need monthly rebonding. Does all this sound about right? I have definitely heard of other guys on this board having to rebond more than once a month.

The reason I'm asking about piece lifespan is because $650 every other month, plus $95 every other month for rebonding, is just about hitting the upper limit of my current budget for a hairpiece (between that and the dicey availability of emergency appointments, I am hoping to do my own rebonding after the first few months.) I feel like I could pay for Fabi's services, but does anyone think I could get the same quality for cheaper anywhere else? I live in New England.


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Let me know if you guys have any comments on my last post!

I get 5-6 months from my lace units, and I can see no reason why you should aim for less from skin units if they are decent quality. They have to be handled carefully when they are off, not over-washed (once a week with shampoo should be enough, and just warm water the rest of the time), and you should protect the hair from sun damage by using a leave-in conditioner with a good sunscreen every day.

I think your aim in the medium term should be to educate yourself so that you can do your own maintenance and re-bonding. It's not that hard, and then you can do it more frequently. I am not convinced it is hygienic to be keeping a piece glued on for a month at a time. There is a lot of dead skin cells, old glue, body oil and sweat under the base after a month. I think the ideal from a skin hygiene perspective is around every 10 days. Having said that, monthly maintenance is normal for guys who depend on a salon. Do you think Fabi would be up for educating you how to do your own maintenance? You could initially go to him monthly and do your own mid-monthly maintenance and reattachment at day 14.

If he is resistant to that, you could practice taking your system off and putting it on the day before your appointment, in the security that if you get it wrong he will be able to re-do it for you the next day.

I'm afraid I don't have any cheaper options in your area to suggest. I think $95 is around the going rate for the US outside the big cities.



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650 sounds reasonable, I am paying 90$ for the service , 140$ for cut in (first time) I bought hairpiece online close to 200$


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@Hairconomist, take note of Noah's post above because this is important. You MUST learn how to maintain the system at home. Fortunately, skin systems are very easy to look after.

I wear a UTS and when it is new, it is in perfect condition for 2 months but then gradually wears down until it needs replacing at the 6 month mark. To make it last this long, I need to carry out some maintenance that specifically involves using a pair of small scissors (nail scissors) to cut away excess UTS where the hair has shed, at the hairline. This is a little tricky but you get better with experience.

I also carry out all of my own de/re at home, every 10 - 14 days. I use only one layer of glue each time. In summer I use a scalp protector, which is what your salon would use to 'block' sweat. Note that when I de/re, I never remove the system entirely: I lift the back half first, clean and rebond it, and then do the front half.

I go to my regular barber for a back/side hair trim every month. He charges £10.

To put this into perspective, the salon I use charges £600 for a piece (incl. fitting and cut-in), and recommends that it is replaced every 2 months. They recommend that de/re is carried out every month at a cost of £90. BUT - they are willing to talk to me about self-maintenance, and that is a key point you need to take up with Fabi.


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@Hairconomist, take note of Noah's post above because this is important. You MUST learn how to maintain the system at home. Fortunately, skin systems are very easy to look after.

I wear a UTS and when it is new, it is in perfect condition for 2 months but then gradually wears down until it needs replacing at the 6 month mark. To make it last this long, I need to carry out some maintenance that specifically involves using a pair of small scissors (nail scissors) to cut away excess UTS where the hair has shed, at the hairline. This is a little tricky but you get better with experience.

I also carry out all of my own de/re at home, every 10 - 14 days. I use only one layer of glue each time. In summer I use a scalp protector, which is what your salon would use to 'block' sweat. Note that when I de/re, I never remove the system entirely: I lift the back half first, clean and rebond it, and then do the front half.

I go to my regular barber for a back/side hair trim every month. He charges £10.

To put this into perspective, the salon I use charges £600 for a piece (incl. fitting and cut-in), and recommends that it is replaced every 2 months. They recommend that de/re is carried out every month at a cost of £90. BUT - they are willing to talk to me about self-maintenance, and that is a key point you need to take up with Fabi.

so you never remove your hair system?


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so you never remove your hair system?

Not entirely, no. Only when I go to the salon, perhaps every few months.

In between that, I always do the half/half method, so that my scalp gets cleaned and the system re-bonded, approx. every 10 days.

At first I used to do a full removal and refit (I mean at home, no salon) but this was too time consuming and the placement was always different each time I did it. With the half/half method it's much quicker and I never have to think about placement.


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Not entirely, no. Only when I go to the salon, perhaps every few months.

In between that, I always do the half/half method, so that my scalp gets cleaned and the system re-bonded, approx. every 10 days.

At first I used to do a full removal and refit (I mean at home, no salon) but this was too time consuming and the placement was always different each time I did it. With the half/half method it's much quicker and I never have to think about placement.

When does your system get cleaned, and conditioned?


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When does your system get cleaned, and conditioned?

While it is on my head :)

I wash the system once a week and I use leave-in conditioner twice daily (which helps me style it too). This process seems to work for me. I'm a low-maintenance kinda guy so I keep things simple and quick, which fortunately is easy with a skin system.

My current system is 6 months old (I'm changing it next week) and I've had to colour it once because it went from black to brown/blonde at one point.

I've never used a deep conditioning product, but this is something I'd like to try, if someone can recommend one. I'd be quite happy putting it on my hair during a "home day" and then washing it out before bedtime.


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While it is on my head :)

I wash the system once a week and I use leave-in conditioner twice daily (which helps me style it too). This process seems to work for me. I'm a low-maintenance kinda guy so I keep things simple and quick, which fortunately is easy with a skin system.

My current system is 6 months old (I'm changing it next week) and I've had to colour it once because it went from black to brown/blonde at one point.

I've never used a deep conditioning product, but this is something I'd like to try, if someone can recommend one. I'd be quite happy putting it on my hair during a "home day" and then washing it out before bedtime.

what leave in conditioner are u using right now, I am using matrix product and it makes my system looks wet so i stopped using it