Find Newsworthy Info & Get Paid For It.

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Staff member
My Regimen
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Guys -

A lot of unbelievable stuff is posted here on a weekly basis. Important news and even important interviews that nobody except you guys see, because it only gets posted here on the forums.

A few weeks later it gets squashed to page 2, then page 10, then lost, never to be seen again.

Forums are a great method for conversation. But HairLossTalk has the ability to syndicate news in an official manner that will get it out to literally tens of thousands of hair loss sufferers.

Reaching the most people is the real goal.

We are looking for people who are good at finding new, interesting news. If you bring something to us before its posted on the forums, we will compensate you for the effort, and of course give you all the street cred you deserve.

So next time you find some new, interesting news, before posting it here, shoot me a Private Message "(start a conversation)" ..... or send me an email at ^at^ We are compensating for any great new information that our users find and bring to us first.

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